feat: Show inductive constructors properly

Closes: #2
Henrik Böving 2022-01-03 18:22:12 +01:00
parent 85d1e4608c
commit 3adb8e71d1
4 changed files with 62 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -3,14 +3,15 @@ Copyright (c) 2021 Henrik Böving. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Henrik Böving
import Lean
import DocGen4.Process
import DocGen4.IncludeStr
import DocGen4.ToHtmlFormat
namespace DocGen4
namespace Output
open Lean System
open scoped DocGen4.Jsx
open Lean System Widget Elab
structure SiteContext where
root : String
@ -49,5 +50,38 @@ section Static
def navJs : String := include_str "./static/nav.js"
end Static
def declNameToLink (name : Name) : HtmlM String := do
let res ← getResult
let module := res.moduleNames[res.name2ModIdx.find! name]
(←moduleNameToLink module) ++ "#" ++ name.toString
def splitWhitespaces (s : String) : (String × String × String) := Id.run do
let front := "".pushn ' ' (s.find (!Char.isWhitespace ·))
let mut s := s.trimLeft
let back := "".pushn ' ' (s.length - s.offsetOfPos (s.find Char.isWhitespace))
s:= s.trimRight
(front, s, back)
partial def infoFormatToHtml (i : CodeWithInfos) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
match i with
| TaggedText.text t => return #[t]
| TaggedText.append tt => tt.foldlM (λ acc t => do acc ++ (←infoFormatToHtml t)) #[]
| TaggedText.tag a t =>
match a.info.val.info with
| Info.ofTermInfo i =>
match i.expr.consumeMData with
| Expr.const name _ _ =>
match t with
| TaggedText.text t =>
let (front, t, back) := splitWhitespaces t
let elem := Html.element "a" true #[("href", ←declNameToLink name)] #[t]
#[Html.text front, elem, Html.text back]
| _ =>
-- TODO: Is this ever reachable?
#[Html.element "a" true #[("href", ←declNameToLink name)] (←infoFormatToHtml t)]
| _ =>
#[Html.element "span" true #[("class", "fn")] (←infoFormatToHtml t)]
| _ => #[Html.element "span" true #[("class", "fn")] (←infoFormatToHtml t)]
end Output
end DocGen4

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import DocGen4.Output.Template
namespace DocGen4
namespace Output
open scoped DocGen4.Jsx
def ctorToHtml (i : NameInfo) : HtmlM Html := do
let name := i.name.components'.head!.toString
return <li «class»="constructor" id={name}>{name} : [←infoFormatToHtml i.type]</li>
def inductiveToHtml (i : InductiveInfo) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
#[Html.element "ul" false #[("class", "constructors")] (←i.ctors.toArray.mapM ctorToHtml)]
end Output
end DocGen4

View File

@ -3,51 +3,14 @@ Copyright (c) 2021 Henrik Böving. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Henrik Böving
import Lean
import Lean.PrettyPrinter
import Lean.Widget.TaggedText
import DocGen4.ToHtmlFormat
import DocGen4.Output.Template
import DocGen4.Output.Inductive
namespace DocGen4
namespace Output
open scoped DocGen4.Jsx
open Lean PrettyPrinter Widget Elab
def declNameToLink (name : Name) : HtmlM String := do
let res ← getResult
let module := res.moduleNames[res.name2ModIdx.find! name]
(←moduleNameToLink module) ++ "#" ++ name.toString
def splitWhitespaces (s : String) : (String × String × String) := Id.run do
let front := "".pushn ' ' (s.find (!Char.isWhitespace ·))
let mut s := s.trimLeft
let back := "".pushn ' ' (s.length - s.offsetOfPos (s.find Char.isWhitespace))
s:= s.trimRight
(front, s, back)
partial def infoFormatToHtml (i : CodeWithInfos) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
match i with
| TaggedText.text t => return #[t]
| TaggedText.append tt => tt.foldlM (λ acc t => do acc ++ (←infoFormatToHtml t)) #[]
| TaggedText.tag a t =>
match a.info.val.info with
| Info.ofTermInfo i =>
match i.expr.consumeMData with
| Expr.const name _ _ =>
match t with
| TaggedText.text t =>
let (front, t, back) := splitWhitespaces t
let elem := Html.element "a" true #[("href", ←declNameToLink name)] #[t]
#[Html.text front, elem, Html.text back]
| _ =>
-- TODO: Is this ever reachable?
#[Html.element "a" true #[("href", ←declNameToLink name)] (←infoFormatToHtml t)]
| _ =>
#[Html.element "span" true #[("class", "fn")] (←infoFormatToHtml t)]
| _ => #[Html.element "span" true #[("class", "fn")] (←infoFormatToHtml t)]
open Lean
def argToHtml (arg : Arg) : HtmlM Html := do
let (l, r, implicit) := match arg.binderInfo with
@ -87,7 +50,11 @@ def docInfoHeader (doc : DocInfo) : HtmlM Html := do
return <div «class»="decl_header"> [nodes] </div>
def docInfoToHtml (doc : DocInfo) : HtmlM Html := do
<div «class»="decl" id={doc.getName.toString}>
let doc_html := match doc with
| DocInfo.inductiveInfo i => inductiveToHtml i
| _ => #[]
return <div «class»="decl" id={doc.getName.toString}>
<div «class»={doc.getKind}>
<div «class»="gh_link">
-- TODO: Put the proper source link
@ -95,7 +62,7 @@ def docInfoToHtml (doc : DocInfo) : HtmlM Html := do
-- TODO: Attributes
{←docInfoHeader doc}
-- TODO: The actual type information we are here for

View File

@ -52,14 +52,8 @@ structure DefinitionInfo extends Info where
abbrev InstanceInfo := DefinitionInfo
structure InductiveInfo extends Info where
numParams : Nat -- Number of parameters
numIndices : Nat -- Number of indices
all : List Name -- List of all (including this one) inductive datatypes in the mutual declaration containing this one
ctors : List NameInfo -- List of all constructors and their type for this inductive datatype
isRec : Bool -- `true` Iff it is recursive
isUnsafe : Bool
isReflexive : Bool
isNested : Bool
deriving Inhabited
structure FieldInfo extends NameInfo where
@ -166,7 +160,7 @@ def InductiveInfo.ofInductiveVal (v : InductiveVal) : MetaM InductiveInfo := do
let info ← Info.ofConstantVal v.toConstantVal
let env ← getEnv
let ctors ← v.ctors.mapM (λ name => do NameInfo.mk name (←getConstructorType name))
return InductiveInfo.mk info v.numParams v.numIndices v.all ctors v.isRec v.isUnsafe v.isReflexive v.isNested
return InductiveInfo.mk info ctors v.isUnsafe
def getFieldTypeAux (type : Expr) (vars : List Name) : (Expr × List Name) :=
match type with