feat: Rudamentary structure support

Henrik Böving 2021-12-02 10:34:20 +01:00
parent 21bcc3d0bc
commit 006b92deaa
1 changed files with 26 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -41,13 +41,19 @@ structure InductiveInfo extends Info where
isNested : Bool
deriving Repr
structure StructureInfo extends Info where
fieldInfo : Array StructureFieldInfo
parents : Array Name
ctor : (Name × Syntax)
deriving Repr
inductive DocInfo where
| axiomInfo (info : AxiomInfo) : DocInfo
| theoremInfo (info : TheoremInfo) : DocInfo
| opaqueInfo (info : OpaqueInfo) : DocInfo
| definitionInfo (info : DefinitionInfo) : DocInfo
| inductiveInfo (info : InductiveInfo) : DocInfo
| structureInfo : DocInfo
| structureInfo (info : StructureInfo) : DocInfo
| classInfo : DocInfo
| classInductiveInfo : DocInfo
@ -97,9 +103,19 @@ def InductiveInfo.ofInductiveVal (v : InductiveVal) : MetaM InductiveInfo := do
let ctors ← List.mapM (λ name => do (name, ←getConstructorType name)) v.ctors
return InductiveInfo.mk info v.numParams v.numIndices v.all ctors v.isRec v.isUnsafe v.isReflexive v.isNested
def StructureInfo.ofInductiveVal (v : InductiveVal) : MetaM StructureInfo := do
let info ← Info.ofConstantVal v.toConstantVal
let env ← getEnv
let parents := getParentStructures env v.name
let ctor := getStructureCtor env v.name |>.name
let ctorType ← getConstructorType ctor
match getStructureInfo? env v.name with
| some i => return StructureInfo.mk info i.fieldInfo parents (ctor, ctorType)
| none => panic! s!"{v.name} is not a structure"
namespace DocInfo
private def isBlackListed (declName : Name) : MetaM Bool := do
def isBlackListed (declName : Name) : MetaM Bool := do
let env ← getEnv
<||> isAuxRecursor env declName
@ -122,7 +138,11 @@ def ofConstant : (Name × ConstantInfo) → MetaM (Option DocInfo) := λ (name,
-- - how we can access unnamed instances (they probably have internal names?, change the blacklist?)
| ConstantInfo.defnInfo i => some $ definitionInfo (←DefinitionInfo.ofDefinitionVal i)
-- TODO: Differentiate between all the different types of inductives (structures, classes etc.)
| ConstantInfo.inductInfo i => some $ inductiveInfo (←InductiveInfo.ofInductiveVal i)
| ConstantInfo.inductInfo i =>
if isStructure (←getEnv) i.name then
some $ structureInfo (←StructureInfo.ofInductiveVal i)
some $ inductiveInfo (←InductiveInfo.ofInductiveVal i)
-- we ignore these for now
| ConstantInfo.ctorInfo i => none
| ConstantInfo.recInfo i => none
@ -138,6 +158,9 @@ def prettyPrint (i : DocInfo) : CoreM String := do
| inductiveInfo i =>
let ctorString ← i.ctors.mapM (λ (name, type) => do s!"{name} : {←PrettyPrinter.formatTerm type}")
s!"inductive {i.name} : {←PrettyPrinter.formatTerm i.type}, ctors: {ctorString}, doc string: {i.doc}"
| structureInfo i =>
let ctorString ← s!"{i.ctor.fst} : {←PrettyPrinter.formatTerm i.ctor.snd}"
s!"structure {i.name} : {←PrettyPrinter.formatTerm i.type}, ctor: {ctorString}, doc string: {i.doc}"
| _ => ""
end DocInfo