Add nameext to distinguish PDF and HTML files.
@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ def templateExtends {α β} {m} [Bind m] (base : α → m β) (new : m α) : m
def templateLiftExtends {α β} {m n} [Bind m] [MonadLift n m] (base : α → n β) (new : m α) : m β :=
new >>= (monadLift ∘ base)
Returns the doc-gen4 link to a module name.
@ -104,6 +105,13 @@ def moduleNameToLink (n : Name) : BaseHtmlM String := do
let parts := Name.toString
return (← getRoot) ++ (parts.intersperse "/").foldl (· ++ ·) "" ++ ".html"
Returns the doc-gen4 link to a module `NameExt`.
def moduleNameExtToLink (n : NameExt) : BaseHtmlM String := do
let parts := Name.toString
return (← getRoot) ++ (parts.intersperse "/").foldl (· ++ ·) "" ++ "." ++ n.ext.toString
Returns the HTML doc-gen4 link to a module name.
@ -13,9 +13,14 @@ namespace Output
open Lean
open scoped DocGen4.Jsx
def moduleListFile (file : Name) : BaseHtmlM Html := do
return <div class={if (← getCurrentName) == file then "nav_link visible" else "nav_link"}>
<a href={← moduleNameToLink file}>{file.getString!}</a>
def moduleListFile (file : NameExt) : BaseHtmlM Html := do
let contents :=
if file.ext == .pdf then
<span>{s!"🗎 {file.getString!} (<a class=\"pdf\" target=\"_blank\" href={← moduleNameExtToLink file}>pdf</a>)"}</span>
<a href={← moduleNameExtToLink file}>{file.getString!}</a>
return <div class={if (← getCurrentName) == then "nav_link visible" else "nav_link"}>
@ -23,11 +28,14 @@ Build the HTML tree representing the module hierarchy.
partial def moduleListDir (h : Hierarchy) : BaseHtmlM Html := do
let children := ( Prod.snd)
let dirs := children.filter (fun c => c.getChildren.toList.length != 0)
let files := children.filter (fun c => Hierarchy.isFile c && c.getChildren.toList.length = 0)
|>.map Hierarchy.getName
let dirNodes ← dirs.mapM moduleListDir
let fileNodes ← files.mapM moduleListFile
let nodes ← children.mapM (fun c =>
if c.getChildren.toList.length != 0 then
moduleListDir c
else if Hierarchy.isFile c && c.getChildren.toList.length = 0 then
moduleListFile (Hierarchy.getNameExt c)
pure ""
let moduleLink ← moduleNameToLink h.getName
let summary :=
if h.isFile then
@ -38,8 +46,7 @@ partial def moduleListDir (h : Hierarchy) : BaseHtmlM Html := do
<details class="nav_sect" "data-path"={moduleLink} [if (← getCurrentName).any (h.getName.isPrefixOf ·) then #[("open", "")] else #[]]>
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import DocGen4.Process.DocInfo
import DocGen4.Process.Hierarchy
import DocGen4.Process.InductiveInfo
import DocGen4.Process.InstanceInfo
import DocGen4.Process.NameExt
import DocGen4.Process.NameInfo
import DocGen4.Process.OpaqueInfo
import DocGen4.Process.StructureInfo
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ Authors: Henrik Böving
import Lean
import Lean.Data.HashMap
import DocGen4.Process.NameExt
def Lean.HashSet.fromArray [BEq α] [Hashable α] (xs : Array α) : Lean.HashSet α :=
xs.foldr (flip .insert) .empty
@ -18,35 +20,38 @@ def getNLevels (name : Name) (levels: Nat) : Name :=
(components.drop (components.length - levels)).reverse.foldl (· ++ ·) Name.anonymous
inductive Hierarchy where
| node (name : Name) (isFile : Bool) (children : RBNode Name (fun _ => Hierarchy)) : Hierarchy
| node (name : NameExt) (isFile : Bool) (children : RBNode NameExt (fun _ => Hierarchy)) : Hierarchy
instance : Inhabited Hierarchy := ⟨Hierarchy.node Name.anonymous false RBNode.leaf⟩
instance : Inhabited Hierarchy := ⟨Hierarchy.node ⟨anonymous, .html⟩ false RBNode.leaf⟩
abbrev HierarchyMap := RBNode Name (fun _ => Hierarchy)
abbrev HierarchyMap := RBNode NameExt (fun _ => Hierarchy)
-- Everything in this namespace is adapted from stdlib's RBNode
namespace HierarchyMap
def toList : HierarchyMap → List (Name × Hierarchy)
def toList : HierarchyMap → List (NameExt × Hierarchy)
| t => t.revFold (fun ps k v => (k, v)::ps) []
def toArray : HierarchyMap → Array (Name × Hierarchy)
def toArray : HierarchyMap → Array (NameExt × Hierarchy)
| t => t.fold (fun ps k v => ps ++ #[(k, v)] ) #[]
def hForIn [Monad m] (t : HierarchyMap) (init : σ) (f : (Name × Hierarchy) → σ → m (ForInStep σ)) : m σ :=
def hForIn [Monad m] (t : HierarchyMap) (init : σ) (f : (NameExt × Hierarchy) → σ → m (ForInStep σ)) : m σ :=
t.forIn init (fun a b acc => f (a, b) acc)
instance : ForIn m HierarchyMap (Name × Hierarchy) where
instance : ForIn m HierarchyMap (NameExt × Hierarchy) where
forIn := HierarchyMap.hForIn
end HierarchyMap
namespace Hierarchy
def empty (n : Name) (isFile : Bool) : Hierarchy :=
def empty (n : NameExt) (isFile : Bool) : Hierarchy :=
node n isFile RBNode.leaf
def getName : Hierarchy → Name
| node n _ _ =>
def getNameExt : Hierarchy → NameExt
| node n _ _ => n
def getChildren : Hierarchy → HierarchyMap
@ -55,31 +60,34 @@ def getChildren : Hierarchy → HierarchyMap
def isFile : Hierarchy → Bool
| node _ f _ => f
partial def insert! (h : Hierarchy) (n : Name) : Hierarchy := do
let hn := h.getName
partial def insert! (h : Hierarchy) (n : NameExt) : Hierarchy := do
let hn := h.getNameExt
let mut cs := h.getChildren
if getNumParts hn + 1 == getNumParts n then
match cs.find Name.cmp n with
if getNumParts + 1 == getNumParts then
match cs.find NameExt.cmp n with
| none =>
node hn h.isFile (cs.insert Name.cmp n <| empty n true)
node hn h.isFile (cs.insert NameExt.cmp n <| empty n true)
| some (node _ true _) => h
| some (node _ false ccs) =>
cs := cs.erase Name.cmp n
node hn h.isFile (cs.insert Name.cmp n <| node n true ccs)
cs := cs.erase NameExt.cmp n
node hn h.isFile (cs.insert NameExt.cmp n <| node n true ccs)
let leveledName := getNLevels n (getNumParts hn + 1)
match cs.find Name.cmp leveledName with
let leveledName := ⟨getNLevels (getNumParts + 1), .html⟩
match cs.find NameExt.cmp leveledName with
| some nextLevel =>
cs := cs.erase Name.cmp leveledName
cs := cs.erase NameExt.cmp leveledName
-- BUG?
node hn h.isFile <| cs.insert Name.cmp leveledName (nextLevel.insert! n)
node hn h.isFile <| cs.insert NameExt.cmp leveledName (nextLevel.insert! n)
| none =>
let child := (insert! (empty leveledName false) n)
node hn h.isFile <| cs.insert Name.cmp leveledName child
node hn h.isFile <| cs.insert NameExt.cmp leveledName child
partial def fromArray (names : Array Name) : Hierarchy :=
names.foldl insert! (empty anonymous false)
( (fun n => n .html)).foldl insert! (empty ⟨anonymous, .html⟩ false)
partial def fromArrayExt (names : Array NameExt) : Hierarchy :=
names.foldl insert! (empty ⟨anonymous, .html⟩ false)
def baseDirBlackList : HashSet String :=
HashSet.fromArray #[
@ -102,13 +110,15 @@ def baseDirBlackList : HashSet String :=
partial def fromDirectoryAux (dir : System.FilePath) (previous : Name) : IO (Array Name) := do
partial def fromDirectoryAux (dir : System.FilePath) (previous : Name) : IO (Array NameExt) := do
let mut children := #[]
for entry in ← System.FilePath.readDir dir do
if ← entry.path.isDir then
children := children ++ (← fromDirectoryAux entry.path (.str previous entry.fileName))
else if entry.path.extension = some "html" then
children := children.push <| .str previous (entry.fileName.dropRight ".html".length)
children := children.push <| ⟨.str previous (entry.fileName.dropRight ".html".length), .html⟩
else if entry.path.extension = some "pdf" then
children := children.push <| ⟨.str previous (entry.fileName.dropRight ".pdf".length), .pdf⟩
return children
def fromDirectory (dir : System.FilePath) : IO Hierarchy := do
@ -119,8 +129,10 @@ def fromDirectory (dir : System.FilePath) : IO Hierarchy := do
else if ← entry.path.isDir then
children := children ++ (← fromDirectoryAux entry.path (.mkSimple entry.fileName))
else if entry.path.extension = some "html" then
children := children.push <| .mkSimple (entry.fileName.dropRight ".html".length)
return Hierarchy.fromArray children
children := children.push <| ⟨.mkSimple (entry.fileName.dropRight ".html".length), .html⟩
else if entry.path.extension = some "pdf" then
children := children.push <| ⟨.mkSimple (entry.fileName.dropRight ".pdf".length), .pdf⟩
return Hierarchy.fromArrayExt children
end Hierarchy
end DocGen4
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
A generalization of `Lean.Name` that includes a file extension.
import Lean
open Lean Name
inductive Extension where
| html
| pdf
deriving Repr
namespace Extension
def cmp : Extension → Extension → Ordering
| html, html => Ordering.eq
| html, _ =>
| pdf, pdf => Ordering.eq
| pdf, _ =>
instance : BEq Extension where
beq e1 e2 :=
match cmp e1 e2 with
| Ordering.eq => true
| _ => false
def toString : Extension → String
| html => "html"
| pdf => "pdf"
end Extension
structure NameExt where
name : Name
ext : Extension
namespace NameExt
def cmp (n₁ n₂ : NameExt) : Ordering :=
match Name.cmp n₁.name n₂.name with
| Ordering.eq => Extension.cmp n₁.ext n₂.ext
| ord => ord
def getString! : NameExt → String
| ⟨str _ s, _⟩ => s
| _ => unreachable!
end NameExt
Reference in New Issue