Merge pull request #72 from leanprover/improve-single

Improve multi stage builds.
Henrik Böving 2022-07-22 17:40:36 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit d44871c6f5
No known key found for this signature in database
22 changed files with 361 additions and 234 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import DocGen4.Output.Module
import DocGen4.Output.NotFound
import DocGen4.Output.Find
import DocGen4.Output.SourceLinker
import DocGen4.Output.ToJson
import DocGen4.LeanInk.Output
import Std.Data.HashMap
@ -21,18 +22,21 @@ open Lean IO System Output Process Std
def basePath := "." / "build" / "doc"
def srcBasePath := basePath / "src"
def declarationsBasePath := basePath / "declarations"
def htmlOutputSetup (config : SiteBaseContext) : IO Unit := do
let findBasePath := basePath / "find"
-- Base structure
FS.createDirAll basePath
FS.createDirAll (basePath / "find")
FS.createDirAll findBasePath
FS.createDirAll srcBasePath
FS.createDirAll declarationsBasePath
-- All the doc-gen static stuff
let indexHtml := index config |>.toString
let notFoundHtml := notFound config |>.toString
let navbarHtml := navbar config |>.toString
let docGenStatic := #[
("style.css", styleCss),
("declaration-data.js", declarationDataCenterJs),
@ -40,8 +44,11 @@ def htmlOutputSetup (config : SiteBaseContext) : IO Unit := do
("how-about.js", howAboutJs),
("search.js", searchJs),
("mathjax-config.js", mathjaxConfigJs),
("instances.js", instancesJs),
("importedBy.js", importedByJs),
("index.html", indexHtml),
("404.html", notFoundHtml)
("404.html", notFoundHtml),
("navbar.html", navbarHtml)
for (fileName, content) in docGenStatic do
FS.writeFile (basePath / fileName) content
@ -64,19 +71,10 @@ def htmlOutputSetup (config : SiteBaseContext) : IO Unit := do
for (fileName, content) in alectryonStatic do
FS.writeFile (srcBasePath / fileName) content
def DocInfo.toJson (module : Name) (info : DocInfo) : HtmlM Json := do
let name := info.getName.toString
let doc := info.getDocString.getD ""
let docLink ← declNameToLink info.getName
let sourceLink ← getSourceUrl module info.getDeclarationRange
pure $ Json.mkObj [("name", name), ("doc", doc), ("docLink", docLink), ("sourceLink", sourceLink)]
def Process.Module.toJson (module : Module) : HtmlM (Array Json) := do
let mut jsonDecls := #[]
for decl in filterMapDocInfo module.members do
let json ← DocInfo.toJson decl
jsonDecls := jsonDecls.push json
pure jsonDecls
def htmlOutputDeclarationDatas (result : AnalyzerResult) : HtmlT IO Unit := do
for (_, mod) in result.moduleInfo.toArray do
let jsonDecls ← Module.toJson mod
FS.writeFile (declarationsBasePath / s!"declaration-data-{}.bmp") (toJson jsonDecls).compress
def htmlOutputResults (baseConfig : SiteBaseContext) (result : AnalyzerResult) (ws : Lake.Workspace) (inkPath : Option System.FilePath) : IO Unit := do
let config : SiteContext := {
@ -86,20 +84,13 @@ def htmlOutputResults (baseConfig : SiteBaseContext) (result : AnalyzerResult) (
FS.createDirAll basePath
FS.createDirAll declarationsBasePath
-- Rendering the entire lean compiler takes time....
--let sourceSearchPath := ((←Lean.findSysroot) / "src" / "lean") :: ws.root.srcDir :: ws.leanSrcPath
let sourceSearchPath := ws.root.srcDir :: ws.leanSrcPath
let mut declMap := HashMap.empty
for (_, mod) in result.moduleInfo.toArray do
let topLevelMod :=
let jsonDecls := Module.toJson mod |>.run config baseConfig
let currentModDecls := declMap.findD topLevelMod #[]
declMap := declMap.insert topLevelMod (currentModDecls ++ jsonDecls)
for (topLevelMod, decls) in declMap.toList do
FS.writeFile (basePath / s!"declaration-data-{topLevelMod}.bmp") (Json.arr decls).compress
discard $ htmlOutputDeclarationDatas result |>.run config baseConfig
for (modName, module) in result.moduleInfo.toArray do
let fileDir := moduleNameToDirectory basePath modName
@ -129,17 +120,39 @@ def getSimpleBaseContext (hierarchy : Hierarchy) : SiteBaseContext :=
def htmlOutputFinalize (baseConfig : SiteBaseContext) : IO Unit := do
def htmlOutputIndex (baseConfig : SiteBaseContext) : IO Unit := do
htmlOutputSetup baseConfig
let mut topLevelModules := #[]
for entry in ←System.FilePath.readDir basePath do
let mut allDecls : List (String × Json) := []
let mut allInstances : HashMap String (Array String) := .empty
let mut importedBy : HashMap String (Array String) := .empty
let mut allModules : List (String × Json) := []
for entry in ←System.FilePath.readDir declarationsBasePath do
if entry.fileName.startsWith "declaration-data-" && entry.fileName.endsWith ".bmp" then
let module := entry.fileName.drop "declaration-data-".length |>.dropRight ".bmp".length
topLevelModules := topLevelModules.push (Json.str module)
let fileContent ← FS.readFile entry.path
let .ok jsonContent := Json.parse fileContent | unreachable!
let .ok (module : JsonModule) := fromJson? jsonContent | unreachable!
allModules := (, Json.str <| moduleNameToLink (String.toName |>.run baseConfig) :: allModules
allDecls := ( (λ d => (, toJson d))) ++ allDecls
for inst in module.instances do
let mut insts := allInstances.findD inst.className #[]
insts := insts.push
allInstances := allInstances.insert inst.className insts
for imp in module.imports do
let mut impBy := importedBy.findD imp #[]
impBy := impBy.push
importedBy := importedBy.insert imp impBy
let postProcessInstances := (λ(k, v) => (k, toJson v))
let postProcessImportedBy := (λ(k, v) => (k, toJson v))
let finalJson := Json.mkObj [
("declarations", Json.mkObj allDecls),
("instances", Json.mkObj postProcessInstances),
("importedBy", Json.mkObj postProcessImportedBy),
("modules", Json.mkObj allModules)
-- The root JSON for find
FS.writeFile (basePath / "declaration-data.bmp") (Json.arr topLevelModules).compress
FS.writeFile (declarationsBasePath / "declaration-data.bmp") finalJson.compress
The main entrypoint for outputting the documentation HTML based on an
@ -148,7 +161,7 @@ The main entrypoint for outputting the documentation HTML based on an
def htmlOutput (result : AnalyzerResult) (hierarchy : Hierarchy) (ws : Lake.Workspace) (inkPath : Option System.FilePath) : IO Unit := do
let baseConfig := getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
htmlOutputResults baseConfig result ws inkPath
htmlOutputFinalize baseConfig
htmlOutputIndex baseConfig
end DocGen4

View File

@ -132,6 +132,8 @@ are used in documentation generation, notably JS and CSS ones.
def navJs : String := include_str "../../static/nav.js"
def howAboutJs : String := include_str "../../static/how-about.js"
def searchJs : String := include_str "../../static/search.js"
def instancesJs : String := include_str "../../static/instances.js"
def importedByJs : String := include_str "../../static/importedBy.js"
def findJs : String := include_str "../../static/find/find.js"
def mathjaxConfigJs : String := include_str "../../static/mathjax-config.js"
@ -215,4 +217,14 @@ partial def infoFormatToHtml (i : CodeWithInfos) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
pure #[<span class="fn">[←infoFormatToHtml t]</span>]
| _ => pure #[<span class="fn">[←infoFormatToHtml t]</span>]
def baseHtmlHeadDeclarations : BaseHtmlM (Array Html) := do
pure #[
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>,
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/>,
<link rel="stylesheet" href={s!"{←getRoot}style.css"}/>,
<link rel="stylesheet" href={s!"{←getRoot}src/pygments.css"}/>,
<link rel="shortcut icon" href={s!"{←getRoot}favicon.ico"}/>,
<link rel="prefetch" href={s!"{←getRoot}/declarations/declaration-data.bmp"} as="image"/>
end DocGen4.Output

View File

@ -8,21 +8,18 @@ namespace Output
open scoped DocGen4.Jsx
open Lean
def classInstanceToHtml (name : Name) : HtmlM Html := do
pure <li>{←declNameToHtmlLink name}</li>
--def classInstanceToHtml (name : Name) : HtmlM Html := do
-- pure <li>{←declNameToHtmlLink name}</li>
def classInstancesToHtml (instances : Array Name) : HtmlM Html := do
let instancesHtml ← instances.mapM classInstanceToHtml
def classInstancesToHtml (className : Name) : HtmlM Html := do
<details «class»="instances">
<ul id={s!"instances-list-{className}"} class="instances-list"></ul>
def classToHtml (i : Process.ClassInfo) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
pure $ (←structureToHtml i.toStructureInfo)
structureToHtml i
end Output
end DocGen4

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ namespace DocGen4
namespace Output
def classInductiveToHtml (i : Process.ClassInductiveInfo) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
pure $ (←inductiveToHtml i.toInductiveInfo)
inductiveToHtml i
end Output
end DocGen4

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ def find : BaseHtmlM Html := do
<html lang="en">
<link rel="preload" href={s!"{←getRoot}declaration-data.bmp"}/>
<link rel="preload" href={s!"{←getRoot}/declarations/declaration-data.bmp"} as="image"/>
<script>{s!"const SITE_ROOT={String.quote (←getRoot)};"}</script>
<script type="module" async="true" src="./find.js"></script>

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ def docInfoHeader (doc : DocInfo) : HtmlM Html := do
match doc with
| DocInfo.structureInfo i => nodes := nodes.append (←structureInfoHeader i)
| DocInfo.classInfo i => nodes := nodes.append (←structureInfoHeader i.toStructureInfo)
| DocInfo.classInfo i => nodes := nodes.append (←structureInfoHeader i)
| _ => nodes := nodes
nodes := nodes.push <span class="decl_args">:</span>
@ -95,18 +95,18 @@ def docInfoToHtml (module : Name) (doc : DocInfo) : HtmlM Html := do
| DocInfo.structureInfo i => structureToHtml i
| DocInfo.classInfo i => classToHtml i
| DocInfo.classInductiveInfo i => classInductiveToHtml i
| i => pure #[]
| _ => pure #[]
-- rendered doc stirng
let docStringHtml ← match doc.getDocString with
| some s => docStringToHtml s
| none => pure #[]
-- extra information like equations and instances
let extraInfoHtml ← match doc with
| DocInfo.classInfo i => pure #[←classInstancesToHtml i.instances]
| DocInfo.classInfo i => pure #[←classInstancesToHtml]
| DocInfo.definitionInfo i => equationsToHtml i
| DocInfo.instanceInfo i => equationsToHtml i
| DocInfo.classInductiveInfo i => pure #[←classInstancesToHtml i.instances]
| i => pure #[]
| DocInfo.instanceInfo i => equationsToHtml i.toDefinitionInfo
| DocInfo.classInductiveInfo i => pure #[←classInstancesToHtml]
| _ => pure #[]
let attrs := doc.getAttrs
let attrsHtml :=
if attrs.size > 0 then
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ def docInfoToHtml (module : Name) (doc : DocInfo) : HtmlM Html := do
Rendering a module doc string, that is the ones with an ! after the opener
as HTML.
def modDocToHtml (module : Name) (mdoc : ModuleDoc) : HtmlM Html := do
def modDocToHtml (mdoc : ModuleDoc) : HtmlM Html := do
<div class="mod_doc">
[←docStringToHtml mdoc.doc]
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ as HTML.
def moduleMemberToHtml (module : Name) (member : ModuleMember) : HtmlM Html := do
match member with
| ModuleMember.docInfo d => docInfoToHtml module d
| ModuleMember.modDoc d => modDocToHtml module d
| ModuleMember.modDoc d => modDocToHtml d
def declarationToNavLink (module : Name) : Html :=
<div class="nav_link">
@ -168,13 +168,7 @@ Returns the list of all imports this module does.
def getImports (module : Name) : HtmlM (Array Name) := do
let res ← getResult
let some idx := res.moduleNames.findIdx? (. == module) | unreachable!
let adj := res.importAdj.get! idx
let mut imports := #[]
for i in [:adj.size] do
if adj.get! i then
imports := imports.push (res.moduleNames.get! i)
pure imports
pure $ res.moduleInfo.find! module |>.imports
Sort the list of all modules this one is importing, linkify it
@ -184,27 +178,6 @@ def importsHtml (moduleName : Name) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
let imports := (←getImports moduleName) |>.qsort
imports.mapM (λ i => do pure <li>{←moduleToHtmlLink i}</li>)
Returns a list of all modules this module is imported by.
def getImportedBy (module : Name) : HtmlM (Array Name) := do
let res ← getResult
let some idx := res.moduleNames.findIdx? (. == module) | unreachable!
let adj := res.importAdj
let mut impBy := #[]
for i in [:adj.size] do
if adj.get! i |>.get! idx then
impBy := impBy.push (res.moduleNames.get! i)
pure impBy
Sort the list of all modules this one is imported by, linkify it
and return the HTML.
def importedByHtml (moduleName : Name) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
let imports := (←getImportedBy moduleName) |>.qsort
imports.mapM (λ i => do pure <li>{←moduleToHtmlLink i}</li>)
Render the internal nav bar (the thing on the right on all module pages).
@ -222,9 +195,7 @@ def internalNav (members : Array Name) (moduleName : Name) : HtmlM Html := do
<summary>Imported by</summary>
[←importedByHtml moduleName]
<ul id={s!"imported-by-{moduleName}"} class="imported-by-list"> </ul>
[ declarationToNavLink]

View File

@ -57,21 +57,33 @@ The main entry point to rendering the navbar on the left hand side.
def navbar : BaseHtmlM Html := do
<nav class="nav">
<h3>General documentation</h3>
<div class="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}"}>index</a></div>
TODO: Add these in later
<div class="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}tactics.html"}>tactics</a></div>
<div class="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}commands.html"}>commands</a></div>
<div class="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}hole_commands.html"}>hole commands</a></div>
<div class="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}attributes.html"}>attributes</a></div>
<div class="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}notes.html"}>notes</a></div>
<div class="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}references.html"}>references</a></div>
{← moduleList}
<html lang="en">
<base target="_parent" />
<div class="navframe">
<nav class="nav">
<h3>General documentation</h3>
<div class="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}"}>index</a></div>
TODO: Add these in later
<div class="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}tactics.html"}>tactics</a></div>
<div class="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}commands.html"}>commands</a></div>
<div class="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}hole_commands.html"}>hole commands</a></div>
<div class="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}attributes.html"}>attributes</a></div>
<div class="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}notes.html"}>notes</a></div>
<div class="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}references.html"}>references</a></div>
{← moduleList}
end Output
end DocGen4

View File

@ -15,29 +15,28 @@ open scoped DocGen4.Jsx
The HTML template used for all pages.
def baseHtmlGenerator (title : String) (site : Array Html) : BaseHtmlM Html := do
let moduleConstant :=
if let some module := (←getCurrentName) then
#[<script>{s!"const MODULE_NAME={String.quote module.toString};"}</script>]
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href={s!"{←getRoot}style.css"}/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href={s!"{←getRoot}pygments.css"}/>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href={s!"{←getRoot}favicon.ico"}/>
<link rel="prefetch" href={s!"{←getRoot}declaration-data.bmp"}/>
<script defer="true" src={s!"{←getRoot}mathjax-config.js"}></script>
<script defer="true" src=""></script>
<script defer="true" src=""></script>
<script>{s!"const SITE_ROOT={String.quote (←getRoot)};"}</script>
<script type="module" src={s!"{←getRoot}nav.js"}></script>
<script type="module" src={s!"{←getRoot}search.js"}></script>
<script type="module" src={s!"{←getRoot}how-about.js"}></script>
<script type="module" src={s!"{←getRoot}instances.js"}></script>
<script type="module" src={s!"{←getRoot}importedBy.js"}></script>
@ -57,10 +56,10 @@ def baseHtmlGenerator (title : String) (site : Array Html) : BaseHtmlM Html := d
<nav class="nav">
<iframe src={s!"{←getRoot}/navbar.html"} class="navframe" frameBorder="0"></iframe>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
import Lean
import DocGen4.Process
import DocGen4.Output.Base
import Std.Data.RBMap
namespace DocGen4.Output
open Lean Std
structure JsonDeclaration where
name : String
doc : String
docLink : String
sourceLink : String
deriving FromJson, ToJson
structure JsonInstance where
name : String
className : String
deriving FromJson, ToJson
structure JsonModule where
name : String
declarations : List JsonDeclaration
instances : Array JsonInstance
imports : Array String
deriving FromJson, ToJson
def DocInfo.toJson (module : Name) (info : Process.DocInfo) : HtmlM JsonDeclaration := do
let name := info.getName.toString
let doc := info.getDocString.getD ""
let docLink ← declNameToLink info.getName
let sourceLink ← getSourceUrl module info.getDeclarationRange
pure { name, doc, docLink, sourceLink }
def Process.Module.toJson (module : Process.Module) : HtmlM Json := do
let mut jsonDecls := []
let mut instances := #[]
let declInfo := Process.filterMapDocInfo module.members
for decl in declInfo do
jsonDecls := (←DocInfo.toJson decl) :: jsonDecls
if let .instanceInfo i := decl then
instances := instances.push { name :=, className := i.instClass.toString}
let jsonMod : JsonModule := {
name :=,
declarations := jsonDecls,
instances := instances
imports := Name.toString
pure $ ToJson.toJson jsonMod
end DocGen4.Output

View File

@ -12,14 +12,9 @@ import DocGen4.Process.Base
import DocGen4.Process.Hierarchy
import DocGen4.Process.DocInfo
open Std
def HashSet.fromArray [BEq α] [Hashable α] (xs : Array α) : HashSet α :=
xs.foldr (flip .insert) .empty
namespace DocGen4.Process
open Lean Meta
open Lean Meta Std
Member of a module, either a declaration or some module doc string.
@ -41,6 +36,7 @@ structure Module where
All members of the module, sorted according to their line numbers.
members : Array ModuleMember
imports : Array Name
deriving Inhabited
@ -59,11 +55,6 @@ structure AnalyzerResult where
A map from module names to information about these modules.
moduleInfo : HashMap Name Module
An adjacency matrix for the import relation between modules, indexed
my the values in `name2ModIdx`.
importAdj : Array (Array Bool)
deriving Inhabited
namespace ModuleMember
@ -92,41 +83,29 @@ def getRelevantModules (imports : List Name) : MetaM (HashSet Name) := do
let env ← getEnv
let mut relevant := .empty
for module in env.header.moduleNames do
if module.getRoot ∈ imports then
relevant := relevant.insert module
for import in imports do
if import == module then
relevant := relevant.insert module
pure relevant
inductive AnalyzeTask where
| loadAll (load : List Name) : AnalyzeTask
| loadAllLimitAnalysis (load : List Name) (analyze : List Name) : AnalyzeTask
| loadAllLimitAnalysis (analyze : List Name) : AnalyzeTask
def AnalyzeTask.getLoad : AnalyzeTask → List Name
| loadAll load => load
| loadAllLimitAnalysis load _ => load
def AnalyzeTask.getAnalyze : AnalyzeTask → List Name
| loadAll load => load
| loadAllLimitAnalysis _ analysis => analysis
| loadAllLimitAnalysis load => load
def getAllModuleDocs (relevantModules : Array Name) : MetaM (HashMap Name Module) := do
let env ← getEnv
let mut res := mkHashMap relevantModules.size
for module in relevantModules do
let modDocs := getModuleDoc? env module |>.getD #[] |>.map .modDoc
res := res.insert module ( module modDocs)
pure res
-- TODO: This is definitely not the most efficient way to store this data
def buildImportAdjMatrix (allModules : Array Name) : MetaM (Array (Array Bool)) := do
let env ← getEnv
let mut adj := Array.mkArray allModules.size (Array.mkArray allModules.size false)
for moduleName in allModules do
let some modIdx := env.getModuleIdx? moduleName | unreachable!
let some modIdx := env.getModuleIdx? module | unreachable!
let moduleData := env.header.moduleData.get! modIdx
for imp in moduleData.imports do
let some importIdx := env.getModuleIdx? imp.module | unreachable!
adj := adj.set! modIdx (adj.get! modIdx |>.set! importIdx true)
pure adj
let imports := Import.module
res := res.insert module $ module modDocs imports
pure res
Run the doc-gen analysis on all modules that are loaded into the `Environment`
@ -136,7 +115,7 @@ def process (task : AnalyzeTask) : MetaM (AnalyzerResult × Hierarchy) := do
let env ← getEnv
let relevantModules ← match task with
| .loadAll _ => pure $ HashSet.fromArray env.header.moduleNames
| .loadAllLimitAnalysis _ analysis => getRelevantModules analysis
| .loadAllLimitAnalysis analysis => getRelevantModules analysis
let allModules := env.header.moduleNames
let mut res ← getAllModuleDocs relevantModules.toArray
@ -162,8 +141,6 @@ def process (task : AnalyzeTask) : MetaM (AnalyzerResult × Hierarchy) := do
catch e =>
IO.println s!"WARNING: Failed to obtain information for: {name}: {←e.toMessageData.toString}"
let adj ← buildImportAdjMatrix allModules
-- TODO: This could probably be faster if we did sorted insert above instead
for (moduleName, module) in res.toArray do
res := res.insert moduleName {module with members := module.members.qsort ModuleMember.order}
@ -173,7 +150,6 @@ def process (task : AnalyzeTask) : MetaM (AnalyzerResult × Hierarchy) := do
name2ModIdx := env.const2ModIdx,
moduleNames := allModules,
moduleInfo := res,
importAdj := adj
pure (analysis, hierarchy)

View File

@ -103,7 +103,9 @@ structure DefinitionInfo extends Info where
Information about an `instance` declaration.
abbrev InstanceInfo := DefinitionInfo
structure InstanceInfo extends DefinitionInfo where
instClass : Name
deriving Inhabited
Information about an `inductive` declaration
@ -137,16 +139,12 @@ structure StructureInfo extends Info where
Information about a `class` declaration.
structure ClassInfo extends StructureInfo where
instances : Array Name
deriving Inhabited
abbrev ClassInfo := StructureInfo
Information about a `class inductive` declaration.
structure ClassInductiveInfo extends InductiveInfo where
instances : Array Name
deriving Inhabited
abbrev ClassInductiveInfo := InductiveInfo
A general type for informations about declarations.

View File

@ -15,18 +15,10 @@ namespace DocGen4.Process
open Lean Meta
def getInstances (className : Name) : MetaM (Array Name) := do
let fn ← mkConstWithFreshMVarLevels className
let (xs, _, _) ← forallMetaTelescopeReducing (← inferType fn)
let insts ← SynthInstance.getInstances (mkAppN fn xs)
pure $ Expr.constName!
def ClassInfo.ofInductiveVal (v : InductiveVal) : MetaM ClassInfo := do
let sinfo ← StructureInfo.ofInductiveVal v
pure $ sinfo (←getInstances
StructureInfo.ofInductiveVal v
def ClassInductiveInfo.ofInductiveVal (v : InductiveVal) : MetaM ClassInductiveInfo := do
let info ← InductiveInfo.ofInductiveVal v
pure $ info (←getInstances
InductiveInfo.ofInductiveVal v
end DocGen4.Process

View File

@ -6,9 +6,14 @@ Authors: Henrik Böving
import Lean
import Std.Data.HashMap
open Std
def HashSet.fromArray [BEq α] [Hashable α] (xs : Array α) : HashSet α :=
xs.foldr (flip .insert) .empty
namespace DocGen4
open Lean Std Name
open Lean Name
def getNLevels (name : Name) (levels: Nat) : Name :=
let components := name.components'
@ -78,5 +83,38 @@ partial def insert! (h : Hierarchy) (n : Name) : Hierarchy := $ do
partial def fromArray (names : Array Name) : Hierarchy :=
names.foldl insert! (empty anonymous false)
def baseDirBlackList : HashSet String :=
HashSet.fromArray #[
partial def fromDirectoryAux (dir : System.FilePath) (previous : Name) : IO (Array Name) := do
let mut children := #[]
for entry in ←System.FilePath.readDir dir do
if (←entry.path.isDir) then
children := children ++ (←fromDirectoryAux entry.path (.str previous entry.fileName))
children := children.push $ .str previous (entry.fileName.dropRight ".html".length)
pure children
def fromDirectory (dir : System.FilePath) : IO Hierarchy := do
let mut children := #[]
for entry in ←System.FilePath.readDir dir do
if !baseDirBlackList.contains entry.fileName && (←entry.path.isDir) then
children := children ++ (←fromDirectoryAux entry.path (.mkSimple entry.fileName))
pure $ Hierarchy.fromArray children
end Hierarchy
end DocGen4

View File

@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ def InstanceInfo.ofDefinitionVal (v : DefinitionVal) : MetaM InstanceInfo := do
let info ← DefinitionInfo.ofDefinitionVal v
let some className := getClassName (←getEnv) v.type | unreachable!
if let some instAttr ← getDefaultInstance className then
pure { info with attrs := info.attrs.push instAttr }
pure $ { info with attrs := info.attrs.push instAttr } className
pure info
pure $ info className
end DocGen4.Process

View File

@ -21,31 +21,22 @@ def getTopLevelModules (p : Parsed) : IO (List String) := do
pure topLevelModules
def runSingleCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let topLevelModules ← getTopLevelModules p
let relevantModules := [p.positionalArg! "module" |>.as! String]
let res ← lakeSetup (relevantModules ++ topLevelModules)
let res ← lakeSetup (relevantModules)
match res with
| Except.ok ws =>
let relevantModules := Name.mkSimple
let topLevelModules := Name.mkSimple
let (doc, hierarchy) ← load (.loadAllLimitAnalysis topLevelModules relevantModules)
let relevantModules := String.toName
let (doc, hierarchy) ← load (.loadAllLimitAnalysis relevantModules)
IO.println "Outputting HTML"
let baseConfig := getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
htmlOutputResults baseConfig doc ws (←findLeanInk? p)
pure 0
| Except.error rc => pure rc
def runFinalizeCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let topLevelModules ← getTopLevelModules p
let res ← lakeSetup topLevelModules
match res with
| Except.ok _ =>
let modules := Name.mkSimple
let hierarchy ← loadInit modules
let baseConfig := getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
htmlOutputFinalize baseConfig
pure 0
| Except.error rc => pure rc
def runIndexCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let hierarchy ← Hierarchy.fromDirectory basePath
let baseConfig := getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
htmlOutputIndex baseConfig
pure 0
def runDocGenCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
@ -57,7 +48,7 @@ def runDocGenCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
match res with
| Except.ok ws =>
IO.println s!"Loading modules from: {←searchPathRef.get}"
let modules := Name.mkSimple
let modules := String.toName
let (doc, hierarchy) ← load (.loadAll modules)
IO.println "Outputting HTML"
htmlOutput doc hierarchy ws (←findLeanInk? p)
@ -73,12 +64,11 @@ def singleCmd := `[Cli|
module : String; "The module to generate the HTML for. Does not have to be part of topLevelModules."
...topLevelModules : String; "The top level modules this documentation will be for."
def finalizeCmd := `[Cli|
finalize VIA runFinalizeCmd;
"Finalize the documentation that has been generated by single."
def indexCmd := `[Cli|
index VIA runIndexCmd;
"Index the documentation that has been generated by single."
...topLevelModule : String; "The top level modules this documentation will be for."
@ -95,7 +85,7 @@ def docGenCmd : Cmd := `[Cli|
def main (args : List String) : IO UInt32 :=

View File

@ -26,22 +26,22 @@ For example `mathlib4` consists out of 4 modules, the 3 Lean compiler ones and i
- `Std`
- `Lean`
- `Mathlib`
The first build stage is to run doc-gen for all modules separately:
1. `doc-gen4 single Init Mathlib`
2. `doc-gen4 single Std Mathlib`
3. `doc-gen4 single Lean Mathlib`
4. `doc-gen4 single Mathlib Mathlib`
We have to pass the `Mathlib` top level module on each invocation here so
it can generate the navbar on the left hand side properly, it will only
generate documentation for its first argument module.
Furthermore one can use the `--ink` flag here to also generate LeanInk
documentation in addition.
1. `doc-gen4 single Init`
2. `doc-gen4 single Std`
3. `doc-gen4 single Lean`
4. `doc-gen4 single Mathlib`
The second and last stage is the finalize one which zips up some
Note that you can also just make a call to submodules so `Mathlib.Algebra`
will work standalone as well. Furthermore one can use the `--ink` flag
here to also generate LeanInk documentation in addition.
The second and last stage is the index one which zips up some
information relevant for the search:
$ doc-gen4 finalize Mathlib
$ doc-gen4 index Mathlib
Now `build/doc` should contain the same files with the same context as if one had run

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
{"version": 1,
[{"url": "",
"rev": "112b35fc348a4a18d2111ac2c6586163330b4941",
"name": "Cli"},
{"url": "",
"rev": "cb529041f71a4ea8348628a8c723326e3e4bdecc",
"name": "leanInk"},
{"url": "",
"rev": "1fb004da96aa1d1e98535951e100439a60f5b7f0",
"name": "Unicode"},
{"url": "",
"rev": "ecd37441047e490ff2ad339e16f45bb8b58591bd",
"name": "mathlib"},
{"url": "",
"rev": "a7bc6addee9fc07c0ee43d0dcb537faa41844217",
"name": "lake"},
{"url": "",
"rev": "8f17d13d3046c517f7f02062918d81bc69e45cce",
"name": "CMark"}]}

View File

@ -8,16 +8,6 @@ const CACHE_DB_NAME = "declaration-data";
async function fetchModuleData(module) {
const moduleDataUrl = new URL(
const moduleData = await fetch(moduleDataUrl);
const moduleDataJson = await moduleData.json();
return moduleDataJson;
* The DeclarationDataCenter is used for declaration searching.
@ -53,7 +43,7 @@ export class DeclarationDataCenter {
static async init() {
if (!DeclarationDataCenter.singleton) {
const dataListUrl = new URL(
@ -65,25 +55,7 @@ export class DeclarationDataCenter {
} else {
// undefined. then fetch the data from the server.
const dataListRes = await fetch(dataListUrl);
const dataListJson = await dataListRes.json();
// TODO: this is probably kind of inefficient
const dataJsonUnflattened = await Promise.all(;
const dataJson = dataJsonUnflattened.flat();
// the data is a map of name (original case) to declaration data.
const data = new Map({ name, doc, docLink, sourceLink }) => [
lowerName: name.toLowerCase(),
lowerDoc: doc.toLowerCase(),
const data = await dataListRes.json();
await cacheDeclarationData(data);
DeclarationDataCenter.singleton = new DeclarationDataCenter(data);
@ -100,12 +72,49 @@ export class DeclarationDataCenter {
return [];
if (strict) {
let decl = this.declarationData.get(pattern);
let decl = this.declarationData.declarations[pattern];
return decl ? [decl] : [];
} else {
return getMatches(this.declarationData, pattern);
return getMatches(this.declarationData.declarations, pattern);
* Search for all instances of a certain typeclass
* @returns {Array<String>}
instancesForClass(className) {
const instances = this.declarationData.instances[className];
if (!instances) {
return [];
} else {
return instances;
* Analogous to Lean declNameToLink
* @returns {String}
declNameToLink(declName) {
return this.declarationData.declarations[declName].docLink;
* Find all modules that imported the given one.
* @returns {Array<String>}
moduleImportedBy(moduleName) {
return this.declarationData.importedBy[moduleName];
* Analogous to Lean moduleNameToLink
* @returns {String}
moduleNameToLink(moduleName) {
return this.declarationData.modules[moduleName];
function isSeparater(char) {
@ -141,13 +150,14 @@ function getMatches(declarations, pattern, maxResults = 30) {
const lowerPats = pattern.toLowerCase().split(/\s/g);
const patNoSpaces = pattern.replace(/\s/g, "");
const results = [];
for (const {
for (const [_, {
} of declarations.values()) {
}] of Object.entries(declarations)) {
const lowerName = name.toLowerCase();
const lowerDoc = doc.toLowerCase();
let err = matchCaseSensitive(name, lowerName, patNoSpaces);
// match all words as substrings of docstring
if (

static/importedBy.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import { DeclarationDataCenter } from "./declaration-data.js";
async function fillImportedBy() {
const dataCenter = await DeclarationDataCenter.init();
const moduleName = MODULE_NAME;
const importedByList = document.querySelector(".imported-by-list");
const importedBy = dataCenter.moduleImportedBy(moduleName);
var innerHTML = "";
for(var module of importedBy) {
const moduleLink = dataCenter.moduleNameToLink(module);
innerHTML += `<li><a href="${SITE_ROOT}${moduleLink}">${module}</a></li>`
importedByList.innerHTML = innerHTML;

static/instances.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import { DeclarationDataCenter } from "./declaration-data.js";
async function annotateInstances() {
const dataCenter = await DeclarationDataCenter.init();
const instanceLists = [...(document.querySelectorAll(".instances-list"))];
for (const instanceList of instanceLists) {
const className ="instances-list-".length);
const instances = dataCenter.instancesForClass(className);
var innerHTML = "";
for(var instance of instances) {
const instanceLink = dataCenter.declNameToLink(instance);
innerHTML += `<li><a href="${SITE_ROOT}${instanceLink}">${instance}</a></li>`
instanceList.innerHTML = innerHTML;

View File

@ -257,6 +257,11 @@ nav {
text-indent: -2ex; padding-left: 2ex;
.navframe {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
.internal_nav .imports {
margin-bottom: 1rem;
@ -303,6 +308,10 @@ nav {
overflow-wrap: break-word;
.navframe {
--header-height: 0;
.decl > div, .mod_doc {
padding-left: 8px;
padding-right: 8px;