import CMark import DocGen4.Output.Template import Lean.Data.Parsec import Unicode.General.GeneralCategory open Lean Unicode Xml Parser Parsec DocGen4.Process namespace DocGen4 namespace Output /-- Auxiliary function for `splitAround`. -/ @[specialize] partial def splitAroundAux (s : String) (p : Char → Bool) (b i : String.Pos) (r : List String) : List String := if s.atEnd i then let r := (s.extract b i)::r r.reverse else let c := s.get i if p c then let i := i splitAroundAux s p i i (c.toString::s.extract b (i-⟨1⟩)::r) else splitAroundAux s p b ( i) r /-- Similar to `String.split` in Lean core, but keeps the separater. e.g. `splitAround "a,b,c" (λ c => c = ',') = ["a", ",", "b", ",", "c"]` -/ def splitAround (s : String) (p : Char → Bool) : List String := splitAroundAux s p 0 0 [] instance : Inhabited Element := ⟨"", Lean.RBMap.empty, #[]⟩ /-- Parse an array of Xml/Html document from String. -/ def manyDocument : Parsec (Array Element) := many (prolog *> element <* many Misc) <* eof /-- Generate id for heading elements, with the following rules: 1. Characters in `letter`, `mark`, `number` and `symbol` unicode categories are preserved. 2. Any sequences of Characters in `punctuation`, `separator` and `other` categories are replaced by a single dash. 3. Cases (upper and lower) are preserved. 4. Xml/Html tags are ignored. -/ partial def xmlGetHeadingId (el : Xml.Element) : String := elementToPlainText el |> replaceCharSeq unicodeToDrop "-" where elementToPlainText el := match el with | (Element.Element _ _ contents) => "".intercalate ( contentToPlainText) contentToPlainText c := match c with | Content.Element el => elementToPlainText el | Content.Comment _ => "" | Content.Character s => s replaceCharSeq pattern replacement s := s.split pattern |>.filter (!·.isEmpty) |> replacement.intercalate unicodeToDrop (c : Char) : Bool := charInGeneralCategory c GeneralCategory.punctuation || charInGeneralCategory c GeneralCategory.separator || charInGeneralCategory c GeneralCategory.other /-- This function try to find the given name, both globally and in current module. For global search, a precise name is need. If the global search fails, the function tries to find a local one that ends with the given search name. -/ def nameToLink? (s : String) : HtmlM (Option String) := do let res ← getResult if let some name := Lean.Syntax.decodeNameLit ("`" ++ s) then -- with exactly the same name if res.name2ModIdx.contains name then declNameToLink name -- module name else if res.moduleNames.contains name then moduleNameToLink name -- find similar name in the same module else match (← getCurrentName) with | some currentName => match res.moduleInfo.find! currentName |>.members |> filterMapDocInfo |>.find? (sameEnd ·.getName name) with | some info => declNameToLink info.getName | _ => pure none | _ => pure none else pure none where -- check if two names have the same ending components sameEnd n1 n2 := n1.componentsRev n2.componentsRev |>.all λ ⟨a, b⟩ => a == b /-- Extend links with following rules: 1. if the link starts with `##`, a name search is used and will panic if not found 2. if the link starts with `#`, it's treated as id link, no modification 3. if the link starts with `http`, it's an absolute one, no modification 4. otherwise it's a relative link, extend it with base url -/ def extendLink (s : String) : HtmlM String := do -- for intra doc links if s.startsWith "##" then if let some link ← nameToLink? (s.drop 2) then pure link else panic! s!"Cannot find {s.drop 2}, only full name and abbrev in current module is supported" -- for id else if s.startsWith "#" then pure s -- for absolute and relative urls else if s.startsWith "http" then pure s else pure ((←getRoot) ++ s) /-- Add attributes for heading. -/ def addHeadingAttributes (el : Element) (modifyElement : Element → HtmlM Element) : HtmlM Element := do match el with | Element.Element name attrs contents => do let id := xmlGetHeadingId el let anchorAttributes := Lean.RBMap.empty |>.insert "class" "hover-link" |>.insert "href" s!"#{id}" let anchor := Element.Element "a" anchorAttributes #[Content.Character "#"] let newAttrs := attrs |>.insert "id" id |>.insert "class" "markdown-heading" let newContents := (← contents.mapM (λ c => match c with | Content.Element e => return Content.Element (← modifyElement e) | _ => pure c)) |>.push (Content.Character " ") |>.push (Content.Element anchor) pure ⟨ name, newAttrs, newContents⟩ /-- Extend anchor links. -/ def extendAnchor (el : Element) : HtmlM Element := do match el with | Element.Element name attrs contents => let newAttrs ← match attrs.find? "href" with | some href => pure (attrs.insert "href" (← extendLink href)) | none => pure attrs pure ⟨ name, newAttrs, contents⟩ /-- Automatically add intra documentation link for inline code span. -/ def autoLink (el : Element) : HtmlM Element := do match el with | Element.Element name attrs contents => let mut newContents := #[] for c in contents do match c with | Content.Character s => newContents := newContents ++ (← splitAround s unicodeToSplit |>.mapM linkify).join | _ => newContents := newContents.push c pure ⟨ name, attrs, newContents ⟩ where linkify s := do let link? ← nameToLink? s match link? with | some link => let attributes := Lean.RBMap.empty.insert "href" link pure [Content.Element <| Element.Element "a" attributes #[Content.Character s]] | none => let sHead := s.dropRightWhile (λ c => c ≠ '.') let sTail := s.takeRightWhile (λ c => c ≠ '.') let link'? ← nameToLink? sTail match link'? with | some link' => let attributes := Lean.RBMap.empty.insert "href" link' pure [ Content.Character sHead, Content.Element <| Element.Element "a" attributes #[Content.Character sTail] ] | none => pure [Content.Character s] unicodeToSplit (c : Char) : Bool := charInGeneralCategory c GeneralCategory.separator || charInGeneralCategory c GeneralCategory.other /-- Core function of modifying the cmark rendered docstring html. -/ partial def modifyElement (element : Element) : HtmlM Element := match element with | el@(Element.Element name attrs contents) => do -- add id and class to if name = "h1" ∨ name = "h2" ∨ name = "h3" ∨ name = "h4" ∨ name = "h5" ∨ name = "h6" then addHeadingAttributes el modifyElement -- extend relative href for else if name = "a" then extendAnchor el -- auto link for inline else if name = "code" ∧ -- don't linkify code blocks explicitly tagged with a language other than lean (((attrs.find? "class").getD "").splitOn.all (fun s => s == "language-lean" || !s.startsWith "language-")) then autoLink el -- recursively modify else let newContents ← contents.mapM λ c => match c with | Content.Element e => return Content.Element (← modifyElement e) | _ => pure c pure ⟨ name, attrs, newContents ⟩ /-- Convert docstring to Html. -/ def docStringToHtml (s : String) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do let rendered := CMark.renderHtml s match manyDocument rendered.mkIterator with | Parsec.ParseResult.success _ res => res.mapM λ x => do pure (Html.text <| toString (← modifyElement x)) | _ => pure #[Html.text rendered] end Output end DocGen4