function isSep(c) { return c === '.' || c === '_'; } function matchCaseSensitive(declName, lowerDeclName, pat) { let i = 0, j = 0, err = 0, lastMatch = 0 while (i < declName.length && j < pat.length) { if (pat[j] === declName[i] || pat[j] === lowerDeclName[i]) { err += (isSep(pat[j]) ? 0.125 : 1) * (i - lastMatch); if (pat[j] !== declName[i]) err += 0.5; lastMatch = i + 1; j++; } else if (isSep(declName[i])) { err += 0.125 * (i + 1 - lastMatch); lastMatch = i + 1; } i++; } err += 0.125 * (declName.length - lastMatch); if (j === pat.length) { return err; } } function loadDecls(searchableDataCnt) { return{name, description}) => [name, name.toLowerCase(), description.toLowerCase()]) } function getMatches(decls, pat, maxResults = 30) { const lowerPats = pat.toLowerCase().split(/\s/g); const patNoSpaces = pat.replace(/\s/g, ''); const results = []; for (const [decl, lowerDecl, lowerDoc] of decls) { let err = matchCaseSensitive(decl, lowerDecl, patNoSpaces); // match all words as substrings of docstring if (!(err < 3) && pat.length > 3 && lowerPats.every(l => lowerDoc.indexOf(l) != -1)) { err = 3; } if (err !== undefined) { results.push({decl, err}); } } return results.sort(({err: a}, {err: b}) => a - b).slice(0, maxResults); } if (typeof process === 'object') { // NodeJS const data = loadDecls(JSON.parse(require('fs').readFileSync('searchable_data.bmp').toString())); console.log(getMatches(data, process.argv[2] || 'ltltle')); }