Merge pull request #24 from gebner/navbarheaders

fix: do not show top-level modules twice in navbar
Henrik Böving 2022-01-20 20:18:41 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit b1abc677a0
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 70 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ def ctorToHtml (i : NameInfo) : HtmlM Html := do
let name :=
return <li «class»="constructor" id={name}>{shortName} : [←infoFormatToHtml i.type]</li>
def inductiveToHtml (i : InductiveInfo) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
#[Html.element "ul" false #[("class", "constructors")] (←i.ctors.toArray.mapM ctorToHtml)]
def inductiveToHtml (i : InductiveInfo) : HtmlM (Array Html) :=
return #[<ul "class"="constructors">[← i.ctors.toArray.mapM ctorToHtml]</ul>]
end Output
end DocGen4

View File

@ -13,16 +13,10 @@ namespace Output
open Lean
open scoped DocGen4.Jsx
def moduleListFile (file : Name) : HtmlM Html := do
let attributes := match ←getCurrentName with
| some name =>
if file == name then
#[("class", "nav_link"), ("visible", "")]
#[("class", "nav_link")]
| none => #[("class", "nav_link")]
let nodes := #[<a href={s!"{←moduleNameToLink file}"}>{file.toString}</a>]
return Html.element "div" false attributes nodes
def moduleListFile (file : Name) : HtmlM Html :=
return <div "class"="nav_link" [if (← getCurrentName) == file then #[("visible", "")] else #[]]>
<a href={← moduleNameToLink file}>{file.toString}</a>
partial def moduleListDir (h : Hierarchy) : HtmlM Html := do
let children := ( Prod.snd)
@ -31,24 +25,19 @@ partial def moduleListDir (h : Hierarchy) : HtmlM Html := do
let dirNodes ← (dirs.mapM moduleListDir)
let fileNodes ← (files.mapM moduleListFile)
let moduleLink ← moduleNameToLink h.getName
let attributes := match ←getCurrentName with
| some name =>
if h.getName.isPrefixOf name then
#[("class", "nav_sect"), ("data-path", moduleLink), ("open", "")]
#[("class", "nav_sect"), ("data-path", moduleLink)]
| none =>
#[("class", "nav_sect"), ("data-path", moduleLink)]
let nodes := #[<summary>{h.getName.toString}</summary>] ++ dirNodes ++ fileNodes
return Html.element "details" false attributes nodes
return <details "class"="nav_sect" "data-path"={moduleLink}
[if (← getCurrentName).any (h.getName.isPrefixOf ·) then #[("open", "")] else #[]]>
def moduleList : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
def moduleList : HtmlM Html := do
let hierarchy := (←getResult).hierarchy
let mut list := Array.empty
for (n, cs) in hierarchy.getChildren do
list := list.push <h4>{n.toString}</h4>
list := list.push $ ←moduleListDir cs
return <div "class"="module_list">[list]</div>
def navbar : HtmlM Html := do
<nav «class»="nav">
@ -64,7 +53,7 @@ def navbar : HtmlM Html := do
<div «class»="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}references.html"}>references</a></div>
{← moduleList}
end Output

View File

@ -53,9 +53,6 @@ open Parser PrettyPrinter
declare_syntax_cat jsxElement
declare_syntax_cat jsxChild
def jsxAttrVal : Parser := strLit <|> group ("{" >> termParser >> "}")
def jsxAttr : Parser := ident >> "=" >> jsxAttrVal
-- JSXTextCharacter : SourceCharacter but not one of {, <, > or }
def jsxText : Parser :=
withAntiquot (mkAntiquot "jsxText" `jsxText) {
@ -67,41 +64,57 @@ def jsxText : Parser :=
@[combinatorFormatter DocGen4.Jsx.jsxText] def jsxText.formatter : Formatter := pure ()
@[combinatorParenthesizer DocGen4.Jsx.jsxText] def jsxText.parenthesizer : Parenthesizer := pure ()
scoped syntax "<" ident jsxAttr* "/>" : jsxElement
scoped syntax "<" ident jsxAttr* ">" jsxChild* "</" ident ">" : jsxElement
syntax jsxAttrName := ident <|> strLit
syntax jsxAttrVal := strLit <|> group("{" term "}")
syntax jsxSimpleAttr := jsxAttrName "=" jsxAttrVal
syntax jsxAttrSpread := "[" term "]"
syntax jsxAttr := jsxSimpleAttr <|> jsxAttrSpread
scoped syntax jsxText : jsxChild
scoped syntax "{" term "}" : jsxChild
scoped syntax "[" term "]" : jsxChild
scoped syntax jsxElement : jsxChild
syntax "<" ident jsxAttr* "/>" : jsxElement
syntax "<" ident jsxAttr* ">" jsxChild* "</" ident ">" : jsxElement
syntax jsxText : jsxChild
syntax "{" term "}" : jsxChild
syntax "[" term "]" : jsxChild
syntax jsxElement : jsxChild
scoped syntax:max jsxElement : term
def translateAttrs (attrs : Array Syntax) : MacroM Syntax := do
let mut as ← `(#[])
for attr in attrs do
as ← match attr with
| `(jsxAttr| $n:jsxAttrName=$v:jsxAttrVal) =>
let n ← match n with
| `(jsxAttrName| $n:strLit) => n
| `(jsxAttrName| $n:ident) => quote (toString n.getId)
| _ => Macro.throwUnsupported
let v ← match v with
| `(jsxAttrVal| {$v}) => v
| `(jsxAttrVal| $v:strLit) => v
| _ => Macro.throwUnsupported
`(($as).push ($n, ($v : String)))
| `(jsxAttr| [$t]) => `($as ++ ($t : Array (String × String)))
| _ => Macro.throwUnsupported
return as
| `(<$n $[$ns = $vs]* />) =>
let ns := (quote <| toString ·.getId)
let vs := fun
| `(jsxAttrVal| $s:strLit) => s
| `(jsxAttrVal| { $t:term }) => t
| _ => unreachable!
`(Html.element $(quote <| toString n.getId) false #[ $[($ns, $vs)],* ] #[])
| `(<$n $[$ns = $vs]* >$cs*</$m>) =>
if n.getId == m.getId then do
let ns := (quote <| toString ·.getId)
let vs := fun
| `(jsxAttrVal| $s:strLit) => s
| `(jsxAttrVal| { $t:term }) => t
| _ => unreachable!
let cs ← cs.mapM fun
| `(jsxChild|$t:jsxText) => `(#[Html.text $(quote t[0].getAtomVal!)])
-- TODO(WN): elab as list of children if type is `t Html` where `Foldable t`
| `(jsxChild|{$t}) => `(#[$t])
| `(jsxChild|[$t]) => `($t)
| `(jsxChild|$e:jsxElement) => `(#[$e:jsxElement])
| _ => unreachable!
let tag := toString n.getId
`(Html.element $(quote tag) false #[ $[($ns, $vs)],* ] (Array.foldl Array.append #[] #[ $[$cs],* ]))
else Macro.throwError ("expected </" ++ toString n.getId ++ ">")
| `(<$n $attrs* />) => do
`(Html.element $(quote (toString n.getId)) true $(← translateAttrs attrs) #[])
| `(<$n $attrs* >$children*</$m>) => do
unless n.getId == m.getId do
withRef m <| Macro.throwError s!"expected </{n.getId}>"
let mut cs ← `(#[])
for child in children do
cs ← match child with
| `(jsxChild|$t:jsxText) => `(($cs).push (Html.text $(quote t[0].getAtomVal!)))
-- TODO(WN): elab as list of children if type is `t Html` where `Foldable t`
| `(jsxChild|{$t}) => `(($cs).push ($t : Html))
| `(jsxChild|[$t]) => `($cs ++ ($t : Array Html))
| `(jsxChild|$e:jsxElement) => `(($cs).push ($e:jsxElement : Html))
| _ => Macro.throwUnsupported
let tag := toString n.getId
`(Html.element $(quote tag) false $(← translateAttrs attrs) $cs)
end Jsx

View File

@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ import Lean
open DocGen4 Lean IO
def main (args : List String) : IO Unit := do
if args.isEmpty then
IO.println "Usage: doc-gen4 root/url/ Module1 Module2 ..."
IO.Process.exit 1
let root := args.head!
let modules := args.tail!
let path ← lakeSetupSearchPath (←getLakePath) modules.toArray

View File

@ -268,6 +268,11 @@ nav {
margin-bottom: 1ex;
/* top-level modules in left navbar */
.nav .module_list > details {
margin-top: 1ex;
.nav details > * {
padding-left: 2ex;
@ -287,10 +292,6 @@ nav {
margin-block-end: 4px;
.nav h4 {
margin-bottom: 1ex;
/* People use way too long declaration names. */
.internal_nav, .decl_name {
overflow-wrap: break-word;