feat: 404 page and module hierarchy

Henrik Böving 2021-12-13 13:00:53 +01:00
parent 5e5bbe6ffb
commit 9256aaa0fc
1 changed files with 28 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ namespace DocGen4
open Lean Std
open scoped DocGen4.Jsx
open IO System
structure SiteContext where
root : String
@ -26,22 +27,27 @@ def getResult : HtmlM AnalyzerResult := do (←read).result
def templateExtends {α β : Type} (base : α → HtmlM β) (new : HtmlM α) : HtmlM β :=
new >>= base
def nameToPath (n : Name) : String :=
def nameToUrl (n : Name) : String :=
(parts.intersperse "/").foldl (· ++ ·) "" ++ ".html"
parts := n.components.map Name.toString
def nameToDirectory (basePath : FilePath) (n : Name) : FilePath :=
basePath / parts.foldl (λ acc p => acc / FilePath.mk p) (FilePath.mk ".")
parts := n.components.dropLast.map Name.toString
partial def moduleListAux (h : Hierarchy) : HtmlM Html := do
if h.getChildren.toList.length == 0 then
<div «class»="nav_link visible">
<a href={s!"{←getRoot}{nameToPath h.getName}"}>{h.getName.toString}</a>
<a href={s!"{←getRoot}{nameToUrl h.getName}"}>{h.getName.toString}</a>
let children := Array.mk (h.getChildren.toList.map Prod.snd)
-- TODO: Is having no children really the correct criterium for a clickable module?
let (dirs, files) := children.partition (λ c => c.getChildren.toList.length != 0)
let nodes := (←(dirs.mapM moduleListAux)) ++ (←(files.mapM moduleListAux))
return <details «class»="nav_sect" «data-path»={←nameToPath h.getName}>
return <details «class»="nav_sect" «data-path»={←nameToUrl h.getName}>
@ -107,6 +113,13 @@ def baseHtml (title : String) (site : Html) : HtmlM Html := do
def notFound : HtmlM Html := do templateExtends (baseHtml "404") $
<h1>404 Not Found</h1>
<p> Unfortunately, the page you were looking for is no longer here. </p>
<div id="howabout"></div>
def index : HtmlM Html := do templateExtends (baseHtml "Index") $
<a id="top"></a>
@ -114,18 +127,28 @@ def index : HtmlM Html := do templateExtends (baseHtml "Index") $
What is up?
open IO System
def styleCss : String := include_str "./static/style.css"
def moduleToHtml (module : Module) : HtmlM Html := do templateExtends (baseHtml module.name.toString) $
<h1>This is the page of {module.name.toString}</h1>
def htmlOutput (result : AnalyzerResult) : IO Unit := do
-- TODO: parameterize this
let config := { root := "/", result := result }
let basePath := FilePath.mk "./build/doc/"
let indexHtml := ReaderT.run index config
let notFoundHtml := ReaderT.run notFound config
FS.createDirAll basePath
FS.writeFile (basePath / "index.html") indexHtml.toString
FS.writeFile (basePath / "style.css") styleCss
FS.writeFile (basePath / "404.html") notFoundHtml.toString
for (module, content) in result.modules.toArray do
let moduleHtml := ReaderT.run (moduleToHtml content) config
let path := basePath / (nameToUrl module)
FS.createDirAll $ nameToDirectory basePath module
FS.writeFile path moduleHtml.toString
end DocGen4