/- Copyright (c) 2022 Henrik Böving. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Henrik Böving -/ import Lean import DocGen4.Process.Base import DocGen4.Process.NameInfo namespace DocGen4.Process open Lean Meta -- TODO: replace with Leos variant from Zulip def dropArgs (type : Expr) (n : Nat) : (Expr × List (Name × Expr)) := match type, n with | e, 0 => (e, []) | Expr.forallE name type body _, x + 1 => let body := body.instantiate1 <| mkFVar ⟨name⟩ let next := dropArgs body x { next with snd := (name, type) :: next.snd} | _e, _x + 1 => panic! s!"No forallE left" def getFieldTypes (struct : Name) (ctor : ConstructorVal) (parents : Nat) : MetaM (Array NameInfo) := do let type := ctor.type let (fieldFunction, _) := dropArgs type (ctor.numParams + parents) let (_, fields) := dropArgs fieldFunction (ctor.numFields - parents) let mut fieldInfos := #[] for (name, type) in fields do fieldInfos := fieldInfos.push <| ←NameInfo.ofTypedName (struct.append name) type pure <| fieldInfos def StructureInfo.ofInductiveVal (v : InductiveVal) : MetaM StructureInfo := do let info ← Info.ofConstantVal v.toConstantVal let env ← getEnv let parents := getParentStructures env v.name let ctor := getStructureCtor env v.name match getStructureInfo? env v.name with | some i => if i.fieldNames.size - parents.size > 0 then pure <| StructureInfo.mk info (←getFieldTypes v.name ctor parents.size) parents (←NameInfo.ofTypedName ctor.name ctor.type) else pure <| StructureInfo.mk info #[] parents (←NameInfo.ofTypedName ctor.name ctor.type) | none => panic! s!"{v.name} is not a structure" end DocGen4.Process