feat: implementation of separate staged builds

Henrik Böving 2022-07-21 18:26:01 +02:00
parent fbbdb21795
commit 4bc7a682ec
4 changed files with 149 additions and 64 deletions

View File

@ -34,12 +34,19 @@ def lakeSetup (imports : List String) : IO (Except UInt32 Lake.Workspace) := do
| .error err =>
throw $ IO.userError err.toString
def envOfImports (imports : List Name) : IO Environment := do
importModules (imports.map (Import.mk · false)) Options.empty
def loadInit (imports : List Name) : IO Hierarchy := do
let env ← envOfImports imports
pure $ Hierarchy.fromArray env.header.moduleNames
Load a list of modules from the current Lean search path into an `Environment`
to process for documentation.
def load (imports : List Name) (transitiveModules : Bool) : IO (Process.AnalyzerResult × Hierarchy) := do
let env ← importModules (List.map (Import.mk · false) imports) Options.empty
def load (task : Process.AnalyzeTask) : IO (Process.AnalyzerResult × Hierarchy) := do
let env ← envOfImports task.getLoad
IO.println "Processing modules"
let config := {
-- TODO: parameterize maxHeartbeats
@ -49,6 +56,7 @@ def load (imports : List Name) (transitiveModules : Bool) : IO (Process.Analyzer
fileName := default,
fileMap := default,
Prod.fst <$> Meta.MetaM.toIO (Process.process imports transitiveModules) config { env := env } {} {}
Prod.fst <$> Meta.MetaM.toIO (Process.process task) config { env := env } {} {}
end DocGen4

View File

@ -54,10 +54,6 @@ def htmlOutputSetup (config : SiteBaseContext) : IO Unit := do
for (fileName, content) in findStatic do
FS.writeFile (findBasePath / fileName) content
-- The root JSON for find
let topLevelModules := config.hierarchy.getChildren.toArray.map (Json.str ∘ toString ∘ Prod.fst)
FS.writeFile (basePath / "declaration-data.bmp") (Json.arr topLevelModules).compress
let alectryonStatic := #[
("alectryon.css", alectryonCss),
("alectryon.js", alectryonJs),
@ -132,6 +128,16 @@ def getSimpleBaseContext (hierarchy : Hierarchy) : SiteBaseContext :=
def finalizeDeclarationData : IO Unit := do
let mut topLevelModules := #[]
for entry in ←System.FilePath.readDir basePath do
if entry.fileName.startsWith "declaration-data-" && entry.fileName.endsWith ".bmp" then
let module := entry.fileName.drop "declaration-data-".length |>.dropRight ".bmp".length
topLevelModules := topLevelModules.push (Json.str module)
-- The root JSON for find
FS.writeFile (basePath / "declaration-data.bmp") (Json.arr topLevelModules).compress
The main entrypoint for outputting the documentation HTML based on an
@ -140,6 +146,7 @@ def htmlOutput (result : AnalyzerResult) (hierarchy : Hierarchy) (ws : Lake.Work
let baseConfig := getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
htmlOutputSetup baseConfig
htmlOutputResults baseConfig result ws inkPath
end DocGen4

View File

@ -96,23 +96,55 @@ def getRelevantModules (imports : List Name) : MetaM (HashSet Name) := do
relevant := relevant.insert module
pure relevant
Run the doc-gen analysis on all modules that are loaded into the `Environment`
of this `MetaM` run.
def process (imports : List Name) (transitiveModules : Bool) : MetaM (AnalyzerResult × Hierarchy) := do
inductive AnalyzeTask where
| loadAll (load : List Name) : AnalyzeTask
| loadAllLimitAnalysis (load : List Name) (analyze : List Name) : AnalyzeTask
def AnalyzeTask.getLoad : AnalyzeTask → List Name
| loadAll load => load
| loadAllLimitAnalysis load _ => load
def AnalyzeTask.getAnalyze : AnalyzeTask → List Name
| loadAll load => load
| loadAllLimitAnalysis _ analysis => analysis
def getAllModuleDocs (relevantModules : Array Name) : MetaM (HashMap Name Module) := do
let env ← getEnv
let relevantNames := if transitiveModules then (HashSet.fromArray env.header.moduleNames) else (←getRelevantModules imports)
let mut res := mkHashMap relevantNames.size
for module in relevantNames.toArray do
let mut res := mkHashMap relevantModules.size
for module in relevantModules do
let modDocs := getModuleDoc? env module |>.getD #[] |>.map .modDoc
res := res.insert module (Module.mk module modDocs)
pure res
-- TODO: This is definitely not the most efficient way to store this data
def buildImportAdjMatrix (allModules : Array Name) : MetaM (Array (Array Bool)) := do
let env ← getEnv
let mut adj := Array.mkArray allModules.size (Array.mkArray allModules.size false)
for moduleName in allModules do
let some modIdx := env.getModuleIdx? moduleName | unreachable!
let moduleData := env.header.moduleData.get! modIdx
for imp in moduleData.imports do
let some importIdx := env.getModuleIdx? imp.module | unreachable!
adj := adj.set! modIdx (adj.get! modIdx |>.set! importIdx true)
pure adj
Run the doc-gen analysis on all modules that are loaded into the `Environment`
of this `MetaM` run and mentioned by the `AnalyzeTask`.
def process (task : AnalyzeTask) : MetaM (AnalyzerResult × Hierarchy) := do
let env ← getEnv
let relevantModules ← match task with
| .loadAll _ => pure $ HashSet.fromArray env.header.moduleNames
| .loadAllLimitAnalysis _ analysis => getRelevantModules analysis
let allModules := env.header.moduleNames
let mut res ← getAllModuleDocs relevantModules.toArray
for (name, cinfo) in env.constants.toList do
let some modidx := env.getModuleIdxFor? name | unreachable!
let moduleName := env.allImportedModuleNames.get! modidx
-- skip irrelevant names
if !relevantNames.contains moduleName.getRoot then
if !relevantModules.contains moduleName then
@ -122,7 +154,7 @@ def process (imports : List Name) (transitiveModules : Bool) : MetaM (AnalyzerRe
fileName := ←getFileName,
fileMap := ←getFileMap
let analysis := Prod.fst <$> Meta.MetaM.toIO (DocInfo.ofConstant (name, cinfo)) config { env := env} {} {}
let analysis := Prod.fst <$> Meta.MetaM.toIO (DocInfo.ofConstant (name, cinfo)) config { env := env } {} {}
if let some dinfo ← analysis then
let moduleName := env.allImportedModuleNames.get! modidx
let module := res.find! moduleName
@ -130,21 +162,16 @@ def process (imports : List Name) (transitiveModules : Bool) : MetaM (AnalyzerRe
catch e =>
IO.println s!"WARNING: Failed to obtain information for: {name}: {←e.toMessageData.toString}"
-- TODO: This is definitely not the most efficient way to store this data
let mut adj := Array.mkArray res.size (Array.mkArray res.size false)
-- TODO: This could probably be faster if we did an insertion sort above instead
let adj ← buildImportAdjMatrix allModules
-- TODO: This could probably be faster if we did sorted insert above instead
for (moduleName, module) in res.toArray do
res := res.insert moduleName {module with members := module.members.qsort ModuleMember.order}
let some modIdx := env.getModuleIdx? moduleName | unreachable!
let moduleData := env.header.moduleData.get! modIdx
for imp in moduleData.imports do
let some importIdx := env.getModuleIdx? imp.module | unreachable!
adj := adj.set! modIdx (adj.get! modIdx |>.set! importIdx true)
let hierarchy := Hierarchy.fromArray relevantNames.toArray
let hierarchy := Hierarchy.fromArray allModules
let analysis := {
name2ModIdx := env.const2ModIdx,
moduleNames := env.header.moduleNames,
moduleNames := allModules,
moduleInfo := res,
importAdj := adj

View File

@ -14,54 +14,97 @@ def findLeanInk? (p : Parsed) : IO (Option System.FilePath) := do
throw $ IO.userError "Invalid path to LeanInk binary provided"
| none => pure none
def getTopLevelModules (p : Parsed) : IO (List String) := do
let topLevelModules := p.variableArgsAs! String |>.toList
if topLevelModules.length == 0 then
throw $ IO.userError "No topLevelModules provided."
pure topLevelModules
def runInitCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let topLevelModules ← getTopLevelModules p
let res ← lakeSetup topLevelModules
match res with
| Except.ok _ =>
let modules := topLevelModules.map Name.mkSimple
let hierarchy ← loadInit modules
let baseConfig := getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
htmlOutputSetup baseConfig
pure 0
| Except.error rc => pure rc
def runSingleCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let topLevelModules ← getTopLevelModules p
let relevantModules := [p.positionalArg! "module" |>.as! String]
let res ← lakeSetup (relevantModules ++ topLevelModules)
match res with
| Except.ok ws =>
let relevantModules := relevantModules.map Name.mkSimple
let topLevelModules := topLevelModules.map Name.mkSimple
let (doc, hierarchy) ← load (.loadAllLimitAnalysis topLevelModules relevantModules)
IO.println "Outputting HTML"
let baseConfig := getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
htmlOutputResults baseConfig doc ws (←findLeanInk? p)
pure 0
| Except.error rc => pure rc
def runFinalizeCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
pure 0
def runDocGenCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let modules : List String := p.variableArgsAs! String |>.toList
if p.hasFlag "single" && p.hasFlag "setup" then
throw $ IO.userError "Can't have single and setup at the same time"
if modules.length == 0 then
throw $ IO.userError "No modules provided."
let res ← lakeSetup modules
let modules := modules.map Name.mkSimple
match res with
| Except.ok ws =>
IO.println s!"Loading modules from: {←searchPathRef.get}"
--if p.hasFlag "single" then
-- if modules.length ≠ 1 then
-- throw $ IO.userError "Called single with more than a single module"
-- else
-- let (doc, hierarchy) ← load modules false
-- IO.println "Outputting HTML"
-- let baseConfig := getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
-- htmlOutputResults baseConfig doc ws leanHash (←findLeanInk? p)
-- pure 0
--else if p.hasFlag "setup" then
-- let config := {
-- fileName := default,
-- fileMap := default,
-- }
-- let env ← importModules (List.map (Import.mk · false) modules) Options.empty
-- let relevantModules ← Prod.fst <$> Meta.MetaM.toIO (Process.getRelevantModules modules) config { env := env } {}
-- let hierarchy := Hierarchy.fromArray relevantModules.toArray
-- let baseConfig := getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
-- htmlOutputSetup baseConfig
-- pure 0
let (doc, hierarchy) ← load modules true
let modules := modules.map Name.mkSimple
let (doc, hierarchy) ← load (.loadAll modules)
IO.println "Outputting HTML"
htmlOutput doc hierarchy ws (←findLeanInk? p)
pure 0
| Except.error rc => pure rc
def initCmd := `[Cli|
init VIA runInitCmd;
"Generate the initial directory structure and static files."
...topLevelModule : String; "The top level modules this documentation will be for."
def singleCmd := `[Cli|
single VIA runSingleCmd;
"Only generate the documentation for the module it was given, might contain broken links unless all documentation is generated."
ink : String; "Path to a LeanInk binary to use for rendering the Lean sources."
module : String; "The module to generate the HTML for. Does not have to be part of topLevelModules."
...topLevelModules : String; "The top level modules this documentation will be for."
def finalizeCmd := `[Cli|
finalize VIA runFinalizeCmd;
"Finalize the documentation that has been generated by single."
def docGenCmd : Cmd := `[Cli|
"doc-gen4" VIA runDocGenCmd; ["0.0.1"]
"A documentation generator for Lean 4."
ink : String; "Path to a LeanInk binary to use for rendering the Lean sources."
--single; "Generate documentation only for a single module, will cause broken links if there are others"
--setup; "Only output the files that are always required"
...modules : String; "The modules to generate the HTML for"
...modules : String; "The modules to generate the HTML for."
def main (args : List String) : IO UInt32 :=