perf: Don't call Lake from within doc-gen anymore
@ -5,30 +5,12 @@ Authors: Henrik Böving
import Lean
import Lake
import Lake.CLI.Main
import DocGen4.Process
import Lean.Data.HashMap
namespace DocGen4
open Lean System IO
Sets up a lake workspace for the current project. Furthermore initialize
the Lean search path with the path to the proper compiler from lean-toolchain
as well as all the dependencies.
def lakeSetup : IO (Except UInt32 Lake.Workspace) := do
let (_, leanInstall?, lakeInstall?) ← Lake.findInstall?
let config := Lake.mkLoadConfig.{0} {leanInstall?, lakeInstall?}
match ←(EIO.toIO' config) with
| .ok config =>
let ws : Lake.Workspace ← Lake.loadWorkspace config
|>.run Lake.MonadLog.eio
|>.toIO (λ _ => IO.userError "Failed to load Lake workspace")
pure <| Except.ok ws
| .error err =>
throw <| IO.userError err.toString
def envOfImports (imports : Array Name) : IO Environment := do
importModules ( ( · false)) Options.empty
@ -42,6 +24,7 @@ Load a list of modules from the current Lean search path into an `Environment`
to process for documentation.
def load (task : Process.AnalyzeTask) : IO (Process.AnalyzerResult × Hierarchy) := do
initSearchPath (← findSysroot)
let env ← envOfImports task.getLoad
let config := {
-- TODO: parameterize maxHeartbeats
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Henrik Böving
import Lean
import Lake
import DocGen4.Process
import DocGen4.Output.Base
import DocGen4.Output.Index
@ -81,19 +80,18 @@ def htmlOutputDeclarationDatas (result : AnalyzerResult) : HtmlT IO Unit := do
let jsonDecls ← Module.toJson mod
FS.writeFile (declarationsBasePath / s!"declaration-data-{}.bmp") (toJson jsonDecls).compress
def htmlOutputResults (baseConfig : SiteBaseContext) (result : AnalyzerResult) (ws : Lake.Workspace) (ink : Bool) : IO Unit := do
def htmlOutputResults (baseConfig : SiteBaseContext) (result : AnalyzerResult) (gitUrl? : Option String) (ink : Bool) : IO Unit := do
let config : SiteContext := {
result := result,
sourceLinker := ← SourceLinker.sourceLinker ws
sourceLinker := ← SourceLinker.sourceLinker gitUrl?
leanInkEnabled := ink
FS.createDirAll basePath
FS.createDirAll declarationsBasePath
-- Rendering the entire lean compiler takes time....
--let sourceSearchPath := ((←Lean.findSysroot) / "src" / "lean") :: ws.root.srcDir :: ws.leanSrcPath
let sourceSearchPath := ws.root.srcDir :: ws.leanSrcPath
let some p := (← IO.getEnv "LEAN_SRC_PATH") | throw <| IO.userError "LEAN_SRC_PATH not found in env"
let sourceSearchPath := System.SearchPath.parse p
discard <| htmlOutputDeclarationDatas result |>.run config baseConfig
@ -121,8 +119,6 @@ def getSimpleBaseContext (hierarchy : Hierarchy) : IO SiteBaseContext := do
depthToRoot := 0,
currentName := none,
projectGithubUrl := ← SourceLinker.getProjectGithubUrl
projectCommit := ← SourceLinker.getProjectCommit
def htmlOutputIndex (baseConfig : SiteBaseContext) : IO Unit := do
@ -148,9 +144,9 @@ def htmlOutputIndex (baseConfig : SiteBaseContext) : IO Unit := do
The main entrypoint for outputting the documentation HTML based on an
def htmlOutput (result : AnalyzerResult) (hierarchy : Hierarchy) (ws : Lake.Workspace) (ink : Bool) : IO Unit := do
def htmlOutput (result : AnalyzerResult) (hierarchy : Hierarchy) (gitUrl? : Option String) (ink : Bool) : IO Unit := do
let baseConfig ← getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
htmlOutputResults baseConfig result ws ink
htmlOutputResults baseConfig result gitUrl? ink
htmlOutputIndex baseConfig
end DocGen4
@ -33,14 +33,6 @@ structure SiteBaseContext where
pages that don't have a module name.
currentName : Option Name
The Github URL of the project that we are building docs for.
projectGithubUrl : String
The commit of the project that we are building docs for.
projectCommit : String
The context used in the `HtmlM` monad for HTML templating.
@ -94,8 +86,6 @@ def getCurrentName : BaseHtmlM (Option Name) := do return (← read).currentName
def getResult : HtmlM AnalyzerResult := do return (← read).result
def getSourceUrl (module : Name) (range : Option DeclarationRange): HtmlM String := do return (← read).sourceLinker module range
def leanInkEnabled? : HtmlM Bool := do return (← read).leanInkEnabled
def getProjectGithubUrl : BaseHtmlM String := do return (← read).projectGithubUrl
def getProjectCommit : BaseHtmlM String := do return (← read).projectCommit
If a template is meant to be extended because it for example only provides the
@ -4,105 +4,30 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Henrik Böving
import Lean
import Lake.Load
namespace DocGen4.Output.SourceLinker
open Lean
Turns a Github git remote URL into an HTTPS Github URL.
Three link types from git supported:
TODO: This function is quite brittle and very Github specific, we can
probably do better.
def getGithubBaseUrl (gitUrl : String) : String := do
let mut url := gitUrl
if url.startsWith "git@" then
url := url.drop 15
url := url.dropRight 4
return s!"{url}"
else if url.endsWith ".git" then
return url.dropRight 4
return url
Obtain the Github URL of a project by parsing the origin remote.
def getProjectGithubUrl (directory : System.FilePath := "." ) : IO String := do
let out ← IO.Process.output {
cmd := "git",
args := #["remote", "get-url", "origin"],
cwd := directory
if out.exitCode != 0 then
throw <| IO.userError <| s!"git exited with code {out.exitCode} while looking for the git remote in {directory}"
return out.stdout.trimRight
Obtain the git commit hash of the project that is currently getting analyzed.
def getProjectCommit (directory : System.FilePath := "." ) : IO String := do
let out ← IO.Process.output {
cmd := "git",
args := #["rev-parse", "HEAD"]
cwd := directory
if out.exitCode != 0 then
throw <| IO.userError <| s!"git exited with code {out.exitCode} while looking for the current commit in {directory}"
return out.stdout.trimRight
def modulePath (ws : Lake.Workspace) (module : Name) : Option (Lake.Package × Lake.LeanLibConfig) := do
let pkg ← ws.packages.find? (·.isLocalModule module)
let libConfig ← pkg.leanLibConfigs.toArray.find? (·.isLocalModule module)
return (pkg, libConfig)
Given a lake workspace with all the dependencies as well as the hash of the
compiler release to work with this provides a function to turn names of
declarations into (optionally positional) Github URLs.
def sourceLinker (ws : Lake.Workspace) : IO (Name → Option DeclarationRange → String) := do
let leanHash := ws.lakeEnv.lean.githash
-- Compute a map from package names to source URL
let mut gitMap := Lean.mkHashMap
let projectBaseUrl := getGithubBaseUrl (← getProjectGithubUrl)
let projectCommit ← getProjectCommit
gitMap := gitMap.insert (projectBaseUrl, projectCommit)
let manifest ← Lake.Manifest.loadOrEmpty ws.root.manifestFile
|>.run (Lake.MonadLog.eio .normal)
|>.toIO (fun _ => IO.userError "Failed to load lake manifest")
for pkg in manifest.packages do
match pkg with
| .git _ _ _ url rev .. => gitMap := gitMap.insert (getGithubBaseUrl url, rev)
| .path _ _ _ path =>
let pkgBaseUrl := getGithubBaseUrl (← getProjectGithubUrl path)
let pkgCommit ← getProjectCommit path
gitMap := gitMap.insert (pkgBaseUrl, pkgCommit)
def sourceLinker (gitUrl? : Option String) : IO (Name → Option DeclarationRange → String) := do
-- TOOD: Refactor this, we don't need to pass in the module into the returned closure
-- since we have one sourceLinker per module
return fun module range =>
let parts := Name.toString
let path := String.intercalate "/" parts
let root := module.getRoot
let leanHash := Lean.githash
let basic := if root == `Lean ∨ root == `Init then
else if root == `Lake then
match modulePath ws module with
| some (pkg, lib) =>
match gitMap.find? with
| some (baseUrl, commit) =>
let libPath := pkg.config.srcDir / lib.srcDir
let basePath := String.intercalate "/" (libPath.components.filter (· != "."))
| none => ""
| none => ""
match range with
| some range => s!"{basic}#L{range.pos.line}-L{range.endPos.line}"
@ -12,14 +12,11 @@ def getTopLevelModules (p : Parsed) : IO (List String) := do
def runSingleCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let relevantModules := #[p.positionalArg! "module" |>.as! String |> String.toName]
let res ← lakeSetup
match res with
| Except.ok ws =>
let (doc, hierarchy) ← load <| .loadAllLimitAnalysis relevantModules
let baseConfig ← getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
htmlOutputResults baseConfig doc ws (p.hasFlag "ink")
return 0
| Except.error rc => pure rc
let gitUrl := p.positionalArg! "gitUrl" |>.as! String
let (doc, hierarchy) ← load <| .loadAllLimitAnalysis relevantModules
let baseConfig ← getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
htmlOutputResults baseConfig doc (some gitUrl) (p.hasFlag "ink")
return 0
def runIndexCmd (_p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let hierarchy ← Hierarchy.fromDirectory Output.basePath
@ -28,14 +25,10 @@ def runIndexCmd (_p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
return 0
def runGenCoreCmd (_p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let res ← lakeSetup
match res with
| Except.ok ws =>
let (doc, hierarchy) ← loadCore
let baseConfig ← getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
htmlOutputResults baseConfig doc ws (ink := False)
return 0
| Except.error rc => pure rc
let (doc, hierarchy) ← loadCore
let baseConfig ← getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
htmlOutputResults baseConfig doc none (ink := False)
return 0
def runDocGenCmd (_p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
IO.println "You most likely want to use me via Lake now, check my README on Github on how to:"
@ -51,6 +44,7 @@ def singleCmd := `[Cli|
module : String; "The module to generate the HTML for. Does not have to be part of topLevelModules."
gitUrl : String; "The gitUrl as computed by the Lake facet"
def indexCmd := `[Cli|
@ -23,15 +23,78 @@ require Cli from git
require leanInk from git
"" @ "doc-gen"
Turns a Github git remote URL into an HTTPS Github URL.
Three link types from git supported:
TODO: This function is quite brittle and very Github specific, we can
probably do better.
def getGithubBaseUrl (gitUrl : String) : String := do
let mut url := gitUrl
if url.startsWith "git@" then
url := url.drop 15
url := url.dropRight 4
return s!"{url}"
else if url.endsWith ".git" then
return url.dropRight 4
return url
Obtain the Github URL of a project by parsing the origin remote.
def getProjectGithubUrl (directory : System.FilePath := "." ) : IO String := do
let out ← IO.Process.output {
cmd := "git",
args := #["remote", "get-url", "origin"],
cwd := directory
if out.exitCode != 0 then
throw <| IO.userError <| s!"git exited with code {out.exitCode} while looking for the git remote in {directory}"
return out.stdout.trimRight
Obtain the git commit hash of the project that is currently getting analyzed.
def getProjectCommit (directory : System.FilePath := "." ) : IO String := do
let out ← IO.Process.output {
cmd := "git",
args := #["rev-parse", "HEAD"]
cwd := directory
if out.exitCode != 0 then
throw <| IO.userError <| s!"git exited with code {out.exitCode} while looking for the current commit in {directory}"
return out.stdout.trimRight
def getGitUrl (pkg : Package) (lib : LeanLibConfig) (mod : Module) : IO String := do
let baseUrl := getGithubBaseUrl (← getProjectGithubUrl pkg.dir)
let commit ← getProjectCommit pkg.dir
let parts := toString
let path := String.intercalate "/" parts
let libPath := pkg.config.srcDir / lib.srcDir
let basePath := String.intercalate "/" (libPath.components.filter (· != "."))
let url := s!"{baseUrl}/blob/{commit}/{basePath}/{path}.lean"
return url
module_facet docs (mod) : FilePath := do
let some docGen4 ← findLeanExe? `«doc-gen4»
| error "no doc-gen4 executable configuration found in workspace"
let exeJob ← docGen4.exe.fetch
let modJob ← mod.leanArts.fetch
let buildDir := (← getWorkspace).root.buildDir
let ws ← getWorkspace
let pkg ← ws.packages.find? (·.isLocalModule
let libConfig ← pkg.leanLibConfigs.toArray.find? (·.isLocalModule
-- Build all documentation imported modules
let imports ← mod.imports.fetch
let depDocJobs ← BuildJob.mixArray <| ← imports.mapM fun mod => fetch <| mod.facet `docs
let gitUrl ← getGitUrl pkg libConfig mod
let buildDir := ws.root.buildDir
let docFile := mod.filePath (buildDir / "doc") "html"
depDocJobs.bindAsync fun _ depDocTrace => do
exeJob.bindAsync fun exeFile exeTrace => do
@ -41,8 +104,8 @@ module_facet docs (mod) : FilePath := do
logStep s!"Documenting module: {}"
proc {
cmd := exeFile.toString
args := #["single",]
env := #[("LEAN_PATH", (← getAugmentedLeanPath).toString)]
args := #["single",, gitUrl]
env := ← getAugmentedEnv
return (docFile, trace)
@ -59,7 +122,7 @@ target coreDocs : FilePath := do
proc {
cmd := exeFile.toString
args := #["genCore"]
env := #[("LEAN_PATH", (← getAugmentedLeanPath).toString)]
env := ← getAugmentedEnv
return (dataFile, trace)
Reference in New Issue