@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ def htmlOutput (result : AnalyzerResult) (root : String) : IO Unit := do
let mut declList := #[]
let mut declList := #[]
for (_, mod) in result.moduleInfo.toArray do
for (_, mod) in result.moduleInfo.toArray do
for decl in mod.members do
for decl in filterMapDocInfo mod.members do
let findHtml := (findRedirectHtml decl.getName) config
let findHtml := (findRedirectHtml decl.getName) config
let findDir := basePath / "find" / decl.getName.toString
let findDir := basePath / "find" / decl.getName.toString
FS.createDirAll findDir
FS.createDirAll findDir
@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ def htmlOutput (result : AnalyzerResult) (root : String) : IO Unit := do
FS.writeFile (basePath / "404.html") notFoundHtml.toString
FS.writeFile (basePath / "404.html") notFoundHtml.toString
FS.writeFile (basePath / "nav.js") navJs
FS.writeFile (basePath / "nav.js") navJs
FS.writeFile (basePath / "search.js") searchJs
FS.writeFile (basePath / "search.js") searchJs
FS.writeFile (basePath / "mathjax-config.js") mathjaxConfigJs
for (module, content) in result.moduleInfo.toArray do
for (module, content) in result.moduleInfo.toArray do
let moduleHtml := (moduleToHtml content) config
let moduleHtml := (moduleToHtml content) config
let path := moduleNameToFile basePath module
let path := moduleNameToFile basePath module
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ section Static
def styleCss : String := include_str "./static/style.css"
def styleCss : String := include_str "./static/style.css"
def navJs : String := include_str "./static/nav.js"
def navJs : String := include_str "./static/nav.js"
def searchJs : String := include_str "./static/search.js"
def searchJs : String := include_str "./static/search.js"
def mathjaxConfigJs : String := include_str "./static/mathjax-config.js"
end Static
end Static
def declNameToLink (name : Name) : HtmlM String := do
def declNameToLink (name : Name) : HtmlM String := do
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ def classInstancesToHtml (instances : Array Name) : HtmlM Html := do
def classToHtml (i : ClassInfo) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
def classToHtml (i : ClassInfo) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
pure $ (←structureToHtml i.toStructureInfo).push (←classInstancesToHtml i.instances)
pure $ (←structureToHtml i.toStructureInfo)
end Output
end Output
end DocGen4
end DocGen4
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ namespace DocGen4
namespace Output
namespace Output
def classInductiveToHtml (i : ClassInductiveInfo) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
def classInductiveToHtml (i : ClassInductiveInfo) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
pure $ (←inductiveToHtml i.toInductiveInfo).push (←classInstancesToHtml i.instances)
pure $ (←inductiveToHtml i.toInductiveInfo)
end Output
end Output
end DocGen4
end DocGen4
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import DocGen4.Output.Template
import DocGen4.Output.Template
import DocGen4.Output.DocString
namespace DocGen4
namespace DocGen4
namespace Output
namespace Output
@ -9,23 +10,17 @@ open Lean Widget
def equationToHtml (c : CodeWithInfos) : HtmlM Html := do
def equationToHtml (c : CodeWithInfos) : HtmlM Html := do
pure <li «class»="equation">[←infoFormatToHtml c]</li>
pure <li «class»="equation">[←infoFormatToHtml c]</li>
def equationsToHtml (i : DefinitionInfo) : HtmlM (Option Html) := do
def equationsToHtml (i : DefinitionInfo) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
if let some eqs := i.equations then
if let some eqs := i.equations then
let equationsHtml ← eqs.mapM equationToHtml
let equationsHtml ← eqs.mapM equationToHtml
pure #[
<ul «class»="equations">
<ul «class»="equations">
pure none
def definitionToHtml (i : DefinitionInfo) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
let equationsHtml ← equationsToHtml i
if let some equationsHtml := equationsHtml then
pure #[equationsHtml]
pure #[]
pure #[]
@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
import CMark
import DocGen4.Output.Template
import Lean.Data.Parsec
import Unicode.General.GeneralCategory
open Lean Unicode Xml Parser Parsec
namespace DocGen4
namespace Output
/-- Auxiliary function for `splitAround`. -/
@[specialize] partial def splitAroundAux (s : String) (p : Char → Bool) (b i : String.Pos) (r : List String) : List String :=
if s.atEnd i then
let r := (s.extract b i)::r
let c := s.get i
if p c then
let i := i
splitAroundAux s p i i (c.toString::s.extract b (i-1)::r)
splitAroundAux s p b ( i) r
Similar to `Stirng.split` in Lean core, but keeps the separater.
e.g. `splitAround "a,b,c" (λ c => c = ',') = ["a", ",", "b", ",", "c"]`
def splitAround (s : String) (p : Char → Bool) : List String := splitAroundAux s p 0 0 []
instance : Inhabited Element := ⟨"", Std.RBMap.empty, #[]⟩
/-- Parse an array of Xml/Html document from String. -/
def manyDocument : Parsec (Array Element) := many (prolog *> element <* many Misc) <* eof
Generate id for heading elements, with the following rules:
1. Characters in `letter`, `mark`, `number` and `symbol` unicode categories are preserved.
2. Any sequences of Characters in `punctuation`, `separator` and `other` categories are replaced by a single dash.
3. Cases (upper and lower) are preserved.
4. Xml/Html tags are ignored.
partial def xmlGetHeadingId (el : Xml.Element) : String :=
elementToPlainText el |> replaceCharSeq unicodeToDrop "-"
elementToPlainText el := match el with
| (Element.Element name attrs contents) =>
"".intercalate ( contentToPlainText)
contentToPlainText c := match c with
| Content.Element el => elementToPlainText el
| Content.Comment _ => ""
| Content.Character s => s
replaceCharSeq pattern replacement s :=
s.split pattern
|>.filter (!·.isEmpty)
|> replacement.intercalate
unicodeToDrop (c : Char) : Bool :=
charInGeneralCategory c GeneralCategory.punctuation ||
charInGeneralCategory c GeneralCategory.separator ||
charInGeneralCategory c GeneralCategory.other
This function try to find the given name, both globally and in current module.
For global search, a precise name is need. If the global search fails, the function
tries to find a local one that ends with the given search name.
def nameToLink? (s : String) : HtmlM (Option String) := do
let res ← getResult
if let some name := Lean.Syntax.decodeNameLit ("`" ++ s) then
-- with exactly the same name
if res.name2ModIdx.contains name then
declNameToLink name
-- module name
else if res.moduleNames.contains name then
moduleNameToLink name
-- find similar name in the same module
match (← getCurrentName) with
| some currentName =>
match res.moduleInfo.find! currentName |>.members |> filterMapDocInfo |>.find? (sameEnd ·.getName name) with
| some info =>
declNameToLink info.getName
| _ => pure none
| _ => pure none
pure none
-- check if two names have the same ending components
sameEnd n1 n2 :=
| n1.components' n2.components'
|>.all λ ⟨a, b⟩ => a == b
Extend links with following rules:
1. if the link starts with `##`, a name search is used and will panic if not found
2. if the link starts with `#`, it's treated as id link, no modification
3. if the link starts with `http`, it's an absolute one, no modification
4. otherwise it's a relative link, extend it with base url
def extendLink (s : String) : HtmlM String := do
-- for intra doc links
if s.startsWith "##" then
if let some link ← nameToLink? (s.drop 2) then
pure link
panic! s!"Cannot find {s.drop 2}, only full name and abbrev in current module is supported"
-- for id
else if s.startsWith "#" then
pure s
-- for absolute and relative urls
else if s.startsWith "http" then
pure s
else pure ((←getRoot) ++ s)
/-- Add attributes for heading. -/
def addHeadingAttributes (el : Element) (modifyElement : Element → HtmlM Element) : HtmlM Element := do
match el with
| Element.Element name attrs contents => do
let id := xmlGetHeadingId el
let anchorAttributes := Std.RBMap.empty
|>.insert "class" "hover-link"
|>.insert "href" s!"#{id}"
let anchor := Element.Element "a" anchorAttributes #[Content.Character "#"]
let newAttrs := attrs
|>.insert "id" id
|>.insert "class" "markdown-heading"
let newContents := (←
contents.mapM (λ c => match c with
| Content.Element e => (modifyElement e).map (Content.Element)
| _ => pure c))
|>.push (Content.Character " ")
|>.push (Content.Element anchor)
pure ⟨ name, newAttrs, newContents⟩
/-- Extend anchor links. -/
def extendAnchor (el : Element) : HtmlM Element := do
match el with
| Element.Element name attrs contents =>
let root ← getRoot
let newAttrs ← match (attrs.find? "href").map extendLink with
| some href => (attrs.insert "href")
| none => pure attrs
pure ⟨ name, newAttrs, contents⟩
/-- Automatically add intra documentation link for inline code span. -/
def autoLink (el : Element) : HtmlM Element := do
match el with
| Element.Element name attrs contents =>
let mut newContents := #[]
for c in contents do
match c with
| Content.Character s =>
newContents := newContents ++ (← splitAround s unicodeToSplit |>.mapM linkify).join
| _ => newContents := newContents.push c
pure ⟨ name, attrs, newContents ⟩
linkify s := do
let link? ← nameToLink? s
match link? with
| some link =>
let attributes := Std.RBMap.empty.insert "href" link
pure [Content.Element $ Element.Element "a" attributes #[Content.Character s]]
| none =>
let sHead := s.dropRightWhile (λ c => c ≠ '.')
let sTail := s.takeRightWhile (λ c => c ≠ '.')
let link'? ← nameToLink? sTail
match link'? with
| some link' =>
let attributes := Std.RBMap.empty.insert "href" link'
pure [
Content.Character sHead,
Content.Element $ Element.Element "a" attributes #[Content.Character sTail]
| none =>
pure [Content.Character s]
unicodeToSplit (c : Char) : Bool :=
charInGeneralCategory c GeneralCategory.separator ||
charInGeneralCategory c GeneralCategory.other
/-- Core function of modifying the cmark rendered docstring html. -/
partial def modifyElement (element : Element) : HtmlM Element :=
match element with
| el@(Element.Element name attrs contents) => do
-- add id and class to <h_></h_>
if name = "h1" ∨ name = "h2" ∨ name = "h3" ∨ name = "h4" ∨ name = "h5" ∨ name = "h6" then
addHeadingAttributes el modifyElement
-- extend relative href for <a></a>
else if name = "a" then
extendAnchor el
-- auto link for inline <code></code>
else if name = "code" then
autoLink el
-- recursively modify
let newContents ← contents.mapM λ c => match c with
| Content.Element e => (modifyElement e).map Content.Element
| _ => pure c
pure ⟨ name, attrs, newContents ⟩
/-- Convert docstring to Html. -/
def docStringToHtml (s : String) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
let rendered := CMark.renderHtml s
match manyDocument rendered.mkIterator with
| Parsec.ParseResult.success _ res =>
res.mapM λ x => do
pure (Html.text $ toString (← modifyElement x))
| _ => pure #[Html.text rendered]
end Output
end DocGen4
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import DocGen4.Output.Template
import DocGen4.Output.Template
import DocGen4.Output.DocString
namespace DocGen4
namespace DocGen4
namespace Output
namespace Output
@ -11,7 +12,8 @@ def ctorToHtml (i : NameInfo) : HtmlM Html := do
pure <li «class»="constructor" id={name}>{shortName} : [←infoFormatToHtml i.type]</li>
pure <li «class»="constructor" id={name}>{shortName} : [←infoFormatToHtml i.type]</li>
def inductiveToHtml (i : InductiveInfo) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
def inductiveToHtml (i : InductiveInfo) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
pure #[<ul "class"="constructors">[← i.ctors.toArray.mapM ctorToHtml]</ul>]
let constructorsHtml := <ul "class"="constructors">[← i.ctors.toArray.mapM ctorToHtml]</ul>
pure #[constructorsHtml]
end Output
end Output
end DocGen4
end DocGen4
@ -4,7 +4,5 @@ import DocGen4.Output.Definition
namespace DocGen4
namespace DocGen4
namespace Output
namespace Output
def instanceToHtml (i : InstanceInfo) : HtmlM (Array Html) := definitionToHtml i
end Output
end Output
end DocGen4
end DocGen4
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import DocGen4.Output.Class
import DocGen4.Output.Definition
import DocGen4.Output.Definition
import DocGen4.Output.Instance
import DocGen4.Output.Instance
import DocGen4.Output.ClassInductive
import DocGen4.Output.ClassInductive
import DocGen4.Output.DocString
import Lean.Data.Xml.Parser
namespace DocGen4
namespace DocGen4
namespace Output
namespace Output
@ -72,15 +74,23 @@ def docInfoHeader (doc : DocInfo) : HtmlM Html := do
pure <div «class»="decl_header"> [nodes] </div>
pure <div «class»="decl_header"> [nodes] </div>
def docInfoToHtml (module : Name) (doc : DocInfo) : HtmlM Html := do
def docInfoToHtml (module : Name) (doc : DocInfo) : HtmlM Html := do
let docHtml ← match doc with
-- basic info like headers, types, structure fields, etc.
let docInfoHtml ← match doc with
| DocInfo.inductiveInfo i => inductiveToHtml i
| DocInfo.inductiveInfo i => inductiveToHtml i
| DocInfo.structureInfo i => structureToHtml i
| DocInfo.structureInfo i => structureToHtml i
| DocInfo.classInfo i => classToHtml i
| DocInfo.classInfo i => classToHtml i
| DocInfo.definitionInfo i => definitionToHtml i
| DocInfo.instanceInfo i => instanceToHtml i
| DocInfo.classInductiveInfo i => classInductiveToHtml i
| DocInfo.classInductiveInfo i => classInductiveToHtml i
| _ => pure #[]
| i => pure #[]
-- rendered doc stirng
let docStringHtml ← match doc.getDocString with
| some s => docStringToHtml s
| none => pure #[]
-- extra information like equations and instances
let extraInfoHtml ← match doc with
| DocInfo.classInfo i => pure #[←classInstancesToHtml i.instances]
| DocInfo.definitionInfo i => equationsToHtml i
| DocInfo.classInductiveInfo i => pure #[←classInstancesToHtml i.instances]
| i => pure #[]
let attrs := doc.getAttrs
let attrs := doc.getAttrs
let attrsHtml :=
let attrsHtml :=
if attrs.size > 0 then
if attrs.size > 0 then
@ -97,10 +107,23 @@ def docInfoToHtml (module : Name) (doc : DocInfo) : HtmlM Html := do
{←docInfoHeader doc}
{←docInfoHeader doc}
def modDocToHtml (module : Name) (mdoc : ModuleDoc) : HtmlM Html := do
<div «class»="mod_doc">
[←docStringToHtml mdoc.doc]
def moduleMemberToHtml (module : Name) (member : ModuleMember) : HtmlM Html := do
match member with
| ModuleMember.docInfo d => docInfoToHtml module d
| ModuleMember.modDoc d => modDocToHtml module d
def declarationToNavLink (module : Name) : Html :=
def declarationToNavLink (module : Name) : Html :=
<div «class»="nav_link">
<div «class»="nav_link">
<a «class»="break_within" href={s!"#{module.toString}"}>{module.toString}</a>
<a «class»="break_within" href={s!"#{module.toString}"}>{module.toString}</a>
@ -162,10 +185,11 @@ def internalNav (members : Array Name) (moduleName : Name) : HtmlM Html := do
def moduleToHtml (module : Module) : HtmlM Html := withReader (setCurrentName do
def moduleToHtml (module : Module) : HtmlM Html := withReader (setCurrentName do
let docInfos ← module.members.mapM (λ i => docInfoToHtml i)
let memberDocs ← module.members.mapM (λ i => moduleMemberToHtml i)
let memberNames := filterMapDocInfo module.members |>.map DocInfo.getName
templateExtends (baseHtmlArray $ pure #[
templateExtends (baseHtmlArray $ pure #[
←internalNav ( DocInfo.getName),
←internalNav memberNames,
Html.element "main" false #[] docInfos
Html.element "main" false #[] memberDocs
end Output
end Output
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import DocGen4.Output.Template
import DocGen4.Output.Template
import DocGen4.Output.DocString
namespace DocGen4
namespace DocGen4
namespace Output
namespace Output
@ -12,21 +13,21 @@ def fieldToHtml (f : NameInfo) : HtmlM Html := do
pure <li «class»="structure_field" id={name}>{s!"{shortName} "} : [←infoFormatToHtml f.type]</li>
pure <li «class»="structure_field" id={name}>{s!"{shortName} "} : [←infoFormatToHtml f.type]</li>
def structureToHtml (i : StructureInfo) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
def structureToHtml (i : StructureInfo) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
if Name.isSuffixOf `mk then
let structureHtml :=
pure #[
if Name.isSuffixOf `mk then
<ul «class»="structure_fields" id={}>
(<ul «class»="structure_fields" id={}>
[←i.fieldInfo.mapM fieldToHtml]
[←i.fieldInfo.mapM fieldToHtml]
let ctorShortName :='.head!.toString
let ctorShortName :='.head!.toString
pure #[
(<ul «class»="structure_ext">
<ul «class»="structure_ext">
<li id={} «class»="structure_ext_ctor">{s!"{ctorShortName} "} :: (</li>
<li id={} «class»="structure_ext_ctor">{s!"{ctorShortName} "} :: (</li>
<ul «class»="structure_ext_fields">
<ul «class»="structure_ext_fields">
[←i.fieldInfo.mapM fieldToHtml]
[←i.fieldInfo.mapM fieldToHtml]
<li «class»="structure_ext_ctor">)</li>
<li «class»="structure_ext_ctor">)</li>
pure #[structureHtml]
end Output
end Output
end DocGen4
end DocGen4
@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ def baseHtmlArray (title : String) (site : Array Html) : HtmlM Html := do
-- TODO Add more js stuff
-- TODO Add more js stuff
<script src={s!"{←getRoot}nav.js"}></script>
<script src={s!"{←getRoot}nav.js"}></script>
<script src={s!"{←getRoot}search.js"}></script>
<script src={s!"{←getRoot}search.js"}></script>
-- mathjax
<script src={s!"{←getRoot}mathjax-config.js"}></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
@ -101,16 +101,17 @@ def getDeclarationRange : DocInfo → DeclarationRange
| classInfo i => i.declarationRange
| classInfo i => i.declarationRange
| classInductiveInfo i => i.declarationRange
| classInductiveInfo i => i.declarationRange
def lineOrder (l r : DocInfo) : Bool :=
l.getDeclarationRange.pos.line < r.getDeclarationRange.pos.line
end DocInfo
end DocInfo
inductive ModuleMember where
| docInfo (info : DocInfo) : ModuleMember
| modDoc (doc : ModuleDoc) : ModuleMember
deriving Inhabited
structure Module where
structure Module where
name : Name
name : Name
doc : Option String
-- Sorted according to their line numbers
-- Sorted according to their line numbers
members : Array DocInfo
members : Array ModuleMember
deriving Inhabited
deriving Inhabited
partial def typeToArgsType (e : Expr) : (Array (Name × Expr × BinderInfo) × Expr) :=
partial def typeToArgsType (e : Expr) : (Array (Name × Expr × BinderInfo) × Expr) :=
@ -451,6 +452,32 @@ def getDocString : DocInfo → Option String
end DocInfo
end DocInfo
namespace ModuleMember
def getDeclarationRange : ModuleMember → DeclarationRange
| docInfo i => i.getDeclarationRange
| modDoc i => i.declarationRange
def order (l r : ModuleMember) : Bool :=
| l.getDeclarationRange.pos r.getDeclarationRange.pos
def getName : ModuleMember → Name
| docInfo i => i.getName
| modDoc i => Name.anonymous
def getDocString : ModuleMember → Option String
| docInfo i => i.getDocString
| modDoc i => i.doc
end ModuleMember
def filterMapDocInfo (ms : Array ModuleMember) : Array DocInfo :=
ms.filterMap filter
filter : ModuleMember → Option DocInfo
| ModuleMember.docInfo i => some i
| _ => none
structure AnalyzerResult where
structure AnalyzerResult where
name2ModIdx : HashMap Name ModuleIdx
name2ModIdx : HashMap Name ModuleIdx
moduleNames : Array Name
moduleNames : Array Name
@ -466,13 +493,11 @@ def process : MetaM AnalyzerResult := do
let env ← getEnv
let env ← getEnv
let mut res := mkHashMap env.header.moduleNames.size
let mut res := mkHashMap env.header.moduleNames.size
for module in env.header.moduleNames do
for module in env.header.moduleNames do
-- TODO: Check why modules can have multiple doc strings and add that later on
let modDocs := match getModuleDoc? env module with
let moduleDoc := match getModuleDoc? env module with
| none => #[]
| none => none
| some ds => ds
| some #[] => none
|>.map (λ doc => ModuleMember.modDoc doc)
| some doc => (doc.get! 0).doc
res := res.insert module ( module modDocs)
res := res.insert module ( module moduleDoc #[])
for cinfo in env.constants.toList do
for cinfo in env.constants.toList do
@ -481,7 +506,7 @@ def process : MetaM AnalyzerResult := do
let some modidx := env.getModuleIdxFor? dinfo.getName | unreachable!
let some modidx := env.getModuleIdxFor? dinfo.getName | unreachable!
let moduleName := env.allImportedModuleNames.get! modidx
let moduleName := env.allImportedModuleNames.get! modidx
let module := res.find! moduleName
let module := res.find! moduleName
res := res.insert moduleName {module with members := module.members.push dinfo}
res := res.insert moduleName {module with members := module.members.push (ModuleMember.docInfo dinfo)}
catch e =>
catch e =>
IO.println s!"WARNING: Failed to obtain information for: {cinfo.fst}: {←e.toMessageData.toString}"
IO.println s!"WARNING: Failed to obtain information for: {cinfo.fst}: {←e.toMessageData.toString}"
@ -489,7 +514,7 @@ def process : MetaM AnalyzerResult := do
let mut adj := Array.mkArray res.size (Array.mkArray res.size false)
let mut adj := Array.mkArray res.size (Array.mkArray res.size false)
-- TODO: This could probably be faster if we did an insertion sort above instead
-- TODO: This could probably be faster if we did an insertion sort above instead
for (moduleName, module) in res.toArray do
for (moduleName, module) in res.toArray do
res := res.insert moduleName {module with members := module.members.qsort DocInfo.lineOrder}
res := res.insert moduleName {module with members := module.members.qsort ModuleMember.order}
let some modIdx := env.getModuleIdx? moduleName | unreachable!
let some modIdx := env.getModuleIdx? moduleName | unreachable!
let moduleData := env.header.moduleData.get! modIdx
let moduleData := env.header.moduleData.get! modIdx
for imp in moduleData.imports do
for imp in moduleData.imports do
@ -4,4 +4,14 @@ open Lake DSL
package «doc-gen4» {
package «doc-gen4» {
-- add configuration options here
-- add configuration options here
supportInterpreter := true
supportInterpreter := true
dependencies := #[
name := `CMark
src := Source.git "" "0c59e4fa0f8864502dc9e661d437be842d29d708"
name := `Unicode
src := Source.git "" "3b7b85472d42854a474099928a3423bb97d4fa64"
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
MathJax = {
tex: {
inlineMath: [['$', '$']],
displayMath: [['$$', '$$']]
options: {
skipHtmlTags: [
'script', 'noscript', 'style', 'textarea', 'pre',
'code', 'annotation', 'annotation-xml',
'decl', 'decl_meta', 'attributes', 'decl_args', 'decl_header', 'decl_name',
'decl_type', 'equation', 'equations', 'structure_field', 'structure_fields',
'constructor', 'constructors', 'instances'
ignoreHtmlClass: 'tex2jax_ignore',
processHtmlClass: 'tex2jax_process',
Reference in New Issue