/- Copyright (c) 2022 Henrik Böving. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Henrik Böving -/ import Lean import DocGen4.Process.Base import DocGen4.Process.NameInfo namespace DocGen4.Process open Lean Meta Widget partial def stripArgs (e : Expr) (k : Expr → MetaM α) : MetaM α := match e.consumeMData with | Expr.forallE name type body bi => let name := name.eraseMacroScopes Meta.withLocalDecl name bi type fun fvar => do stripArgs (Expr.instantiate1 body fvar) k | _ => k e def valueToEq (v : DefinitionVal) : MetaM Expr := withLCtx {} {} do withOptions (tactic.hygienic.set . false) do lambdaTelescope v.value fun xs body => do let us := v.levelParams.map mkLevelParam let type ← mkEq (mkAppN (Lean.mkConst v.name us) xs) body let type ← mkForallFVars xs type return type def processEq (eq : Name) : MetaM CodeWithInfos := do let type ← (mkConstWithFreshMVarLevels eq >>= inferType) stripArgs type prettyPrintTerm def DefinitionInfo.ofDefinitionVal (v : DefinitionVal) : MetaM DefinitionInfo := do let info ← Info.ofConstantVal v.toConstantVal let isUnsafe := v.safety == DefinitionSafety.unsafe let isNonComputable := isNoncomputable (← getEnv) v.name try let eqs? ← getEqnsFor? v.name match eqs? with | some eqs => let equations ← eqs.mapM processEq return { toInfo := info, isUnsafe, hints := v.hints, equations, isNonComputable } | none => let equations := #[← stripArgs (← valueToEq v) prettyPrintTerm] return { toInfo := info, isUnsafe, hints := v.hints, equations, isNonComputable } catch err => IO.println s!"WARNING: Failed to calculate equational lemmata for {v.name}: {← err.toMessageData.toString}" return { toInfo := info, isUnsafe, hints := v.hints, equations := none, isNonComputable } end DocGen4.Process