feat: linkify builtin types

Henrik Böving 2022-11-20 13:10:05 +01:00
parent b22818b971
commit 72034b0831
3 changed files with 21 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -207,18 +207,19 @@ to as much information as possible.
partial def infoFormatToHtml (i : CodeWithInfos) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
match i with
| TaggedText.text t => pure #[Html.escape t]
| TaggedText.append tt => tt.foldlM (λ acc t => do pure <| acc ++ (←infoFormatToHtml t)) #[]
| TaggedText.tag a t =>
| .text t => pure #[Html.escape t]
| .append tt => tt.foldlM (λ acc t => do pure <| acc ++ (←infoFormatToHtml t)) #[]
| .tag a t =>
match a.info.val.info with
| Info.ofTermInfo i =>
let cleanExpr := i.expr.consumeMData
if let Expr.const name _ := cleanExpr then
match cleanExpr with
| .const name _ =>
-- TODO: this is some very primitive blacklisting but real Blacklisting needs MetaM
-- find a better solution
if (←getResult).name2ModIdx.contains name then
match t with
| TaggedText.text t =>
| .text t =>
let (front, t, back) := splitWhitespaces <| Html.escape t
let elem := <a href={←declNameToLink name}>{t}</a>
pure #[Html.text front, elem, Html.text back]
@ -226,7 +227,17 @@ partial def infoFormatToHtml (i : CodeWithInfos) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
pure #[<a href={←declNameToLink name}>[←infoFormatToHtml t]</a>]
pure #[<span class="fn">[←infoFormatToHtml t]</span>]
| .sort _ =>
match t with
| .text t =>
let mut sortPrefix :: rest := t.splitOn " " | unreachable!
let sortLink := <a href={s!"{← getRoot}foundational_types.html"}>{sortPrefix}</a>
if rest != [] then
rest := " " :: rest
pure #[sortLink, Html.text <| String.join rest]
| _ =>
pure #[<a href={s!"{← getRoot}foundational_types.html"}>[← infoFormatToHtml t]</a>]
| _ =>
pure #[<span class="fn">[←infoFormatToHtml t]</span>]
| _ => pure #[<span class="fn">[←infoFormatToHtml t]</span>]

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@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ namespace DocGen4.Output
open scoped DocGen4.Jsx
def foundationalTypes : BaseHtmlM Html := templateLiftExtends (baseHtml "Foundational Type") do
def foundationalTypes : BaseHtmlM Html := templateLiftExtends (baseHtml "Foundational Types") do
pure <|
<div class="docfile">
<a id="top"></a>
<h1>Foundational Types</h1>
@ -45,6 +45,6 @@ def foundationalTypes : BaseHtmlM Html := templateLiftExtends (baseHtml "Foundat
<p>Note that despite not itself being a function, <code>(→)</code> is available as infix notation for
<code>{"λ α β, α → β"}</code>.</p>
-- TODO: instnaces for pi types
end DocGen4.Output

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@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ def baseDirBlackList : HashSet String :=