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Raw Normal View History

Copyright (c) 2022 Henrik Böving. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Henrik Böving
import Lean
import DocGen4.Process.Base
import DocGen4.Process.Attributes
namespace DocGen4.Process
open Lean Meta
def NameInfo.ofTypedName (n : Name) (t : Expr) : MetaM NameInfo := do
let env ← getEnv
pure { name := n, type := ←prettyPrintTerm t, doc := ←findDocString? env n}
partial def typeToArgsType (e : Expr) : (Array (Name × Expr × BinderInfo) × Expr) :=
let helper := λ name type body data =>
-- Once we hit a name with a macro scope we stop traversing the expression
-- and print what is left after the : instead. The only exception
-- to this is instances since these almost never have a name
-- but should still be printed as arguments instead of after the :.
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if name.hasMacroScopes ∧ ¬data.isInstImplicit then
(#[], e)
let name := name.eraseMacroScopes
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let arg := (name, type, data)
let (args, final) := typeToArgsType (Expr.instantiate1 body (mkFVar ⟨name⟩))
(#[arg] ++ args, final)
match e.consumeMData with
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| Expr.lam name type body binderInfo => helper name type body binderInfo
| Expr.forallE name type body binderInfo => helper name type body binderInfo
| _ => (#[], e)
def Info.ofConstantVal (v : ConstantVal) : MetaM Info := do
let (args, type) := typeToArgsType v.type
let args ← args.mapM (λ (n, e, b) => do pure $ n (←prettyPrintTerm e) b)
let nameInfo ← NameInfo.ofTypedName type
match ←findDeclarationRanges? with
-- TODO: Maybe selection range is more relevant? Figure this out in the future
| some range => pure $ nameInfo args range.range (←getAllAttributes
| none => panic! s!"{} is a declaration without position"
end DocGen4.Process