50 lines
1.6 KiB
50 lines
1.6 KiB
import CMark
import DocGen4.Output.Template
import Lean.Data.Parsec
open Lean
namespace DocGen4
namespace Output
open Xml Parser Lean Parsec
def manyDocument : Parsec (Array Element) := many (prolog *> element <* many Misc) <* eof
partial def addAttributes : Element → Element
| (Element.Element name attrs contents) =>
-- heading only
if name = "h1" ∨ name = "h2" ∨ name = "h3" ∨ name = "h4" ∨ name = "h5" ∨ name = "h6" then
let id := "".intercalate (contents.map toString).toList
|>.dropWhile (λ c => !(c.isAlphanum ∨ c = '-'))
|>.replace " " "-"
let anchorAttributes := Std.RBMap.empty
|>.insert "class" "hover-link"
|>.insert "href" s!"#{id}"
let anchor := Element.Element "a" anchorAttributes #[Content.Character "#"]
let newAttrs := attrs
|>.insert "id" id
|>.insert "class" "markdown-heading"
let newContents :=
contents.map (λ c => match c with
| Content.Element e => Content.Element (addAttributes e)
| _ => c)
|>.push (Content.Element anchor)
⟨ name, newAttrs, newContents⟩
let newContents := contents.map λ c => match c with
| Content.Element e => Content.Element (addAttributes e)
| _ => c
⟨ name, attrs, newContents ⟩
def docStringToHtml (s : String) : Html :=
let rendered := CMark.renderHtml s
let attributed := match manyDocument rendered.mkIterator with
| Parsec.ParseResult.success _ res => "".intercalate (res.map addAttributes |>.map toString).toList
| _ => rendered
Html.text attributed
end Output
end DocGen4