doc: SourceLinker

Henrik Böving 2022-05-19 20:52:54 +02:00
parent 43f7786523
commit 653c67e9b7
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@ -5,12 +5,14 @@ namespace DocGen4.Output
open Lean
Turns a Github git remote URL into an HTTPS Github URL.
Three link types from git supported:
TODO: This function is quite brittle and very github specific, we can
TODO: This function is quite brittle and very Github specific, we can
probably do better.
def getGithubBaseUrl (gitUrl : String) : String := do
@ -24,18 +26,29 @@ def getGithubBaseUrl (gitUrl : String) : String := do
pure url
Obtain the Github URL of a project by parsing the origin remote.
def getProjectGithubUrl : IO String := do
let out ← IO.Process.output {cmd := "git", args := #["remote", "get-url", "origin"]}
if out.exitCode != 0 then
throw <| IO.userError <| "git exited with code " ++ toString out.exitCode
pure out.stdout.trimRight
Obtain the git commit hash of the project that is currently getting analyzed.
def getProjectCommit : IO String := do
let out ← IO.Process.output {cmd := "git", args := #["rev-parse", "HEAD"]}
if out.exitCode != 0 then
throw <| IO.userError <| "git exited with code " ++ toString out.exitCode
pure out.stdout.trimRight
Given a lake workspace with all the dependencies as well as the hash of the
compiler release to work with this provides a function to turn names of
declarations into (optionally positional) Github URLs.
def sourceLinker (ws : Lake.Workspace) (leanHash : String): IO (Name → Option DeclarationRange → String) := do
-- Compute a map from package names to source URL
let mut gitMap := Std.mkHashMap