
197 lines
6.6 KiB

import Lake
open System Lake DSL
package «doc-gen4»
lean_lib DocGen4
lean_exe «doc-gen4» {
root := `Main
supportInterpreter := true
require CMark from git
"" @
require UnicodeBasic from git
"" @
require Cli from git
"" @
require leanInk from git
"" @
Turns a Github git remote URL into an HTTPS Github URL.
Three link types from git supported:
TODO: This function is quite brittle and very Github specific, we can
probably do better.
def getGithubBaseUrl (gitUrl : String) : String := do
let mut url := gitUrl
if url.startsWith "git@" then
url := url.drop 15
url := url.dropRight 4
return s!"{url}"
else if url.endsWith ".git" then
return url.dropRight 4
return url
Obtain the Github URL of a project by parsing the origin remote.
def getProjectGithubUrl (directory : System.FilePath := ".") : IO String := do
match (<- IO.getEnv "GIT_ORIGIN_URL") with
| some url => return url
| none =>
let out ← IO.Process.output {
cmd := "git",
args := #["remote", "get-url", "origin"],
cwd := directory
if out.exitCode != 0 then
throw <| IO.userError <| s!"git exited with code {out.exitCode} while looking for the git remote in {directory}"
return out.stdout.trimRight
Obtain the git commit hash of the project that is currently getting analyzed.
def getProjectCommit (directory : System.FilePath := ".") : IO String := do
match (<- IO.getEnv "GIT_REVISION") with
| some rev => return rev
| none =>
let out ← IO.Process.output {
cmd := "git",
args := #["rev-parse", "HEAD"]
cwd := directory
if out.exitCode != 0 then
throw <| IO.userError <| s!"git exited with code {out.exitCode} while looking for the current commit in {directory}"
return out.stdout.trimRight
def getGitUrl (pkg : Package) (lib : LeanLibConfig) (mod : Module) : IO String := do
let baseUrl := getGithubBaseUrl (← getProjectGithubUrl pkg.dir)
let commit ← getProjectCommit pkg.dir
let parts := toString
let path := String.intercalate "/" parts
let libPath := pkg.config.srcDir / lib.srcDir
let basePath := String.intercalate "/" (libPath.components.filter (· != "."))
let url := s!"{baseUrl}/blob/{commit}/{basePath}/{path}.lean"
return url
def runPdfLatex : BuildM PUnit := do
logInfo "Converting TeX to PDF"
let some docGen4 ← findPackage? `«doc-gen4»
| error "no doc-gen4 package found in workspace"
let pdfLatex := docGen4.srcDir / ""
let srcDir := (← getWorkspace).root.srcDir
let buildDir := (← getWorkspace).root.buildDir
proc {
cmd := pdfLatex.toString
args := #[srcDir.toString, buildDir.toString]
module_facet docs (mod) : FilePath := do
let some docGen4 ← findLeanExe? `«doc-gen4»
| error "no doc-gen4 executable configuration found in workspace"
let exeJob ← docGen4.exe.fetch
let modJob ← mod.leanArts.fetch
let ws ← getWorkspace
let pkg ← ws.packages.find? (·.isLocalModule
let libConfig ← pkg.leanLibConfigs.toArray.find? (·.isLocalModule
-- Build all documentation imported modules
let imports ← mod.imports.fetch
let depDocJobs ← BuildJob.mixArray <| ← imports.mapM fun mod => fetch <| mod.facet `docs
let gitUrl ← getGitUrl pkg libConfig mod
let buildDir := ws.root.buildDir
let docFile := mod.filePath (buildDir / "doc") "html"
depDocJobs.bindAsync fun _ depDocTrace => do
exeJob.bindAsync fun exeFile exeTrace => do
modJob.bindSync fun _ modTrace => do
let depTrace := mixTraceArray #[exeTrace, modTrace, depDocTrace]
let trace ← buildFileUnlessUpToDate docFile depTrace do
logStep s!"Documenting module: {}"
proc {
cmd := exeFile.toString
args := #["single",, gitUrl]
env := ← getAugmentedEnv
return (docFile, trace)
-- TODO: technically speaking this facet does not show all file dependencies
target coreDocs : FilePath := do
let some docGen4 ← findLeanExe? `«doc-gen4»
| error "no doc-gen4 executable configuration found in workspace"
let exeJob ← docGen4.exe.fetch
let basePath := (←getWorkspace).root.buildDir / "doc"
let dataFile := basePath / "declarations" / "declaration-data-Lean.bmp"
exeJob.bindSync fun exeFile exeTrace => do
let trace ← buildFileUnlessUpToDate dataFile exeTrace do
logStep "Documenting Lean core: Init and Lean"
proc {
cmd := exeFile.toString
args := #["genCore"]
env := ← getAugmentedEnv
return (dataFile, trace)
library_facet docs (lib) : FilePath := do
let mods ← lib.modules.fetch
let moduleJobs ← BuildJob.mixArray <| ← mods.mapM (fetch <| ·.facet `docs)
let coreJob : BuildJob FilePath ← coreDocs.fetch
let exeJob ← «doc-gen4».fetch
-- Shared with DocGen4.Output
let basePath := (←getWorkspace).root.buildDir / "doc"
let dataFile := basePath / "declarations" / "declaration-data.bmp"
let staticFiles := #[
basePath / "style.css",
basePath / "declaration-data.js",
basePath / "color-scheme.js",
basePath / "nav.js",
basePath / "jump-src.js",
basePath / "expand-nav.js",
basePath / "how-about.js",
basePath / "search.js",
basePath / "mathjax-config.js",
basePath / "instances.js",
basePath / "importedBy.js",
basePath / "index.html",
basePath / "404.html",
basePath / "navbar.html",
basePath / "search.html",
basePath / "find" / "index.html",
basePath / "find" / "find.js",
basePath / "src" / "alectryon.css",
basePath / "src" / "alectryon.js",
basePath / "src" / "docutils_basic.css",
basePath / "src" / "pygments.css"
coreJob.bindAsync fun _ coreInputTrace => do
exeJob.bindAsync fun exeFile exeTrace => do
moduleJobs.bindSync fun _ inputTrace => do
let depTrace := mixTraceArray #[inputTrace, exeTrace, coreInputTrace]
let trace ← buildFileUnlessUpToDate dataFile depTrace do
logInfo "Documentation indexing"
proc {
cmd := exeFile.toString
args := #["index"]
let traces ← staticFiles.mapM computeTrace
let indexTrace := mixTraceArray traces
return (dataFile, trace.mix indexTrace)