/** * This module is a wrapper that facilitates manipulating the declaration data. * * Please see {@link DeclarationDataCenter} for more information. */ const CACHE_DB_NAME = "declaration-data"; const CACHE_DB_VERSION = 1; const CACHE_DB_KEY = "DECLARATIONS_KEY"; /** * The DeclarationDataCenter is used for declaration searching. * * For usage, see the {@link init} and {@link search} methods. */ export class DeclarationDataCenter { /** * The declaration data. Users should not interact directly with this field. * * *NOTE:* This is not made private to support legacy browsers. */ declarationData = null; /** * Used to implement the singleton, in case we need to fetch data mutiple times in the same page. */ static singleton = null; /** * Construct a DeclarationDataCenter with given data. * * Please use {@link DeclarationDataCenter.init} instead, which automates the data fetching process. * @param {*} declarationData */ constructor(declarationData) { this.declarationData = declarationData; } /** * The actual constructor of DeclarationDataCenter * @returns {Promise} */ static async init() { if (!DeclarationDataCenter.singleton) { const dataListUrl = new URL( `${SITE_ROOT}/declarations/declaration-data.bmp`, window.location ); // try to use cache first const data = await fetchCachedDeclarationData().catch(_e => null); if (data) { // if data is defined, use the cached one. DeclarationDataCenter.singleton = new DeclarationDataCenter(data); } else { // undefined. then fetch the data from the server. const dataListRes = await fetch(dataListUrl); const data = await dataListRes.json(); await cacheDeclarationData(data); DeclarationDataCenter.singleton = new DeclarationDataCenter(data); } } return DeclarationDataCenter.singleton; } /** * Search for a declaration. * @returns {Array} */ search(pattern, strict = true, maxResults=undefined) { if (!pattern) { return []; } if (strict) { let decl = this.declarationData.declarations[pattern]; return decl ? [decl] : []; } else { return getMatches(this.declarationData.declarations, pattern, maxResults); } } /** * Search for all instances of a certain typeclass * @returns {Array} */ instancesForClass(className) { const instances = this.declarationData.instances[className]; if (!instances) { return []; } else { return instances; } } /** * Search for all instances that involve a certain type * @returns {Array} */ instancesForType(typeName) { const instances = this.declarationData.instancesFor[typeName]; if (!instances) { return []; } else { return instances; } } /** * Analogous to Lean declNameToLink * @returns {String} */ declNameToLink(declName) { return this.declarationData.declarations[declName].docLink; } /** * Find all modules that imported the given one. * @returns {Array} */ moduleImportedBy(moduleName) { return this.declarationData.importedBy[moduleName]; } /** * Analogous to Lean moduleNameToLink * @returns {String} */ moduleNameToLink(moduleName) { return this.declarationData.modules[moduleName]; } } function isSeparater(char) { return char === "." || char === "_"; } // HACK: the fuzzy matching is quite hacky function matchCaseSensitive(declName, lowerDeclName, pattern) { let i = 0, j = 0, err = 0, lastMatch = 0; while (i < declName.length && j < pattern.length) { if (pattern[j] === declName[i] || pattern[j] === lowerDeclName[i]) { err += (isSeparater(pattern[j]) ? 0.125 : 1) * (i - lastMatch); if (pattern[j] !== declName[i]) err += 0.5; lastMatch = i + 1; j++; } else if (isSeparater(declName[i])) { err += 0.125 * (i + 1 - lastMatch); lastMatch = i + 1; } i++; } err += 0.125 * (declName.length - lastMatch); if (j === pattern.length) { return err; } } function getMatches(declarations, pattern, maxResults = undefined) { const lowerPats = pattern.toLowerCase().split(/\s/g); const patNoSpaces = pattern.replace(/\s/g, ""); const results = []; for (const [_, { name, doc, docLink, sourceLink, }] of Object.entries(declarations)) { const lowerName = name.toLowerCase(); const lowerDoc = doc.toLowerCase(); let err = matchCaseSensitive(name, lowerName, patNoSpaces); // match all words as substrings of docstring if ( err >= 3 && pattern.length > 3 && lowerPats.every((l) => lowerDoc.indexOf(l) != -1) ) { err = 3; } if (err !== undefined) { results.push({ name, err, lowerName, lowerDoc, docLink, sourceLink, }); } } return results.sort(({ err: a }, { err: b }) => a - b).slice(0, maxResults); } // TODO: refactor the indexedDB part to be more robust /** * Get the indexedDB database, automatically initialized. * @returns {Promise} */ async function getDeclarationDatabase() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const request = indexedDB.open(CACHE_DB_NAME, CACHE_DB_VERSION); request.onerror = function (event) { reject( new Error( `fail to open indexedDB ${CACHE_DB_NAME} of version ${CACHE_DB_VERSION}` ) ); }; request.onupgradeneeded = function (event) { let db = event.target.result; // We only need to store one object, so no key path or increment is needed. db.createObjectStore("declaration"); }; request.onsuccess = function (event) { resolve(event.target.result); }; }); } /** * Store data in indexedDB object store. * @param {Map} data */ async function cacheDeclarationData(data) { let db = await getDeclarationDatabase(); let store = db .transaction("declaration", "readwrite") .objectStore("declaration"); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let clearRequest = store.clear(); let addRequest = store.add(data, CACHE_DB_KEY); addRequest.onsuccess = function (event) { resolve(); }; addRequest.onerror = function (event) { reject(new Error(`fail to store declaration data`)); }; clearRequest.onerror = function (event) { reject(new Error("fail to clear object store")); }; }); } /** * Retrieve data from indexedDB database. * @returns {Promise|undefined>} */ async function fetchCachedDeclarationData() { let db = await getDeclarationDatabase(); let store = db .transaction("declaration", "readonly") .objectStore("declaration"); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let transactionRequest = store.get(CACHE_DB_KEY); transactionRequest.onsuccess = function (event) { resolve(event.result); }; transactionRequest.onerror = function (event) { reject(new Error(`fail to store declaration data`)); }; }); }