feat: Setup infrastructure for type HTMLifying

Henrik Böving 2021-12-17 15:59:43 +01:00
parent 03ec9c2e1d
commit 2df4891c9f
2 changed files with 46 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ Copyright (c) 2021 Henrik Böving. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Henrik Böving
import Lean
import Lean.PrettyPrinter
import DocGen4.ToHtmlFormat
import DocGen4.Output.Template
@ -10,8 +13,21 @@ namespace DocGen4
namespace Output
open scoped DocGen4.Jsx
open Lean PrettyPrinter
def docInfoHeader (doc : DocInfo) : HtmlM Html := do
let mut nodes := #[]
-- TODO: noncomputable, partial
-- TODO: Support all the kinds in CSS
nodes := nodes.push <span «class»="decl_kind">{doc.getKind}</span>
-- TODO: HTMLify the name etc.
nodes := nodes.push <span «class»="name">doc.getName.toString</span>
-- TODO: Figure out how we can get explicit, implicit and TC args and put them here
nodes := nodes.push <span «class»="decl_args">:</span>
nodes := nodes.push <div «class»="decl_type"><span «class»="fn">Type!!!</span></div>
-- TODO: The final type of the declaration
return <div «class»="decl_header"> [nodes] </div>
-- TODO: This is a mix of decl.j2 and decl_header.j2, there is tons of stuff still missing
def docInfoToHtml (doc : DocInfo) : HtmlM Html := do
<div «class»="decl" id={doc.getName.toString}>
<div «class»={doc.getKind}>
@ -20,11 +36,7 @@ def docInfoToHtml (doc : DocInfo) : HtmlM Html := do
<a href="https://github.com">source</a>
-- TODO: Attributes
-- TODO: Noncomputable, partial etc.
<span «class»="decl_kind">{doc.getKind}</span>
-- TODO: HTMLify the name etc.
-- TODO: args
{←docInfoHeader doc}
-- TODO: The actual type information we are here for

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@ -15,33 +15,30 @@ namespace DocGen4
open Lean Meta PrettyPrinter Std
abbrev InfoSyntax := (Syntax × RBMap Delaborator.Pos Elab.Info compare)
structure NameInfo where
name : Name
type : Syntax
deriving Repr
type : InfoSyntax
def NameInfo.prettyPrint (i : NameInfo) : CoreM String := do
s!"{i.name} : {←PrettyPrinter.formatTerm i.type}"
s!"{i.name} : {←PrettyPrinter.formatTerm i.type.fst}"
structure Info extends NameInfo where
doc : Option String
declarationRange : DeclarationRange
deriving Repr
structure AxiomInfo extends Info where
isUnsafe : Bool
deriving Repr
structure TheoremInfo extends Info where
deriving Repr
structure TheoremInfo extends Info
structure OpaqueInfo extends Info where
value : Syntax
value : InfoSyntax
isUnsafe : Bool
deriving Repr
structure DefinitionInfo extends Info where
--value : Syntax
--value : InfoSyntax
unsafeInformation : DefinitionSafety
hints : ReducibilityHints
@ -56,23 +53,19 @@ structure InductiveInfo extends Info where
isUnsafe : Bool
isReflexive : Bool
isNested : Bool
deriving Repr
structure FieldInfo extends NameInfo where
projFn : Name
subobject? : Option Name
deriving Repr
structure StructureInfo extends Info where
fieldInfo : Array FieldInfo
parents : Array Name
ctor : NameInfo
deriving Repr
structure ClassInfo extends StructureInfo where
hasOutParam : Bool
instances : Array Syntax
deriving Repr
instances : Array InfoSyntax
inductive DocInfo where
| axiomInfo (info : AxiomInfo) : DocInfo
@ -90,18 +83,18 @@ structure Module where
members : Array DocInfo
deriving Inhabited
def prettyPrintTerm (expr : Expr) : MetaM Syntax := do
def prettyPrintTerm (expr : Expr) : MetaM InfoSyntax := do
let ((expr, _), _) ← Elab.Term.TermElabM.run $ Elab.Term.levelMVarToParam (←instantiateMVars expr)
let term ← delab Name.anonymous [] expr
parenthesizeTerm term
let (stx, info) ← delabCore Name.anonymous [] expr
(←parenthesizeTerm stx, info)
def Info.ofConstantVal (v : ConstantVal) : MetaM Info := do
let env ← getEnv
let type ← prettyPrintTerm v.type
let t ← prettyPrintTerm v.type
let doc ← findDocString? env v.name
match ←findDeclarationRanges? v.name with
-- TODO: Maybe selection range is more relevant? Figure this out in the future
| some range => return Info.mk ⟨v.name, type⟩ doc range.range
| some range => return Info.mk ⟨v.name, t⟩ doc range.range
| none => panic! s!"{v.name} is a declaration without position"
def AxiomInfo.ofAxiomVal (v : AxiomVal) : MetaM AxiomInfo := do
@ -114,8 +107,8 @@ def TheoremInfo.ofTheoremVal (v : TheoremVal) : MetaM TheoremInfo := do
def OpaqueInfo.ofOpaqueVal (v : OpaqueVal) : MetaM OpaqueInfo := do
let info ← Info.ofConstantVal v.toConstantVal
let value ← prettyPrintTerm v.value
return OpaqueInfo.mk info value v.isUnsafe
let t ← prettyPrintTerm v.value
return OpaqueInfo.mk info t v.isUnsafe
def isInstance (declName : Name) : MetaM Bool := do
(instanceExtension.getState (←getEnv)).instanceNames.contains declName
@ -126,7 +119,7 @@ def DefinitionInfo.ofDefinitionVal (v : DefinitionVal) : MetaM DefinitionInfo :=
--let value ← prettyPrintTerm v.value
return DefinitionInfo.mk info v.safety v.hints
def getConstructorType (ctor : Name) : MetaM Syntax := do
def getConstructorType (ctor : Name) : MetaM InfoSyntax := do
let env ← getEnv
match env.find? ctor with
| some (ConstantInfo.ctorInfo i) => ←prettyPrintTerm i.type
@ -249,10 +242,10 @@ def prettyPrint (i : DocInfo) : CoreM String := do
s!"inductive {←i.toNameInfo.prettyPrint}, ctors: {ctorString}, doc string: {i.doc}"
| structureInfo i =>
let ctorString ← i.ctor.prettyPrint
let fieldString ← i.fieldInfo.mapM (λ f => do s!"{f.name} : {←PrettyPrinter.formatTerm f.type}")
let fieldString ← i.fieldInfo.mapM (λ f => do s!"{f.name} : {←PrettyPrinter.formatTerm f.type.fst}")
s!"structure {←i.toNameInfo.prettyPrint} extends {i.parents}, ctor: {ctorString}, fields : {fieldString}, doc string: {i.doc}"
| classInfo i =>
let instanceString ← i.instances.mapM PrettyPrinter.formatTerm
let instanceString ← i.instances.mapM (PrettyPrinter.formatTerm ∘ Prod.fst)
let fieldString ← i.fieldInfo.mapM (NameInfo.prettyPrint ∘ FieldInfo.toNameInfo)
s!"class {←i.toNameInfo.prettyPrint} extends {i.parents}, fields: {fieldString}, instances : {instanceString}, doc string: {i.doc}"
@ -276,6 +269,16 @@ def getKind : DocInfo → String
| structureInfo _ => "structure"
| classInfo _ => "class" -- TODO: This is handled as structure right now
def getType : DocInfo → InfoSyntax
| axiomInfo i => i.type
| theoremInfo i => i.type
| opaqueInfo i => i.type
| definitionInfo i => i.type
| instanceInfo i => i.type
| inductiveInfo i => i.type
| structureInfo i => i.type
| classInfo i => i.type
end DocInfo
namespace Module