fix: mess of monad transformers in LeanInk adapter

Henrik Böving 2022-07-27 20:11:41 +02:00
parent 0ac64f0873
commit 5bae061b54
3 changed files with 11 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ def annotationsToFragments (as : List Annotation.Annotation) : AnalysisM (List F
-- TODO: rework monad mess
def renderAnnotations (as : List Annotation.Annotation) : HtmlT AnalysisM Html := do
let fs ← annotationsToFragments as
let (html, _) := fs.mapM Fragment.toHtml >>= (baseHtml ∘ List.toArray) |>.run { counter := 0 } |>.run (←readThe SiteContext) (←readThe SiteBaseContext)
let (html, _) fs.mapM Fragment.toHtml >>= (baseHtml ∘ List.toArray) |>.run { counter := 0 }
pure html
end LeanInk.Annotation.Alectryon

View File

@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ namespace DocGen4.Process.LeanInk
open Lean
open DocGen4.Output
-- TODO: rework monad mess
def docGenOutput (as : List LeanInk.Annotation.Annotation) : HtmlT LeanInk.AnalysisM UInt32 := do
let some modName := getCurrentName |>.run (←readThe SiteBaseContext) | unreachable!
let srcHtml ← LeanInk.Annotation.Alectryon.renderAnnotations as |>.run (←readThe SiteContext) (←readThe SiteBaseContext)
let some modName ← getCurrentName | unreachable!
let srcHtml ← LeanInk.Annotation.Alectryon.renderAnnotations as
let srcDir := moduleNameToDirectory srcBasePath modName
let srcPath := moduleNameToFile srcBasePath modName
IO.FS.createDirAll srcDir
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def docGenOutput (as : List LeanInk.Annotation.Annotation) : HtmlT LeanInk.Analy
def execAuxM : HtmlT LeanInk.AnalysisM UInt32 := do
let ctx ← readThe SiteContext
let baseCtx ← readThe SiteBaseContext
let outputFn := (λ as => docGenOutput as |>.run ctx baseCtx)
let outputFn := (docGenOutput · |>.run ctx baseCtx)
return ← LeanInk.Analysis.runAnalysis {
name := "doc-gen4"
genOutput := outputFn

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@ -66,6 +66,12 @@ def (x : HtmlT m α) (ctx : SiteContext) (baseCtx : SiteBaseContext) :
def (x : HtmlM α) (ctx : SiteContext) (baseCtx : SiteBaseContext) : α := x ctx |>.run baseCtx |>.run
instance [Monad m] : MonadLift HtmlM (HtmlT m) where
monadLift x := do pure <| (←readThe SiteContext) (←readThe SiteBaseContext)
instance [Monad m] : MonadLift BaseHtmlM (BaseHtmlT m) where
monadLift x := do pure <| (←readThe SiteBaseContext)
Obtains the root URL as a relative one to the current depth.