var Alectryon; (function(Alectryon) { (function (slideshow) { function anchor(sentence) { return "#" +; } function current_sentence() { return slideshow.sentences[slideshow.pos]; } function unhighlight() { var sentence = current_sentence(); if (sentence) sentence.classList.remove("alectryon-target"); slideshow.pos = -1; } function highlight(sentence) { sentence.classList.add("alectryon-target"); } function scroll(sentence) { // Put the top of the current fragment close to the top of the // screen, but scroll it out of view if showing it requires pushing // the sentence past half of the screen. If sentence is already in // a reasonable position, don't move. var parent = sentence.parentElement; /* We want to scroll the whole document, so start at root… */ while (parent && !parent.classList.contains("alectryon-root")) parent = parent.parentElement; /* … and work up from there to find a scrollable element. parent.scrollHeight can be greater than parent.clientHeight without showing scrollbars, so we add a 10px buffer. */ while (parent && parent.scrollHeight <= parent.clientHeight + 10) parent = parent.parentElement; /* and elements can have their client rect overflow * the window if their height is unset, so scroll the window * instead */ if (parent && (parent.nodeName == "BODY" || parent.nodeName == "HTML")) parent = null; var rect = function(e) { return e.getBoundingClientRect(); }; var parent_box = parent ? rect(parent) : { y: 0, height: window.innerHeight }, sentence_y = rect(sentence).y - parent_box.y, fragment_y = rect(sentence.parentElement).y - parent_box.y; // The assertion below sometimes fails for the first element in a block. // console.assert(sentence_y >= fragment_y); if (sentence_y < 0.1 * parent_box.height || sentence_y > 0.7 * parent_box.height) { (parent || window).scrollBy( 0, Math.max(sentence_y - 0.5 * parent_box.height, fragment_y - 0.1 * parent_box.height)); } } function highlighted(pos) { return slideshow.pos == pos; } function navigate(pos, inhibitScroll) { unhighlight(); slideshow.pos = Math.min(Math.max(pos, 0), slideshow.sentences.length - 1); var sentence = current_sentence(); highlight(sentence); if (!inhibitScroll) scroll(sentence); } var keys = { PAGE_UP: 33, PAGE_DOWN: 34, ARROW_UP: 38, ARROW_DOWN: 40, h: 72, l: 76, p: 80, n: 78 }; function onkeydown(e) { e = e || window.event; if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) { if (e.keyCode == keys.ARROW_UP) slideshow.previous(); else if (e.keyCode == keys.ARROW_DOWN); else return; } else { // if (e.keyCode == keys.PAGE_UP || e.keyCode == keys.p || e.keyCode == keys.h) // slideshow.previous(); // else if (e.keyCode == keys.PAGE_DOWN || e.keyCode == keys.n || e.keyCode == keys.l) //; // else return; } e.preventDefault(); } function start() { slideshow.navigate(0); } function toggleHighlight(idx) { if (highlighted(idx)) unhighlight(); else navigate(idx, true); } function handleClick(evt) { if (evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey) { var sentence = evt.currentTarget; // Ensure that the goal is shown on the side, not inline var checkbox = sentence.getElementsByClassName("alectryon-toggle")[0]; if (checkbox) checkbox.checked = false; toggleHighlight(sentence.alectryon_index); evt.preventDefault(); } } function init() { document.onkeydown = onkeydown; slideshow.pos = -1; slideshow.sentences = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("alectryon-sentence")); slideshow.sentences.forEach(function (s, idx) { s.addEventListener('click', handleClick, false); s.alectryon_index = idx; }); } slideshow.start = start; slideshow.end = unhighlight; slideshow.navigate = navigate; = function() { navigate(slideshow.pos + 1); }; slideshow.previous = function() { navigate(slideshow.pos + -1); }; window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init); })(Alectryon.slideshow || (Alectryon.slideshow = {})); (function (styles) { var styleNames = ["centered", "floating", "windowed"]; function className(style) { return "alectryon-" + style; } function setStyle(style) { var root = document.getElementsByClassName("alectryon-root")[0]; styleNames.forEach(function (s) { root.classList.remove(className(s)); }); root.classList.add(className(style)); } function init() { var banner = document.getElementsByClassName("alectryon-banner")[0]; if (banner) { banner.append(" Style: "); styleNames.forEach(function (styleName, idx) { var s = styleName; var a = document.createElement("a"); a.onclick = function() { setStyle(s); }; a.append(styleName); if (idx > 0) banner.append("; "); banner.appendChild(a); }); banner.append("."); } } window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init); styles.setStyle = setStyle; })(Alectryon.styles || (Alectryon.styles = {})); })(Alectryon || (Alectryon = {}));