feat: Degrade --ink to flag

Henrik Böving 2022-07-26 13:56:22 +02:00
parent 5a893f4b76
commit 14afcdbeaf
2 changed files with 9 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ def htmlOutputDeclarationDatas (result : AnalyzerResult) : HtmlT IO Unit := do
let jsonDecls ← Module.toJson mod
FS.writeFile (declarationsBasePath / s!"declaration-data-{mod.name}.bmp") (toJson jsonDecls).compress
def htmlOutputResults (baseConfig : SiteBaseContext) (result : AnalyzerResult) (ws : Lake.Workspace) (inkPath : Option System.FilePath) : IO Unit := do
def htmlOutputResults (baseConfig : SiteBaseContext) (result : AnalyzerResult) (ws : Lake.Workspace) (ink : Bool) : IO Unit := do
let config : SiteContext := {
result := result,
sourceLinker := ←sourceLinker ws
leanInkEnabled := inkPath.isSome
leanInkEnabled := ink
FS.createDirAll basePath
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ def htmlOutputResults (baseConfig : SiteBaseContext) (result : AnalyzerResult) (
let moduleHtml := moduleToHtml module |>.run config baseConfig
FS.createDirAll fileDir
FS.writeFile filePath moduleHtml.toString
if let some inkPath := inkPath then
if ink then
if let some inputPath ← Lean.SearchPath.findModuleWithExt sourceSearchPath "lean" module.name then
IO.println s!"Inking: {modName.toString}"
-- path: 'basePath/src/module/components/till/last.html'
@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ def htmlOutputIndex (baseConfig : SiteBaseContext) : IO Unit := do
The main entrypoint for outputting the documentation HTML based on an
def htmlOutput (result : AnalyzerResult) (hierarchy : Hierarchy) (ws : Lake.Workspace) (inkPath : Option System.FilePath) : IO Unit := do
def htmlOutput (result : AnalyzerResult) (hierarchy : Hierarchy) (ws : Lake.Workspace) (ink : Bool) : IO Unit := do
let baseConfig := getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
htmlOutputResults baseConfig result ws inkPath
htmlOutputResults baseConfig result ws ink
htmlOutputIndex baseConfig
end DocGen4

View File

@ -4,16 +4,6 @@ import Cli
open DocGen4 Lean Cli
def findLeanInk? (p : Parsed) : IO (Option System.FilePath) := do
match p.flag? "ink" with
| some ink =>
let inkPath := System.FilePath.mk ink.value
if ←inkPath.pathExists then
pure <| some inkPath
throw <| IO.userError "Invalid path to LeanInk binary provided"
| none => pure none
def getTopLevelModules (p : Parsed) : IO (List String) := do
let topLevelModules := p.variableArgsAs! String |>.toList
if topLevelModules.length == 0 then
@ -29,7 +19,7 @@ def runSingleCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let (doc, hierarchy) ← load (.loadAllLimitAnalysis relevantModules)
IO.println "Outputting HTML"
let baseConfig := getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
htmlOutputResults baseConfig doc ws (←findLeanInk? p)
htmlOutputResults baseConfig doc ws (p.hasFlag "ink")
pure 0
| Except.error rc => pure rc
@ -51,7 +41,7 @@ def runDocGenCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let modules := modules.map String.toName
let (doc, hierarchy) ← load (.loadAll modules)
IO.println "Outputting HTML"
htmlOutput doc hierarchy ws (←findLeanInk? p)
htmlOutput doc hierarchy ws (p.hasFlag "ink")
pure 0
| Except.error rc => pure rc
@ -60,7 +50,7 @@ def singleCmd := `[Cli|
"Only generate the documentation for the module it was given, might contain broken links unless all documentation is generated."
ink : String; "Path to a LeanInk binary to use for rendering the Lean sources."
ink; "Render the files with LeanInk in addition"
module : String; "The module to generate the HTML for. Does not have to be part of topLevelModules."
@ -78,7 +68,7 @@ def docGenCmd : Cmd := `[Cli|
"A documentation generator for Lean 4."
ink : String; "Path to a LeanInk binary to use for rendering the Lean sources."
ink; "Render the files with LeanInk in addition"
...modules : String; "The modules to generate the HTML for."