chore: upgrade compiler version

Henrik Böving 2022-04-09 19:18:21 +02:00
parent 211ade7828
commit 89dd2fa46e
5 changed files with 9 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ def declNameToLink (name : Name) : HtmlM String := do
pure $ (←moduleNameToLink module) ++ "#" ++ name.toString
def splitWhitespaces (s : String) : (String × String × String) := do
let front := "".pushn ' ' (s.find (!Char.isWhitespace ·))
let front := "".pushn ' ' $ s.offsetOfPos (s.find (!Char.isWhitespace ·))
let mut s := s.trimLeft
let back := "".pushn ' ' (s.length - s.offsetOfPos (s.find Char.isWhitespace))
s:= s.trimRight
s := s.trimRight
(front, s, back)
partial def infoFormatToHtml (i : CodeWithInfos) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ namespace Output
let c := s.get i
if p c then
let i := i
splitAroundAux s p i i (c.toString::s.extract b (i-1)::r)
splitAroundAux s p i i (c.toString::s.extract b (i-1)::r)
splitAroundAux s p b ( i) r

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@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ def jsxText : Parser :=
@[combinatorFormatter DocGen4.Jsx.jsxText] def jsxText.formatter : Formatter := pure ()
@[combinatorParenthesizer DocGen4.Jsx.jsxText] def jsxText.parenthesizer : Parenthesizer := pure ()
syntax jsxAttrName := ident <|> strLit
syntax jsxAttrVal := strLit <|> group("{" term "}")
syntax jsxAttrName := ident <|> str
syntax jsxAttrVal := str <|> group("{" term "}")
syntax jsxSimpleAttr := jsxAttrName "=" jsxAttrVal
syntax jsxAttrSpread := "[" term "]"
syntax jsxAttr := jsxSimpleAttr <|> jsxAttrSpread
@ -103,12 +103,12 @@ def translateAttrs (attrs : Array Syntax) : MacroM Syntax := do
as ← match attr with
| `(jsxAttr| $n:jsxAttrName=$v:jsxAttrVal) =>
let n ← match n with
| `(jsxAttrName| $n:strLit) => pure n
| `(jsxAttrName| $n:str) => pure n
| `(jsxAttrName| $n:ident) => pure $ quote (toString n.getId)
| _ => Macro.throwUnsupported
let v ← match v with
| `(jsxAttrVal| {$v}) => pure v
| `(jsxAttrVal| $v:strLit) => pure v
| `(jsxAttrVal| $v:str) => pure v
| _ => Macro.throwUnsupported
`(($as).push ($n, ($v : String)))
| `(jsxAttr| [$t]) => `($as ++ ($t : Array (String × String)))

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ package «doc-gen4» {
name := `lake
src := Source.git "" "9378575b5575f49a185d50130743a190a9be2f82"
src := Source.git "" "d961d8cfaa1c354c10f3fed55b32de85c205f4ab"

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@ -1 +1 @@