URLs now work; Data fetching does not?
@ -7,13 +7,37 @@ import Lean
namespace DocGen4
open Lean System IO Lean.Elab.Term
open Lean System IO Lean.Elab.Term FS
deriving instance DecidableEq for FileType
Traverse all subdirectories fo `f` to find if one satisfies `p`.
partial def traverseDir (f : FilePath) (p : FilePath → IO Bool) : IO (Option FilePath) := do
if (← p f) then
return f
for d in (← System.FilePath.readDir f) do
let subDir := d.path
let metadata ← subDir.metadata
if metadata.type = FileType.dir then
if let some p ← traverseDir subDir p then
return p
return none
syntax (name := includeStr) "include_str" str : term
@[termElab includeStr] def includeStrImpl : TermElab := λ stx expectedType? => do
let str := stx[1].isStrLit?.get!
let path := FilePath.mk str
let str := stx[1].isStrLit?.get!
let srcPath := (FilePath.mk (← read).fileName)
let currentDir ← IO.currentDir
-- HACK: Currently we cannot get current file path in VSCode, we have to traversely find the matched subdirectory in the current directory.
if let some path ← match srcPath.parent with
| some p => pure $ some $ p / str
| none => do
let foundDir ← traverseDir currentDir λ p => p / str |>.pathExists
pure $ foundDir.map (· / str)
if ←path.pathExists then
if ←path.isDir then
throwError s!"{str} is a directory"
@ -21,6 +45,8 @@ syntax (name := includeStr) "include_str" str : term
let content ← FS.readFile path
pure $ mkStrLit content
throwError s!"\"{str}\" does not exist as a file"
throwError s!"{path} does not exist as a file"
throwError s!"No such file in whole directory: {str}"
end DocGen4
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Authors: Henrik Böving
import Lean
import Lake
import DocGen4.Process
import Std.Data.HashMap
@ -12,40 +13,25 @@ namespace DocGen4
open Lean System Std IO
def getLakePath : IO FilePath := do
match (← IO.getEnv "LAKE") with
| some path => pure $ System.FilePath.mk path
| none =>
let lakePath := (←findSysroot?) / "bin" / "lake"
pure $ lakePath.withExtension System.FilePath.exeExtension
-- Modified from the LSP Server
def lakeSetupSearchPath (lakePath : System.FilePath) (imports : Array String) : IO Lean.SearchPath := do
let args := #["print-paths"] ++ imports
let cmdStr := " ".intercalate (toString lakePath :: args.toList)
let lakeProc ← Process.spawn {
stdin := Process.Stdio.null
stdout := Process.Stdio.piped
stderr := Process.Stdio.piped
cmd := lakePath.toString
let stdout := String.trim (← lakeProc.stdout.readToEnd)
let stderr := String.trim (← lakeProc.stderr.readToEnd)
match (← lakeProc.wait) with
| 0 =>
let stdout := stdout.split (· == '\n') |>.getLast!
let Except.ok (paths : LeanPaths) ← pure (Json.parse stdout >>= fromJson?)
| throw $ userError s!"invalid output from `{cmdStr}`:\n{stdout}\nstderr:\n{stderr}"
initSearchPath (← findSysroot?) paths.oleanPath
paths.oleanPath.mapM realPathNormalized
| 2 => pure [] -- no lakefile.lean
| _ => throw $ userError s!"`{cmdStr}` failed:\n{stdout}\nstderr:\n{stderr}"
def lakeSetup (imports : List String) : IO (Except UInt32 (Lake.Workspace × String)) := do
let (leanInstall?, lakeInstall?) ← Lake.findInstall?
let res ← StateT.run Lake.Cli.loadWorkspace {leanInstall?, lakeInstall?} |>.toIO'
match res with
| Except.ok (ws, options) =>
let lean := leanInstall?.get!
if lean.githash ≠ Lean.githash then
IO.println s!"WARNING: This doc-gen was built with Lean: {Lean.githash} but the project is running on: {lean.githash}"
let lake := lakeInstall?.get!
let ctx ← Lake.mkBuildContext ws lean lake
ws.root.buildImportsAndDeps imports |>.run Lake.LogMethods.eio ctx
initSearchPath (←findSysroot) ws.leanPaths.oleanPath
pure $ Except.ok (ws, lean.githash)
| Except.error rc => pure $ Except.error rc
def load (imports : List Name) : IO AnalyzerResult := do
let env ← importModules (List.map (Import.mk · false) imports) Options.empty
-- TODO parameterize maxHeartbeats
IO.println "Processing modules"
Prod.fst <$> (Meta.MetaM.toIO process { maxHeartbeats := 100000000, options := ⟨[(`pp.tagAppFns, true)]⟩ } { env := env} {} {})
Prod.fst <$> Meta.MetaM.toIO process { maxHeartbeats := 100000000, options := ⟨[(`pp.tagAppFns, true)]⟩ } { env := env} {} {}
end DocGen4
@ -4,12 +4,14 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Henrik Böving
import Lean
import Lake
import DocGen4.Process
import DocGen4.Output.Base
import DocGen4.Output.Index
import DocGen4.Output.Module
import DocGen4.Output.NotFound
import DocGen4.Output.Find
import DocGen4.Output.Semantic
namespace DocGen4
@ -24,12 +26,8 @@ Three link types from git supported:
TODO: This function is quite brittle and very github specific, we can
probably do better.
def getGithubBaseUrl : IO String := do
let out ← IO.Process.output {cmd := "git", args := #["remote", "get-url", "origin"]}
if out.exitCode != 0 then
throw <| IO.userError <| "git exited with code " ++ toString out.exitCode
let mut url := out.stdout.trimRight
def getGithubBaseUrl (gitUrl : String) : String := Id.run do
let mut url := gitUrl
if url.startsWith "git@" then
url := url.drop 15
url := url.dropRight 4
@ -39,57 +37,106 @@ def getGithubBaseUrl : IO String := do
pure url
def getCommit : IO String := do
def getProjectGithubUrl : IO String := do
let out ← IO.Process.output {cmd := "git", args := #["remote", "get-url", "origin"]}
if out.exitCode != 0 then
throw <| IO.userError <| "git exited with code " ++ toString out.exitCode
pure out.stdout.trimRight
def getProjectCommit : IO String := do
let out ← IO.Process.output {cmd := "git", args := #["rev-parse", "HEAD"]}
if out.exitCode != 0 then
throw <| IO.userError <| "git exited with code " ++ toString out.exitCode
pure out.stdout.trimRight
def sourceLinker : IO (Name → Option DeclarationRange → String) := do
let baseUrl ← getGithubBaseUrl
let commit ← getCommit
pure λ name range =>
let parts := name.components.map Name.toString
def sourceLinker (ws : Lake.Workspace) (leanHash : String): IO (Name → Option DeclarationRange → String) := do
-- Compute a map from package names to source URL
let mut gitMap := Std.mkHashMap
let projectBaseUrl := getGithubBaseUrl (←getProjectGithubUrl)
let projectCommit ← getProjectCommit
gitMap := gitMap.insert ws.root.name (projectBaseUrl, projectCommit)
for pkg in ws.packageArray do
for dep in pkg.dependencies do
let value := match dep.src with
| Lake.Source.git url commit => (getGithubBaseUrl url, commit)
-- TODO: What do we do here if linking a source is not possible?
| _ => ("https://example.com", "master")
gitMap := gitMap.insert dep.name value
pure $ λ module range =>
let parts := module.components.map Name.toString
let path := (parts.intersperse "/").foldl (· ++ ·) ""
let r := name.getRoot
let basic := if r == `Lean ∨ r == `Init ∨ r == `Std then
let root := module.getRoot
let basic := if root == `Lean ∨ root == `Init ∨ root == `Std then
match ws.packageForModule? module with
| some pkg =>
let (baseUrl, commit) := gitMap.find! pkg.name
| none => "https://example.com"
match range with
| some range => s!"{basic}#L{range.pos.line}-L{range.endPos.line}"
| none => basic
def htmlOutput (result : AnalyzerResult) : IO Unit := do
let basePath := FilePath.mk "./build/doc/"
let config := { depthToRoot := 0, result := result, currentName := none, sourceLinker := ←sourceLinker}
def htmlOutput (result : AnalyzerResult) (ws : Lake.Workspace) (leanHash: String) : IO Unit := do
let config : SiteContext := { depthToRoot := 0, result := result, currentName := none, sourceLinker := ←sourceLinker ws leanHash}
let basePath := FilePath.mk "." / "build" / "doc"
let indexHtml := ReaderT.run index config
let findHtml := ReaderT.run find config
let notFoundHtml := ReaderT.run notFound config
FS.createDirAll basePath
FS.createDirAll (basePath / "find")
let indexHtml := ReaderT.run index config
let notFoundHtml := ReaderT.run notFound config
FS.createDirAll (basePath / "semantic")
let mut declList := #[]
for (module, mod) in result.moduleInfo.toArray do
for decl in filterMapDocInfo mod.members do
let findDir := basePath / "find" / decl.getName.toString
let findFile := (findDir / "index.html")
-- path: 'basePath/find/decl.getName.toString'
-- <<<<<<< HEAD
let name := decl.getName.toString
-- let findDir := basePath / "find" / ma,e
-- let findFile := (findDir / "index.html")
let config := { config with depthToRoot := 2 }
let findHtml := ReaderT.run (findRedirectHtml decl.getName) config
FS.createDirAll findDir
FS.writeFile findFile findHtml.toString
let obj := Json.mkObj [("name", decl.getName.toString), ("description", decl.getDocString.getD "")]
-- let findHtml := ReaderT.run (findRedirectHtml decl.getName) config
-- FS.createDirAll findDir
-- FS.writeFile findFile findHtml.toString
-- let obj := Json.mkObj [("name", decl.getName.toString), ("description", decl.getDocString.getD "")]
-- =======
let doc := decl.getDocString.getD ""
-- let root := module.getRoot
let root := Id.run <| ReaderT.run (getRoot) config
let link := root ++ s!"../semantic/{decl.getName.hash}.xml#"
let docLink := Id.run <| ReaderT.run (declNameToLink decl.getName) config
let sourceLink := Id.run <| ReaderT.run (getSourceUrl mod.name decl.getDeclarationRange) config
let obj := Json.mkObj [("name", name), ("doc", doc), ("link", link), ("docLink", docLink), ("sourceLink", sourceLink)]
-- >>>>>>> upstream/main
declList := declList.push obj
let xml := toString <| Id.run <| ReaderT.run (semanticXml decl) config
FS.writeFile (basePath / "semantic" / s!"{decl.getName.hash}.xml") xml
let json := Json.arr declList
FS.writeFile (basePath / "searchable_data.bmp") json.compress
FS.writeFile (basePath / "semantic" / "docgen4.xml") <| toString <| Id.run <| ReaderT.run schemaXml config
FS.writeFile (basePath / "index.html") indexHtml.toString
FS.writeFile (basePath / "style.css") styleCss
FS.writeFile (basePath / "404.html") notFoundHtml.toString
FS.writeFile (basePath / "find" / "index.html") findHtml.toString
FS.writeFile (basePath / "style.css") styleCss
let declarationDataPath := basePath / "declaration-data.bmp"
FS.writeFile declarationDataPath json.compress
FS.writeFile (basePath / "declaration-data.timestamp") <| toString (←declarationDataPath.metadata).modified.sec
let root := Id.run <| ReaderT.run (getRoot) config
FS.writeFile (basePath / "site-root.js") (siteRootJs.replace "{siteRoot}" root)
FS.writeFile (basePath / "declaration-data.js") declarationDataCenterJs
FS.writeFile (basePath / "nav.js") navJs
FS.writeFile (basePath / "find" / "find.js") findJs
FS.writeFile (basePath / "how-about.js") howAboutJs
FS.writeFile (basePath / "search.js") searchJs
FS.writeFile (basePath / "mathjax-config.js") mathjaxConfigJs
for (module, content) in result.moduleInfo.toArray do
let fileDir := moduleNameToDirectory basePath module
let filePath := moduleNameToFile basePath module
@ -53,10 +53,14 @@ def moduleNameToDirectory (basePath : FilePath) (n : Name) : FilePath :=
basePath / parts.foldl (· / ·) (FilePath.mk ".")
section Static
def styleCss : String := include_str "./static/style.css"
def navJs : String := include_str "./static/nav.js"
def searchJs : String := include_str "./static/search.js"
def mathjaxConfigJs : String := include_str "./static/mathjax-config.js"
def styleCss : String := include_str "../../static/style.css"
def siteRootJs : String := include_str "../../static/site-root.js"
def declarationDataCenterJs : String := include_str "../../static/declaration-data.js"
def navJs : String := include_str "../../static/nav.js"
def howAboutJs : String := include_str "../../static/how-about.js"
def searchJs : String := include_str "../../static/search.js"
def findJs : String := include_str "../../static/find/find.js"
def mathjaxConfigJs : String := include_str "../../static/mathjax-config.js"
end Static
def declNameToLink (name : Name) : HtmlM String := do
@ -6,10 +6,16 @@ namespace Output
open scoped DocGen4.Jsx
open Lean
def findRedirectHtml (decl : Name) : HtmlM Html := do
let res ← getResult
let url ← declNameToLink decl
let contentString := s!"0;url={url}"
pure $ Html.element "meta" false #[("http-equiv", "refresh"), ("content", contentString)] #[]
def find : HtmlM Html := do
<html lang="en">
<link rel="preload" href={s!"{←getRoot}declaration-data.bmp"}/>
<script type="module" async="true" src={s!"./find.js"}></script>
end Output
end DocGen4
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ open Lean
open scoped DocGen4.Jsx
def moduleListFile (file : Name) : HtmlM Html := do
pure <div "class"="nav_link" [if (← getCurrentName) == file then #[("visible", "")] else #[]]>
pure <div «class»={if (← getCurrentName) == file then "nav_link visible" else "nav_link"}>
<a href={← moduleNameToLink file}>{file.toString}</a>
@ -29,7 +29,12 @@ partial def moduleListDir (h : Hierarchy) : HtmlM Html := do
<details "class"="nav_sect" "data-path"={moduleLink}
[if (←getCurrentName).any (h.getName.isPrefixOf ·) then #[("open", "")] else #[]]>
{Html.element "summary" true #[] #[<a "href"={← moduleNameToLink h.getName}>{h.getName.toString}</a>]}
if (←getResult).moduleInfo.contains h.getName then
Html.element "summary" true #[] #[<a "href"={← moduleNameToLink h.getName}>{h.getName.toString}</a>]
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
import DocGen4.Output.Template
import DocGen4.Output.DocString
import Lean.Data.Xml
open Lean Xml
namespace DocGen4
namespace Output
instance : ToString $ Array Element where
toString xs := xs.map toString |>.foldl String.append ""
instance : Coe Element Content where
coe e := Content.Element e
-- TODO: syntax metaprogramming and basic semantic data
def semanticXml (i : DocInfo) : HtmlM $ Array Element := do
pure #[
(Std.RBMap.fromList [
("xmlns:rdf", "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"),
("xmlns:docgen4", s!"{←getRoot}semactic/docgen4.xml#")
] _)
(Std.RBMap.fromList [
("rdf:about", s!"{←getRoot}semactic/{i.getName.hash}.xml#")
] _)
def schemaXml : HtmlM $ Array Element := do
pure #[
(Std.RBMap.fromList [
("xmlns:rdf", "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"),
("xmlns:docgen4", s!"{←getRoot}semactic/docgen4.xml#")
] _)
#[Content.Character "rdf:Property"]
end Output
end DocGen4
@ -15,46 +15,48 @@ def baseHtmlArray (title : String) (site : Array Html) : HtmlM Html := do
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href={s!"{←getRoot}style.css"}/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href={s!"{←getRoot}pygments.css"}/>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href={s!"{←getRoot}favicon.ico"}/>
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/>
<link rel="prefetch" href={s!"{←getRoot}declaration-data.bmp"}/>
<script defer="true" src={s!"{←getRoot}mathjax-config.js"}></script>
<script defer="true" src="https://polyfill.io/v3/polyfill.min.js?features=es6"></script>
<script defer="true" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@3/es5/tex-mml-chtml.js"></script>
<script type="module" src={s!"{←getRoot}nav.js"}></script>
<script type="module" src={s!"{←getRoot}search.js"}></script>
<script type="module" src={s!"{←getRoot}how-about.js"}></script>
<input id="nav_toggle" type="checkbox"/>
<input id="nav_toggle" type="checkbox"/>
<h1><label «for»="nav_toggle"></label>Documentation</h1>
<p «class»="header_filename break_within">{title}</p>
-- TODO: Replace this form with our own search
<form action="https://google.com/search" method="get" id="search_form">
<input type="hidden" name="sitesearch" value="https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib_docs"/>
<input type="text" name="q" autocomplete="off"/>
<button>Google site search</button>
<h1><label «for»="nav_toggle"></label>Documentation</h1>
<p «class»="header_filename break_within">{title}</p>
-- TODO: Replace this form with our own search
<form action="https://google.com/search" method="get" id="search_form">
<input type="hidden" name="sitesearch" value="https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib_docs"/>
<input type="text" name="q" autocomplete="off"/>
<button>Google site search</button>
-- Lean in JS in HTML in Lean...very meta
siteRoot = "{←getRoot}";
-- TODO Add more js stuff
<script src={s!"{←getRoot}nav.js"}></script>
<script src={s!"{←getRoot}search.js"}></script>
-- mathjax
<script src={s!"{←getRoot}mathjax-config.js"}></script>
<script src="https://polyfill.io/v3/polyfill.min.js?features=es6"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@3/es5/tex-mml-chtml.js"></script>
@ -1,15 +1,30 @@
import DocGen4
import Lean
import Cli
open DocGen4 Lean IO
open DocGen4 Lean Cli
def main (modules : List String) : IO Unit := do
if modules.isEmpty then
IO.println "Usage: doc-gen4 Module1 Module2 ..."
IO.Process.exit 1
let path ← lakeSetupSearchPath (←getLakePath) modules.toArray
IO.println s!"Loading modules from: {path}"
let doc ← load $ modules.map Name.mkSimple
IO.println "Outputting HTML"
htmlOutput doc
def runDocGenCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
-- let root := p.positionalArg! "root" |>.as! String
let modules : List String := p.variableArgsAs! String |>.toList
let res ← lakeSetup modules
match res with
| Except.ok (ws, leanHash) =>
IO.println s!"Loading modules from: {←searchPathRef.get}"
let doc ← load $ modules.map Name.mkSimple
IO.println "Outputting HTML"
htmlOutput doc ws leanHash
pure 0
| Except.error rc => pure rc
def docGenCmd : Cmd := `[Cli|
"doc-gen4" VIA runDocGenCmd; ["0.0.1"]
"A documentation generator for Lean 4."
-- root : String; "The root URL to generate the HTML for (will be relative in the future)"
...modules : String; "The modules to generate the HTML for"
def main (args : List String) : IO UInt32 :=
docGenCmd.validate args
@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ package «doc-gen4» {
name := `Unicode
src := Source.git "https://github.com/xubaiw/Unicode.lean" "3b7b85472d42854a474099928a3423bb97d4fa64"
name := `Cli
src := Source.git "https://github.com/mhuisi/lean4-cli" "1f8663e3dafdcc11ff476d74ef9b99ae5bdaedd3"
name := `lake
src := Source.git "https://github.com/leanprover/lake" "9378575b5575f49a185d50130743a190a9be2f82"
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
* This module is a wrapper that facilitates manipulating the declaration data.
* Please see {@link DeclarationDataCenter} for more information.
import { SITE_ROOT } from "./site-root.js";
const CACHE_DB_NAME = "declaration-data";
* The DeclarationDataCenter is used for declaration searching.
* For usage, see the {@link init} and {@link search} methods.
export class DeclarationDataCenter {
* The declaration data. Users should not interact directly with this field.
* *NOTE:* This is not made private to support legacy browsers.
declarationData = null;
* Used to implement the singleton, in case we need to fetch data mutiple times in the same page.
static singleton = null;
* Construct a DeclarationDataCenter with given data.
* Please use {@link DeclarationDataCenter.init} instead, which automates the data fetching process.
* @param {*} declarationData
constructor(declarationData) {
this.declarationData = declarationData;
* The actual constructor of DeclarationDataCenter
* @returns {Promise<DeclarationDataCenter>}
static async init() {
if (!DeclarationDataCenter.singleton) {
const timestampUrl = new URL(
const dataUrl = new URL(
const timestampRes = await fetch(timestampUrl);
const timestamp = await timestampRes.text();
// try to use cache first
const data = await fetchCachedDeclarationData(timestamp).catch(_e => null);
if (data) {
// if data is defined, use the cached one.
DeclarationDataCenter.singleton = new DeclarationDataCenter(data);
} else {
// undefined. then fetch the data from the server.
const dataRes = await fetch(dataUrl);
const dataJson = await dataRes.json();
// the data is a map of name (original case) to declaration data.
const data = new Map(
dataJson.map(({ name, doc, link, docLink, sourceLink }) => [
lowerName: name.toLowerCase(),
lowerDoc: doc.toLowerCase(),
await cacheDeclarationData(timestamp, data);
DeclarationDataCenter.singleton = new DeclarationDataCenter(data);
return DeclarationDataCenter.singleton;
* Search for a declaration.
* @returns {Array<any>}
search(pattern, strict = true) {
if (!pattern) {
return [];
if (strict) {
let decl = this.declarationData.get(pattern);
return decl ? [decl] : [];
} else {
return getMatches(this.declarationData, pattern);
function isSeparater(char) {
return char === "." || char === "_";
// HACK: the fuzzy matching is quite hacky
function matchCaseSensitive(declName, lowerDeclName, pattern) {
let i = 0,
j = 0,
err = 0,
lastMatch = 0;
while (i < declName.length && j < pattern.length) {
if (pattern[j] === declName[i] || pattern[j] === lowerDeclName[i]) {
err += (isSeparater(pattern[j]) ? 0.125 : 1) * (i - lastMatch);
if (pattern[j] !== declName[i]) err += 0.5;
lastMatch = i + 1;
} else if (isSeparater(declName[i])) {
err += 0.125 * (i + 1 - lastMatch);
lastMatch = i + 1;
err += 0.125 * (declName.length - lastMatch);
if (j === pattern.length) {
return err;
function getMatches(declarations, pattern, maxResults = 30) {
const lowerPats = pattern.toLowerCase().split(/\s/g);
const patNoSpaces = pattern.replace(/\s/g, "");
const results = [];
for (const {
} of declarations.values()) {
let err = matchCaseSensitive(name, lowerName, patNoSpaces);
// match all words as substrings of docstring
if (
err >= 3 &&
pattern.length > 3 &&
lowerPats.every((l) => lowerDoc.indexOf(l) != -1)
) {
err = 3;
if (err !== undefined) {
return results.sort(({ err: a }, { err: b }) => a - b).slice(0, maxResults);
// TODO: refactor the indexedDB part to be more robust
* Get the indexedDB database, automatically initialized.
* @returns {Promise<IDBDatabase>}
async function getDeclarationDatabase() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const request = indexedDB.open(CACHE_DB_NAME, CACHE_DB_VERSION);
request.onerror = function (event) {
new Error(
`fail to open indexedDB ${CACHE_DB_NAME} of version ${CACHE_DB_VERSION}`
request.onupgradeneeded = function (event) {
let db = event.target.result;
// We only need to store one object, so no key path or increment is needed.
request.onsuccess = function (event) {
* Store data in indexedDB object store.
* @param {string} timestamp
* @param {Map<string, any>} data
async function cacheDeclarationData(timestamp, data) {
let db = await getDeclarationDatabase();
let store = db
.transaction("declaration", "readwrite")
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let clearRequest = store.clear();
let addRequest = store.add(data, timestamp);
addRequest.onsuccess = function (event) {
addRequest.onerror = function (event) {
reject(new Error(`fail to store declaration data`));
clearRequest.onerror = function (event) {
reject(new Error("fail to clear object store"));
* Retrieve data from indexedDB database.
* @param {string} timestamp
* @returns {Promise<Map<string, any>|undefined>}
async function fetchCachedDeclarationData(timestamp) {
let db = await getDeclarationDatabase();
let store = db
.transaction("declaration", "readonly")
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let transactionRequest = store.get(timestamp);
transactionRequest.onsuccess = function (event) {
transactionRequest.onerror = function (event) {
reject(new Error(`fail to store declaration data`));
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* This module is used for the `/find` endpoint.
* Two basic kinds of search syntax are supported:
* 1. Query-Fragment syntax: `/find?pattern=Nat.add#doc` for documentation and `/find?pattern=Nat.add#src` for source code.
* 2. Fragment-Only syntax:`/find/#doc/Nat.add` for documentation and `/find/#src/Nat.add` for source code.
* Though both of them are valid, the first one is highly recommended, and the second one is for compatibility and taste.
* There are some extended usage for the QF syntax. For example, appending `strict=false` to the query part
* (`/find?pattern=Nat.add&strict=false#doc`) will allow you to use the fuzzy search, rather than strict match.
* Also, the fragment is extensible as well. For now only `#doc` and `#src` are implement, and the plain query without
* hash (`/find?pattern=Nat.add`) is used for computer-friendly data (semantic web is great! :P), while all other fragments
* fallback to the `#doc` view.
import { SITE_ROOT } from "../site-root.js";
import { DeclarationDataCenter } from "../declaration-data.js";
* We don't use browser's default hash and searchParams in case Lean declaration name
* can be like `«#»`, rather we manually handle the `window.location.href` with regex.
const LEAN_FRIENDLY_URL_REGEX = /^[^?#]+(?:\?((?:[^«#»]|«.*»)*))?(?:#(.*))?$/;
const LEAN_FRIENDLY_AND_SEPARATOR = /(?<!«[^»]*)&/;
const LEAN_FRIENDLY_EQUAL_SEPARATOR = /(?<!«[^»]*)=/;
const LEAN_FRIENDLY_SLASH_SEPARATOR = /(?<!«[^»]*)\//;
const [_, query, fragment] = LEAN_FRIENDLY_URL_REGEX.exec(window.location.href);
const queryParams = new Map(
?.map((p) => p.split(LEAN_FRIENDLY_EQUAL_SEPARATOR))
?.filter((l) => l.length == 2 && l[0].length > 0)
const fragmentPaths = fragment?.split(LEAN_FRIENDLY_SLASH_SEPARATOR) ?? [];
const pattern = queryParams.get("pattern") ?? fragmentPaths[1]; // if first fail then second, may be undefined
const strict = (queryParams.get("strict") ?? "true") === "true"; // default to true
const view = fragmentPaths[0];
findAndRedirect(pattern, strict, view);
* Find the result and redirect to the result page.
* @param {string} pattern the pattern to search for
* @param {string} view the view of the find result (`"doc"` or `"src"` for now)
async function findAndRedirect(pattern, strict, view) {
// if no pattern provided, directly redirect to the 404 page
if (!pattern) {
// search for result
try {
const dataCenter = await DeclarationDataCenter.init();
let result = (dataCenter.search(pattern, strict) ?? [])[0]; // in case return non array
// if no result found, redirect to the 404 page
if (!result) {
// TODO: better url semantic for 404, current implementation will lead to duplicate search for fuzzy match if not found.
window.location.replace(`${SITE_ROOT}404.html#${pattern ?? ""}`);
} else {
// success, redirect to doc or source page, or to the semantic rdf.
if (!view) {
} else if (view == "doc") {
} else if (view == "src") {
} else {
// fallback to doc page
} catch (e) {
document.write(`Cannot fetch data, please check your network connection.\n${e}`);
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
* This module implements the `howabout` functionality in the 404 page.
import { DeclarationDataCenter } from "./declaration-data.js";
const HOW_ABOUT = document.querySelector("#howabout");
// Show url of the missing page
if (HOW_ABOUT) {
.insertBefore(document.createElement("pre"), HOW_ABOUT)
.appendChild(document.createElement("code")).innerText =
window.location.href.replace(/[/]/g, "/\u200b");
// TODO: add how about functionality for similar page as well.
const pattern = window.location.hash.replace("#", "");
// try to search for similar declarations
if (pattern) {
HOW_ABOUT.innerText = "Please wait a second. I'll try to help you.";
DeclarationDataCenter.init().then((dataCenter) => {
let results = dataCenter.search(pattern, false);
if (results.length > 0) {
HOW_ABOUT.innerText = "How about one of these instead:";
const ul = HOW_ABOUT.appendChild(document.createElement("ul"));
for (const { name, docLink } of results) {
const li = ul.appendChild(document.createElement("li"));
const a = li.appendChild(document.createElement("a"));
a.href = docLink;
a.appendChild(document.createElement("code")).innerText = name;
} else {
HOW_ABOUT.innerText =
"Sorry, I cannot find any similar declarations. Check the link or use the module navigation to find what you want :P";
@ -1,17 +1,41 @@
* This file is for configing MathJax behavior.
* See https://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/web/configuration.html
* This configuration is copied from old doc-gen3
* https://github.com/leanprover-community/doc-gen
MathJax = {
tex: {
inlineMath: [['$', '$']],
displayMath: [['$$', '$$']]
options: {
skipHtmlTags: [
'script', 'noscript', 'style', 'textarea', 'pre',
'code', 'annotation', 'annotation-xml',
'decl', 'decl_meta', 'attributes', 'decl_args', 'decl_header', 'decl_name',
'decl_type', 'equation', 'equations', 'structure_field', 'structure_fields',
'constructor', 'constructors', 'instances'
ignoreHtmlClass: 'tex2jax_ignore',
processHtmlClass: 'tex2jax_process',
tex: {
inlineMath: [["$", "$"]],
displayMath: [["$$", "$$"]],
options: {
skipHtmlTags: [
ignoreHtmlClass: "tex2jax_ignore",
processHtmlClass: "tex2jax_process",
@ -1,248 +1,43 @@
// Persistent expansion cookie for the file tree
// ---------------------------------------------
* This module is used to implement persistent navbar expansion.
// The variable to store the expansion information.
let expanded = {};
for (const e of (sessionStorage.getItem('expanded') || '').split(',')) {
if (e !== '') {
// Load expansion information from sessionStorage.
for (const e of (sessionStorage.getItem("expanded") || "").split(",")) {
if (e !== "") {
expanded[e] = true;
* Save expansion information to sessionStorage.
function saveExpanded() {
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(expanded).filter((e) => expanded[e]).join(","));
.filter((e) => expanded[e])
for (const elem of document.getElementsByClassName('nav_sect')) {
const id = elem.getAttribute('data-path');
// save expansion information when user change the expansion.
for (const elem of document.getElementsByClassName("nav_sect")) {
const id = elem.getAttribute("data-path");
if (!id) continue;
if (expanded[id]) {
elem.open = true;
elem.addEventListener('toggle', () => {
elem.addEventListener("toggle", () => {
expanded[id] = elem.open;
for (const currentFileLink of document.getElementsByClassName('visible')) {
currentFileLink.scrollIntoView({block: 'center'});
// Tactic list tag filter
// ----------------------
function filterSelectionClass(tagNames, classname) {
if (tagNames.length == 0) {
for (const elem of document.getElementsByClassName(classname)) {
} else {
// Add the "show" class (display:block) to the filtered elements, and remove the "show" class from the elements that are not selected
for (const elem of document.getElementsByClassName(classname)) {
for (const tagName of tagNames) {
if (elem.classList.contains(tagName)) {
function filterSelection(c) {
filterSelectionClass(c, "tactic");
filterSelectionClass(c, "taclink");
var filterBoxes = document.getElementsByClassName("tagfilter");
function updateDisplay() {
function getSelectValues() {
var result = [];
for (const opt of filterBoxes) {
if (opt.checked) {
return result;
function setSelectVal(val) {
for (const opt of filterBoxes) {
opt.checked = val;
for (const opt of filterBoxes) {
opt.addEventListener('change', updateDisplay);
const tse = document.getElementById("tagfilter-selectall")
if (tse != null) {
tse.addEventListener('change', function() {
// Simple declaration search
// -------------------------
const declURL = new URL(`${siteRoot}searchable_data.bmp`, window.location);
const getDecls = (() => {
let decls;
return () => {
if (!decls) decls = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.responseType = 'json';
req.addEventListener('load', () => resolve(loadDecls(req.response)));
req.addEventListener('error', () => reject());
req.open('GET', declURL);
return decls;
const declSearch = async (q) => getMatches(await getDecls(), q);
const srId = 'search_results';
.id = srId;
function handleSearchCursorUpDown(down) {
const sel = document.querySelector(`#${srId} .selected`);
const sr = document.getElementById(srId);
if (sel) {
const toSelect = down ?
sel.nextSibling || sr.firstChild:
sel.previousSibling || sr.lastChild;
toSelect && toSelect.classList.add('selected');
} else {
const toSelect = down ? sr.firstChild : sr.lastChild;
toSelect && toSelect.classList.add('selected');
function handleSearchEnter() {
const sel = document.querySelector(`#${srId} .selected`)
|| document.getElementById(srId).firstChild;
const searchInput = document.querySelector('#search_form input[name=q]');
searchInput.addEventListener('keydown', (ev) => {
switch (ev.key) {
case 'Down':
case 'ArrowDown':
case 'Up':
case 'ArrowUp':
case 'Enter':
searchInput.addEventListener('input', async (ev) => {
const text = ev.target.value;
if (!text) {
const sr = document.getElementById(srId);
document.getElementById(srId).setAttribute('state', 'loading');
const result = await declSearch(text);
if (ev.target.value != text) return;
const oldSR = document.getElementById('search_results');
const sr = oldSR.cloneNode(false);
for (const {decl} of result) {
const d = sr.appendChild(document.createElement('a'));
d.innerText = decl;
d.title = decl;
d.href = `${siteRoot}find/${decl}`;
sr.setAttribute('state', 'done');
// 404 page goodies
// ----------------
const howabout = document.getElementById('howabout');
if (howabout) {
howabout.innerText = "Please wait a second. I'll try to help you.";
.insertBefore(document.createElement('pre'), howabout)
.innerText = window.location.href.replace(/[/]/g, '/\u200b');
const query = window.location.href.match(/[/]([^/]+)(?:\.html|[/])?$/)[1];
declSearch(query).then((results) => {
howabout.innerText = 'How about one of these instead:';
const ul = howabout.appendChild(document.createElement('ul'));
for (const {decl} of results) {
const li = ul.appendChild(document.createElement('li'));
const a = li.appendChild(document.createElement('a'));
a.href = `${siteRoot}find/${decl}`;
a.appendChild(document.createElement('code')).innerText = decl;
// Rewrite GitHub links
// --------------------
for (const elem of document.getElementsByClassName('gh_link')) {
const a = elem.firstElementChild;
// commit is set in add_commit.js
for (const [prefix, replacement] of commit) {
if (a.href.startsWith(prefix)) {
a.href = a.href.replace(prefix, replacement);
// Scroll to center.
for (const currentFileLink of document.getElementsByClassName("visible")) {
currentFileLink.scrollIntoView({ block: "center" });
@ -1,51 +1,118 @@
function isSep(c) {
return c === '.' || c === '_';
* This module is used to handle user's interaction with the search form.
import { DeclarationDataCenter } from "./declaration-data.js";
const SEARCH_FORM = document.querySelector("#search_form");
const SEARCH_INPUT = SEARCH_FORM.querySelector("input[name=q]");
// Create an `div#search_results` to hold all search results.
let sr = document.createElement("div");
sr.id = "search_results";
* Attach `selected` class to the the selected search result.
function handleSearchCursorUpDown(down) {
const sel = sr.querySelector(`.selected`);
if (sel) {
const toSelect = down
? sel.nextSibling || sr.firstChild
: sel.previousSibling || sr.lastChild;
toSelect && toSelect.classList.add("selected");
} else {
const toSelect = down ? sr.firstChild : sr.lastChild;
toSelect && toSelect.classList.add("selected");
function matchCaseSensitive(declName, lowerDeclName, pat) {
let i = 0, j = 0, err = 0, lastMatch = 0
while (i < declName.length && j < pat.length) {
if (pat[j] === declName[i] || pat[j] === lowerDeclName[i]) {
err += (isSep(pat[j]) ? 0.125 : 1) * (i - lastMatch);
if (pat[j] !== declName[i]) err += 0.5;
lastMatch = i + 1;
} else if (isSep(declName[i])) {
err += 0.125 * (i + 1 - lastMatch);
lastMatch = i + 1;
err += 0.125 * (declName.length - lastMatch);
if (j === pat.length) {
return err;
* Perform search (when enter is pressed).
function handleSearchEnter() {
const sel = sr.querySelector(`.selected`) || sr.firstChild;
* Allow user to navigate search results with up/down arrow keys, and choose with enter.
SEARCH_INPUT.addEventListener("keydown", (ev) => {
switch (ev.key) {
case "Down":
case "ArrowDown":
case "Up":
case "ArrowUp":
case "Enter":
* Remove all children of a DOM node.
function removeAllChildren(node) {
while (node.firstChild) {
* Handle user input and perform search.
function handleSearch(dataCenter, err, ev) {
const text = ev.target.value;
// If no input clear all.
if (!text) {
// searching
sr.setAttribute("state", "loading");
if (dataCenter) {
const result = dataCenter.search(text, false);
// in case user has updated the input.
if (ev.target.value != text) return;
// update search results
for (const { name, docLink } of result) {
const d = sr.appendChild(document.createElement("a"));
d.innerText = name;
d.title = name;
d.href = docLink;
// handle error
else {
const d = sr.appendChild(document.createElement("a"));
d.innerText = `Cannot fetch data, please check your network connection.\n${err}`;
sr.setAttribute("state", "done");
function loadDecls(searchableDataCnt) {
return searchableDataCnt.map(({name, description}) => [name, name.toLowerCase(), description.toLowerCase()])
function getMatches(decls, pat, maxResults = 30) {
const lowerPats = pat.toLowerCase().split(/\s/g);
const patNoSpaces = pat.replace(/\s/g, '');
const results = [];
for (const [decl, lowerDecl, lowerDoc] of decls) {
let err = matchCaseSensitive(decl, lowerDecl, patNoSpaces);
// match all words as substrings of docstring
if (!(err < 3) && pat.length > 3 && lowerPats.every(l => lowerDoc.indexOf(l) != -1)) {
err = 3;
if (err !== undefined) {
results.push({decl, err});
return results.sort(({err: a}, {err: b}) => a - b).slice(0, maxResults);
if (typeof process === 'object') { // NodeJS
const data = loadDecls(JSON.parse(require('fs').readFileSync('searchable_data.bmp').toString()));
console.log(getMatches(data, process.argv[2] || 'ltltle'));
.then((dataCenter) => {
// Search autocompletion.
SEARCH_INPUT.addEventListener("input", ev => handleSearch(dataCenter, null, ev));
.catch(e => {
SEARCH_INPUT.addEventListener("input", ev => handleSearch(null, e, ev));
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
* Get the site root, {siteRoot} is to be replaced by doc-gen4.
export const SITE_ROOT = "{siteRoot}";
@ -273,10 +273,15 @@ nav {
margin-top: 1ex;
.nav details, .nav_link {
.nav details > * {
padding-left: 2ex;
.nav summary {
cursor: pointer;
padding-left: 0;
.nav summary::marker {
font-size: 85%;
@ -294,6 +299,10 @@ nav {
overflow-wrap: break-word;
.nav_link {
overflow-wrap: break-word;
.decl > div, .mod_doc {
padding-left: 8px;
padding-right: 8px;
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
// TODO: The tactic part seem to be unimplemented now.
function filterSelectionClass(tagNames, classname) {
if (tagNames.length == 0) {
for (const elem of document.getElementsByClassName(classname)) {
} else {
// Add the "show" class (display:block) to the filtered elements, and remove the "show" class from the elements that are not selected
for (const elem of document.getElementsByClassName(classname)) {
for (const tagName of tagNames) {
if (elem.classList.contains(tagName)) {
function filterSelection(c) {
filterSelectionClass(c, "tactic");
filterSelectionClass(c, "taclink");
var filterBoxes = document.getElementsByClassName("tagfilter");
function updateDisplay() {
function getSelectValues() {
var result = [];
for (const opt of filterBoxes) {
if (opt.checked) {
return result;
function setSelectVal(val) {
for (const opt of filterBoxes) {
opt.checked = val;
for (const opt of filterBoxes) {
opt.addEventListener("change", updateDisplay);
const tse = document.getElementById("tagfilter-selectall");
if (tse != null) {
tse.addEventListener("change", function () {
Reference in New Issue