/- Copyright (c) 2021 Henrik Böving. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Henrik Böving -/ import DocGen4.Output.Template import DocGen4.Output.Inductive import DocGen4.Output.Structure import DocGen4.Output.Class import DocGen4.Output.Definition import DocGen4.Output.Instance import DocGen4.Output.ClassInductive import DocGen4.Output.DocString import Lean.Data.Xml.Parser namespace DocGen4 namespace Output open scoped DocGen4.Jsx open Lean def argToHtml (arg : Arg) : HtmlM Html := do let (l, r, implicit) := match arg.binderInfo with | BinderInfo.default => ("(", ")", false) | BinderInfo.implicit => ("{", "}", true) | BinderInfo.strictImplicit => ("⦃", "⦄", true) | BinderInfo.instImplicit => ("[", "]", true) -- TODO: Can this ever be reached here? What does it mean? | BinderInfo.auxDecl => unreachable! let mut nodes := #[Html.text s!"{l}{arg.name.toString} : "] nodes := nodes.append (←infoFormatToHtml arg.type) nodes := nodes.push r let inner := Html.element "span" true #[("class", "fn")] nodes let html := Html.element "span" false #[("class", "decl_args")] #[inner] if implicit then pure {html} else pure html def structureInfoHeader (s : StructureInfo) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do let mut nodes := #[] if s.parents.size > 0 then nodes := nodes.push extends let mut parents := #[] for parent in s.parents do let link := {parent.toString} let inner := Html.element "span" true #[("class", "fn")] #[link] let html:= Html.element "span" false #[("class", "decl_parent")] #[inner] parents := parents.push html nodes := nodes.append (parents.toList.intersperse (Html.text ", ")).toArray pure nodes def docInfoHeader (doc : DocInfo) : HtmlM Html := do let mut nodes := #[] nodes := nodes.push {doc.getKindDescription} nodes := nodes.push -- TODO: HTMLify the name {doc.getName.toString} for arg in doc.getArgs do nodes := nodes.push (←argToHtml arg) -- TODO: dedup this match doc with | DocInfo.structureInfo i => nodes := nodes.append (←structureInfoHeader i) | DocInfo.classInfo i => nodes := nodes.append (←structureInfoHeader i.toStructureInfo) | _ => nodes := nodes nodes := nodes.push : nodes := nodes.push $ Html.element "div" true #[("class", "decl_type")] (←infoFormatToHtml doc.getType) pure
def docInfoToHtml (module : Name) (doc : DocInfo) : HtmlM Html := do let docHtml ← match doc with | DocInfo.inductiveInfo i => inductiveToHtml i | DocInfo.structureInfo i => structureToHtml i | DocInfo.classInfo i => classToHtml i | DocInfo.definitionInfo i => definitionToHtml i | DocInfo.instanceInfo i => instanceToHtml i | DocInfo.classInductiveInfo i => classInductiveToHtml i | i => match i.getDocString with | some d => pure (← docStringToHtml d) | _ => pure #[] let attrs := doc.getAttrs let attrsHtml := if attrs.size > 0 then let attrStr := "@[" ++ String.intercalate ", " doc.getAttrs.toList ++ "]" #[Html.element "div" false #[("class", "attributes")] #[attrStr]] else #[] pure
[attrsHtml] {←docInfoHeader doc} [docHtml]
def modDocToHtml (module : Name) (mdoc : ModuleDoc) : HtmlM Html := do pure
[←docStringToHtml mdoc.doc]
def moduleMemberToHtml (module : Name) (member : ModuleMember) : HtmlM Html := match member with | ModuleMember.docInfo d => docInfoToHtml module d | ModuleMember.modDoc d => modDocToHtml module d def declarationToNavLink (module : Name) : Html :=
-- TODO: Similar functions are used all over the place, we should dedup them def moduleToNavLink (module : Name) : HtmlM Html := do pure {module.toString} def getImports (module : Name) : HtmlM (Array Name) := do let res ← getResult let some idx := res.moduleNames.findIdx? (. == module) | unreachable! let adj := res.importAdj.get! idx let mut imports := #[] for i in [:adj.size] do if adj.get! i then imports := imports.push (res.moduleNames.get! i) pure imports def getImportedBy (module : Name) : HtmlM (Array Name) := do let res ← getResult let some idx := res.moduleNames.findIdx? (. == module) | unreachable! let adj := res.importAdj let mut impBy := #[] for i in [:adj.size] do if adj.get! i |>.get! idx then impBy := impBy.push (res.moduleNames.get! i) pure impBy def importedByHtml (moduleName : Name) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do let imports := (←getImportedBy moduleName) |>.qsort Name.lt imports.mapM (λ i => do pure
  • {←moduleToNavLink i}
  • ) def importsHtml (moduleName : Name) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do let imports := (←getImports moduleName) |>.qsort Name.lt imports.mapM (λ i => do pure
  • {←moduleToNavLink i}
  • ) def internalNav (members : Array Name) (moduleName : Name) : HtmlM Html := do pure def moduleToHtml (module : Module) : HtmlM Html := withReader (setCurrentName module.name) do let docInfos ← module.members.mapM (λ i => moduleMemberToHtml module.name i) templateExtends (baseHtmlArray module.name.toString) $ pure #[ ←internalNav (module.members.filter ModuleMember.isDocInfo |>.map ModuleMember.getName) module.name, Html.element "main" false #[] docInfos ] end Output end DocGen4