feat: LeanInk backlink step 1

Henrik Böving 2022-07-26 12:52:41 +02:00
parent 4c55f98c54
commit 5a893f4b76
6 changed files with 70 additions and 67 deletions

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Authors: Henrik Böving, Xubai Wang
import DocGen4.Output.Base
import DocGen4.Output.ToHtmlFormat
import DocGen4.LeanInk.Process
import Lean.Data.Json
import LeanInk.Annotation.Alectryon
@ -17,7 +16,8 @@ open scoped DocGen4.Jsx
structure AlectryonContext where
counter : Nat
abbrev AlectryonM := StateT AlectryonContext HtmlM
abbrev AlectryonT := StateT AlectryonContext
abbrev AlectryonM := AlectryonT HtmlM
def getNextButtonLabel : AlectryonM String := do
let val ← get
@ -197,27 +197,14 @@ def baseHtml (content : Array Html) : AlectryonM Html := do
def renderFragments (fs : Array Fragment) : AlectryonM Html :=
fs.mapM Fragment.toHtml >>= baseHtml
def annotationsToFragments (as : List Annotation.Annotation) : AnalysisM (List Fragment) := do
let config ← read
annotateFileWithCompounds [] config.inputFileContents as
-- TODO: rework monad mess
def renderAnnotations (as : List Annotation.Annotation) : HtmlT AnalysisM Html := do
let fs ← annotationsToFragments as
let (html, _) := fs.mapM Fragment.toHtml >>= (baseHtml ∘ List.toArray) |>.run { counter := 0 } |>.run (←readThe SiteContext) (←readThe SiteBaseContext)
pure html
end LeanInk.Annotation.Alectryon
namespace DocGen4.Output.LeanInk
open Lean
open LeanInk.Annotation.Alectryon
open scoped DocGen4.Jsx
def moduleToHtml (module : Process.Module) (inkPath : System.FilePath) (sourceFilePath : System.FilePath) : HtmlT IO Html := withTheReader SiteBaseContext (setCurrentName module.name) do
let json ← runInk inkPath sourceFilePath
let fragments := fromJson? json
match fragments with
| .ok fragments =>
let render := StateT.run (LeanInk.Annotation.Alectryon.renderFragments fragments) { counter := 0 }
let ctx ← read
let baseCtx ← readThe SiteBaseContext
let (html, _) := render |>.run ctx baseCtx
pure html
| .error err => throw <| IO.userError s!"Error while parsing LeanInk Output: {err}"
end DocGen4.Output.LeanInk

View File

@ -3,38 +3,55 @@ Copyright (c) 2022 Henrik Böving. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Henrik Böving
import Lean.Data.Json
import Lean
import LeanInk.Analysis
import LeanInk.Annotation
import DocGen4.LeanInk.Output
import DocGen4.Output.Base
namespace DocGen4.Output.LeanInk
namespace DocGen4.Process.LeanInk
open Lean
open IO
open DocGen4.Output
-- TODO: rework monad mess
def docGenOutput (as : List LeanInk.Annotation.Annotation) : HtmlT LeanInk.AnalysisM UInt32 := do
let some modName := getCurrentName |>.run (←readThe SiteBaseContext) | unreachable!
let srcHtml ← LeanInk.Annotation.Alectryon.renderAnnotations as |>.run (←readThe SiteContext) (←readThe SiteBaseContext)
let srcDir := moduleNameToDirectory srcBasePath modName
let srcPath := moduleNameToFile srcBasePath modName
IO.FS.createDirAll srcDir
IO.FS.writeFile srcPath srcHtml.toString
pure 0
def runInk (inkPath : System.FilePath) (sourceFilePath : System.FilePath) : IO Json := do
let arguments := #[
"analyze", sourceFilePath.toString,
"--lake", "lakefile.lean",
let inkProcess ← Process.spawn {
stdin := Process.Stdio.null
stdout := Process.Stdio.piped
stderr := Process.Stdio.piped
cmd := inkPath.toString
args := arguments
def execAuxM : HtmlT LeanInk.AnalysisM UInt32 := do
let ctx ← readThe SiteContext
let baseCtx ← readThe SiteBaseContext
let outputFn := (λ as => docGenOutput as |>.run ctx baseCtx)
return ← LeanInk.Analysis.runAnalysis {
name := "doc-gen4"
genOutput := outputFn
match (←inkProcess.wait) with
| 0 =>
let outputFilePath := sourceFilePath.withExtension "lean.leanInk"
let output ← FS.readFile outputFilePath
FS.removeFile outputFilePath
match Json.parse output with
| .ok out => pure out
| .error err =>
throw <| IO.userError s!"LeanInk returned invalid JSON for file: {sourceFilePath}:\n{err}"
| code =>
throw <| IO.userError s!"LeanInk exited with code {code} for file: {sourceFilePath}:\n{←inkProcess.stderr.readToEnd}"
end DocGen4.Output.LeanInk
def execAux (config : LeanInk.Configuration) : HtmlT IO UInt32 := do
execAuxM.run (←readThe SiteContext) (←readThe SiteBaseContext) |>.run config
@[implementedBy enableInitializersExecution]
private def enableInitializersExecutionWrapper : IO Unit := pure ()
def runInk (sourceFilePath : System.FilePath) : HtmlT IO Unit := do
let contents ← IO.FS.readFile sourceFilePath
let config := {
inputFilePath := sourceFilePath
inputFileContents := contents
lakeFile := none
verbose := false
prettifyOutput := true
experimentalTypeInfo := true
experimentalDocString := true
experimentalSemanticType := true
if (← execAux config) != 0 then
throw <| IO.userError s!"Analysis for \"{sourceFilePath}\" failed!"
end DocGen4.Process.LeanInk

View File

@ -13,17 +13,13 @@ import DocGen4.Output.NotFound
import DocGen4.Output.Find
import DocGen4.Output.SourceLinker
import DocGen4.Output.ToJson
import DocGen4.LeanInk.Output
import DocGen4.LeanInk.Process
import Std.Data.HashMap
namespace DocGen4
open Lean IO System Output Process Std
def basePath := FilePath.mk "." / "build" / "doc"
def srcBasePath := basePath / "src"
def declarationsBasePath := basePath / "declarations"
def htmlOutputSetup (config : SiteBaseContext) : IO Unit := do
let findBasePath := basePath / "find"
@ -97,7 +93,10 @@ def htmlOutputResults (baseConfig : SiteBaseContext) (result : AnalyzerResult) (
let filePath := moduleNameToFile basePath modName
-- path: 'basePath/module/components/till/last.html'
-- The last component is the file name, so we drop it from the depth to root.
let baseConfig := { baseConfig with depthToRoot := modName.components.dropLast.length }
let baseConfig := { baseConfig with
depthToRoot := modName.components.dropLast.length
currentName := some modName
let moduleHtml := moduleToHtml module |>.run config baseConfig
FS.createDirAll fileDir
FS.writeFile filePath moduleHtml.toString
@ -107,11 +106,7 @@ def htmlOutputResults (baseConfig : SiteBaseContext) (result : AnalyzerResult) (
-- path: 'basePath/src/module/components/till/last.html'
-- The last component is the file name, however we are in src/ here so dont drop it this time
let baseConfig := {baseConfig with depthToRoot := modName.components.length }
let srcHtml ← LeanInk.moduleToHtml module inkPath inputPath |>.run config baseConfig
let srcDir := moduleNameToDirectory srcBasePath modName
let srcPath := moduleNameToFile srcBasePath modName
FS.createDirAll srcDir
FS.writeFile srcPath srcHtml.toString
Process.LeanInk.runInk inputPath |>.run config baseConfig
def getSimpleBaseContext (hierarchy : Hierarchy) : SiteBaseContext :=

View File

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ namespace DocGen4.Output
open scoped DocGen4.Jsx
open Lean System Widget Elab Process
def basePath := FilePath.mk "." / "build" / "doc"
def srcBasePath := basePath / "src"
def declarationsBasePath := basePath / "declarations"
The context used in the `BaseHtmlM` monad for HTML templating.

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def runSingleCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
| Except.error rc => pure rc
def runIndexCmd (_p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let hierarchy ← Hierarchy.fromDirectory basePath
let hierarchy ← Hierarchy.fromDirectory Output.basePath
let baseConfig := getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
htmlOutputIndex baseConfig
pure 0

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"rev": "112b35fc348a4a18d2111ac2c6586163330b4941",
"name": "Cli"},
{"url": "https://github.com/hargonix/LeanInk",
"rev": "cb529041f71a4ea8348628a8c723326e3e4bdecc",
"rev": "3ab183e60a2aa082fb20c3bc139b992f683ae1d4",
"name": "leanInk"},
{"url": "https://github.com/xubaiw/Unicode.lean",
"rev": "1fb004da96aa1d1e98535951e100439a60f5b7f0",