feat: more declaration data as JSON

Henrik 2023-08-06 15:36:43 +02:00
parent e09280bb3c
commit 718b182a31
2 changed files with 30 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -128,16 +128,20 @@ def htmlOutputIndex (baseConfig : SiteBaseContext) : IO Unit := do
htmlOutputSetup baseConfig
let mut index : JsonIndex := {}
let mut headerIndex : JsonHeaderIndex := {}
for entry in ← System.FilePath.readDir declarationsBasePath do
if entry.fileName.startsWith "declaration-data-" && entry.fileName.endsWith ".bmp" then
let fileContent ← FS.readFile entry.path
let .ok jsonContent := Json.parse fileContent | unreachable!
let .ok (module : JsonModule) := fromJson? jsonContent | unreachable!
index := index.addModule module |>.run baseConfig
headerIndex := headerIndex.addModule module
let finalJson := toJson index
let finalHeaderJson := toJson headerIndex
-- The root JSON for find
FS.writeFile (declarationsBasePath / "declaration-data.bmp") finalJson.compress
FS.writeFile (declarationsBasePath / "header-data.bmp") finalHeaderJson.compress
The main entrypoint for outputting the documentation HTML based on an

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@ -1,18 +1,25 @@
import Lean
import DocGen4.Process
import DocGen4.Output.Base
import DocGen4.Output.Module
import Lean.Data.RBMap
namespace DocGen4.Output
open Lean
structure JsonDeclaration where
structure JsonDeclarationInfo where
name : String
kind : String
doc : String
docLink : String
sourceLink : String
line : Nat
deriving FromJson, ToJson
structure JsonDeclaration where
info : JsonDeclarationInfo
header : String
deriving FromJson, ToJson
structure JsonInstance where
@ -28,13 +35,19 @@ structure JsonModule where
imports : Array String
deriving FromJson, ToJson
structure JsonHeaderIndex where
headers : List (String × String) := []
structure JsonIndex where
declarations : List (String × JsonDeclaration) := []
declarations : List (String × JsonDeclarationInfo) := []
instances : HashMap String (RBTree String Ord.compare) := .empty
importedBy : HashMap String (Array String) := .empty
modules : List (String × String) := []
instancesFor : HashMap String (RBTree String Ord.compare) := .empty
instance : ToJson JsonHeaderIndex where
toJson idx := Json.mkObj <| idx.headers.map (fun (k, v) => (k, toJson v))
instance : ToJson JsonIndex where
toJson idx := Id.run do
let jsonDecls := Json.mkObj <| idx.declarations.map (fun (k, v) => (k, toJson v))
@ -51,10 +64,14 @@ instance : ToJson JsonIndex where
return finalJson
def JsonHeaderIndex.addModule (index : JsonHeaderIndex) (module : JsonModule) : JsonHeaderIndex :=
let merge idx decl := { idx with headers := (decl.info.name, decl.header) :: idx.headers }
module.declarations.foldl merge index
def JsonIndex.addModule (index : JsonIndex) (module : JsonModule) : BaseHtmlM JsonIndex := do
let mut index := index
let newModule := (module.name, ← moduleNameToLink (String.toName module.name))
let newDecls := module.declarations.map (fun d => (d.name, d))
let newDecls := module.declarations.map (fun d => (d.info.name, d.info))
index := { index with
modules := newModule :: index.modules
declarations := newDecls ++ index.declarations
@ -81,7 +98,10 @@ def DocInfo.toJson (module : Name) (info : Process.DocInfo) : HtmlM JsonDeclarat
let doc := info.getDocString.getD ""
let docLink ← declNameToLink info.getName
let sourceLink ← getSourceUrl module info.getDeclarationRange
return { name, kind, doc, docLink, sourceLink }
let line := info.getDeclarationRange.pos.line
let header := (← docInfoHeader info).toString
let info := { name, kind, doc, docLink, sourceLink, line }
return { info, header }
def Process.Module.toJson (module : Process.Module) : HtmlM Json := do
let mut jsonDecls := []