
183 lines
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Copyright (c) 2022 Henrik Böving. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Henrik Böving, Xubai Wang
import DocGen4.Output.Base
import DocGen4.Output.ToHtmlFormat
import DocGen4.LeanInk.Process
import Lean.Data.Json
import LeanInk.Annotation.Alectryon
namespace LeanInk.Annotation.Alectryon
open DocGen4 Output
open scoped DocGen4.Jsx
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structure AlectryonContext where
counter : Nat
abbrev AlectryonM := StateT AlectryonContext HtmlM
def getNextButtonLabel : AlectryonM String := do
let val ← get
let newCounter := val.counter + 1
set { val with counter := newCounter }
pure s!"plain-lean4-lean-chk{val.counter}"
def TypeInfo.toHtml : TypeInfo → AlectryonM Html := sorry
def Token.toHtml (t : Token) : AlectryonM Html := do
-- TODO: Show rest of token
pure $ Html.text t.raw
def Contents.toHtml : Contents → AlectryonM (Array Html)
| .string value => pure #[Html.text value]
| .experimentalTokens values => values.mapM Token.toHtml
def Hypothesis.toHtml (h : Hypothesis) : AlectryonM Html := do
let mut hypParts := #[<var>[h.names.intersperse ", " |>.map Html.text |>.toArray]<//var>]
if h.body != "" then
hypParts := hypParts.push
<span class="hyp-body">
<b>:= <//b>
hypParts := hypParts.push
<span class="hyp-type">
<b>: <//b>
<span >{h.type}<//span>
def Goal.toHtml (g : Goal) : AlectryonM Html := do
let mut hypotheses := #[]
for hyp in g.hypotheses do
let rendered ← hyp.toHtml
hypotheses := hypotheses.push rendered
hypotheses := hypotheses.push <br/>
<blockquote class="alectryon-goal">
<div class="goal-hyps">
<span class="goal-separator">
<hr><span class="goal-name">{}<//span><//hr>
<div class="goal-conclusion">
def Message.toHtml (m : Message) : AlectryonM Html := do
<blockquote class="alectryon-message">
-- TODO: This might have to be done in a fancier way
def Sentence.toHtml (s : Sentence) : AlectryonM Html := do
let messages :=
if s.messages.size > 0 then
<div class="alectryon-messages">
[←s.messages.mapM Message.toHtml]
let goals :=
if s.goals.size > 0 then
-- TODO: Alectryon has a "alectryon-extra-goals" here, implement it
<div class="alectryon-goals">
[←s.goals.mapM Goal.toHtml]
let buttonLabel ← getNextButtonLabel
<span class="alectryon-sentence">
<input class="alectryon-toggle" id={buttonLabel} style="display: none" type="checkbox"/>
<label class="alectryon-input" for={buttonLabel}>
<small class="alectryon-output">
def Text.toHtml (t : Text) : AlectryonM Html := do
<span class="alectryon-wsp">
def Fragment.toHtml : Fragment → AlectryonM Html
| .text value => value.toHtml
| .sentence value => value.toHtml
def baseHtml (content : Array Html) : AlectryonM Html := do
let banner :=
<div «class»="alectryon-banner">
Built with <a href="">doc-gen4<//a>, running Lean4.
Bubbles (<span class="alectryon-bubble"><//span>) indicate interactive fragments: hover for details, tap to reveal contents.
Use <kbd>Ctrl+↑<//kbd> <kbd>Ctrl+↓<//kbd> to navigate, <kbd>Ctrl+🖱️<//kbd> to focus.
On Mac, use <kbd>Cmd<//kbd> instead of <kbd>Ctrl<//kbd>.
<html lang="en" class="alectryon-standalone">
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href={s!"{←getRoot}src/alectryon.css"}/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href={s!"{←getRoot}src/docutils_basic.css"}/>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href={s!"{←getRoot}favicon.ico"}/>
<script defer="true" src={s!"{←getRoot}src/alectryon.js"}></script>
<article class="alectryon-root alectryon-centered">
<pre class="alectryon-io highlight">
def renderFragments (fs : Array Fragment) : AlectryonM Html :=
fs.mapM Fragment.toHtml >>= baseHtml
end LeanInk.Annotation.Alectryon
namespace DocGen4.Output.LeanInk
open Lean
open LeanInk.Annotation.Alectryon
open scoped DocGen4.Jsx
def moduleToHtml (module : Process.Module) (inkPath : System.FilePath) (sourceFilePath : System.FilePath) : HtmlT IO Html := withReader (setCurrentName do
let json ← runInk inkPath sourceFilePath
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let fragments := fromJson? json
match fragments with
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| .ok fragments =>
let render := (LeanInk.Annotation.Alectryon.renderFragments fragments) { counter := 0 }
let ctx ← read
let (html, _) := render ctx
pure html
| .error err => throw $ IO.userError s!"Error while parsing LeanInk Output: {err}"
end DocGen4.Output.LeanInk