Copyright (c) 2021 Henrik Böving. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Henrik Böving
import CMark
import DocGen4.Output.Template
import DocGen4.Output.Inductive
import DocGen4.Output.Structure
import DocGen4.Output.Class
import DocGen4.Output.Definition
import DocGen4.Output.Instance
import DocGen4.Output.ClassInductive
import Lean.Data.Xml.Parser
namespace DocGen4
namespace Output
open scoped DocGen4.Jsx
open Lean
def argToHtml (arg : Arg) : HtmlM Html := do
let (l, r, implicit) := match arg.binderInfo with
| BinderInfo.default => ("(", ")", false)
| BinderInfo.implicit => ("{", "}", true)
| BinderInfo.strictImplicit => ("⦃", "⦄", true)
| BinderInfo.instImplicit => ("[", "]", true)
-- TODO: Can this ever be reached here? What does it mean?
| BinderInfo.auxDecl => unreachable!
let mut nodes := #[Html.text s!"{l}{arg.name.toString} : "]
nodes := nodes.append (←infoFormatToHtml arg.type)
nodes := nodes.push r
let inner := Html.element "span" true #[("class", "fn")] nodes
let html := Html.element "span" false #[("class", "decl_args")] #[inner]
if implicit then
pure {html}
pure html
def structureInfoHeader (s : StructureInfo) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
let mut nodes := #[]
if s.parents.size > 0 then
nodes := nodes.push extends
let mut parents := #[]
for parent in s.parents do
let link := {parent.toString}
let inner := Html.element "span" true #[("class", "fn")] #[link]
let html:= Html.element "span" false #[("class", "decl_parent")] #[inner]
parents := parents.push html
nodes := nodes.append (parents.toList.intersperse (Html.text ", ")).toArray
pure nodes
def docInfoHeader (doc : DocInfo) : HtmlM Html := do
let mut nodes := #[]
nodes := nodes.push {doc.getKindDescription}
nodes := nodes.push
-- TODO: HTMLify the name
for arg in doc.getArgs do
nodes := nodes.push (←argToHtml arg)
-- TODO: dedup this
match doc with
| DocInfo.structureInfo i => nodes := nodes.append (←structureInfoHeader i)
| DocInfo.classInfo i => nodes := nodes.append (←structureInfoHeader i.toStructureInfo)
| _ => nodes := nodes
nodes := nodes.push :
nodes := nodes.push $ Html.element "div" true #[("class", "decl_type")] (←infoFormatToHtml doc.getType)
def docInfoToHtml (module : Name) (doc : DocInfo) : HtmlM Html := do
let docHtml ← match doc with
| DocInfo.inductiveInfo i => inductiveToHtml i
| DocInfo.structureInfo i => structureToHtml i
| DocInfo.classInfo i => classToHtml i
| DocInfo.definitionInfo i => definitionToHtml i
| DocInfo.instanceInfo i => instanceToHtml i
| DocInfo.classInductiveInfo i => classInductiveToHtml i
| _ => pure #[]
let attrs := doc.getAttrs
let attrsHtml :=
if attrs.size > 0 then
let attrStr := "@[" ++ String.intercalate ", " doc.getAttrs.toList ++ "]"
#[Html.element "div" false #[("class", "attributes")] #[attrStr]]
open Xml in
partial def addAttributes : Element → Element
| (Element.Element name attrs contents) =>
if name = "h1" ∨ name = "h2" ∨ name = "h3" ∨ name = "h4" ∨ name = "h5" ∨ name = "h6" then
let id := "".intercalate (contents.map toString).toList
|>.dropWhile (λ c => !(c.isAlphanum ∨ c = '-'))
|>.replace " " "-"
let anchorAttributes := Std.RBMap.empty
|>.insert "class" "hover-link"
|>.insert "href" s!"#{id}"
let anchor := Element.Element "a" anchorAttributes #[Content.Character "#"]
let newAttrs := attrs
|>.insert "id" id
|>.insert "class" "markdown-heading"
let newContents := contents.map (λ c => match c with
| Content.Element e => Content.Element (addAttributes e)
| _ => c)
|>.push (Content.Element anchor)
⟨ name, newAttrs, newContents⟩
let newContents := contents.map λ c => match c with
| Content.Element e => Content.Element (addAttributes e)
| _ => c
⟨ name, attrs, newContents⟩
def modDocToHtml (module : Name) (mdoc : ModuleDoc) : HtmlM Html := do
let rendered := toString
{Html.text (CMark.renderHtml mdoc.doc)}
let modified := match Lean.Xml.parse rendered with
| Except.ok parsed => toString $ addAttributes parsed
| _ => rendered
pure (Html.text modified)
def moduleMemberToHtml (module : Name) (member : ModuleMember) : HtmlM Html :=
match member with
| ModuleMember.docInfo d => docInfoToHtml module d
| ModuleMember.modDoc d => modDocToHtml module d
def declarationToNavLink (module : Name) : Html :=
-- TODO: Similar functions are used all over the place, we should dedup them
def moduleToNavLink (module : Name) : HtmlM Html := do
pure {module.toString}
def getImports (module : Name) : HtmlM (Array Name) := do
let res ← getResult
let some idx := res.moduleNames.findIdx? (. == module) | unreachable!
let adj := res.importAdj.get! idx
let mut imports := #[]
for i in [:adj.size] do
if adj.get! i then
imports := imports.push (res.moduleNames.get! i)
pure imports
def getImportedBy (module : Name) : HtmlM (Array Name) := do
let res ← getResult
let some idx := res.moduleNames.findIdx? (. == module) | unreachable!
let adj := res.importAdj
let mut impBy := #[]
for i in [:adj.size] do
if adj.get! i |>.get! idx then
impBy := impBy.push (res.moduleNames.get! i)
pure impBy
def importedByHtml (moduleName : Name) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
let imports := (←getImportedBy moduleName) |>.qsort Name.lt
imports.mapM (λ i => do pure
{←moduleToNavLink i}
def importsHtml (moduleName : Name) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
let imports := (←getImports moduleName) |>.qsort Name.lt
imports.mapM (λ i => do pure
{←moduleToNavLink i}
def internalNav (members : Array Name) (moduleName : Name) : HtmlM Html := do
def moduleToHtml (module : Module) : HtmlM Html := withReader (setCurrentName module.name) do
let docInfos ← module.members.mapM (λ i => moduleMemberToHtml module.name i)
templateExtends (baseHtmlArray module.name.toString) $ pure #[
←internalNav (module.members.filter ModuleMember.isDocInfo |>.map ModuleMember.getName) module.name,
Html.element "main" false #[] docInfos
end Output
end DocGen4