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Copyright (c) 2022 Henrik Böving. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Henrik Böving
import Lean
import Std.Data.HashMap
import DocGen4.Process.Base
import DocGen4.Process.Hierarchy
import DocGen4.Process.DocInfo
namespace DocGen4.Process
open Lean Meta Std
2022-05-20 07:30:59 +00:00
Member of a module, either a declaration or some module doc string.
inductive ModuleMember where
| docInfo (info : DocInfo) : ModuleMember
| modDoc (doc : ModuleDoc) : ModuleMember
deriving Inhabited
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A Lean module.
structure Module where
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Name of the module.
name : Name
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All members of the module, sorted according to their line numbers.
members : Array ModuleMember
deriving Inhabited
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The result of running a full doc-gen analysis on a project.
structure AnalyzerResult where
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The map from module names to indices of the `moduleNames` array.
name2ModIdx : HashMap Name ModuleIdx
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The list of all modules, accessible nicely via `name2ModIdx`.
moduleNames : Array Name
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A map from module names to information about these modules.
moduleInfo : HashMap Name Module
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The module hierarchy as a tree structure.
hierarchy : Hierarchy
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An adjacency matrix for the import relation between modules, indexed
my the values in `name2ModIdx`.
importAdj : Array (Array Bool)
deriving Inhabited
namespace ModuleMember
def getDeclarationRange : ModuleMember → DeclarationRange
| docInfo i => i.getDeclarationRange
| modDoc i => i.declarationRange
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An order for module members, based on their declaration range.
def order (l r : ModuleMember) : Bool := l.getDeclarationRange.pos r.getDeclarationRange.pos
def getName : ModuleMember → Name
| docInfo i => i.getName
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| modDoc _ => Name.anonymous
def getDocString : ModuleMember → Option String
| docInfo i => i.getDocString
| modDoc i => i.doc
end ModuleMember
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Run the doc-gen analysis on all modules that are loaded into the `Environment`
of this `MetaM` run.
def process : MetaM AnalyzerResult := do
let env ← getEnv
let mut res := mkHashMap env.header.moduleNames.size
for module in env.header.moduleNames do
let modDocs := match getModuleDoc? env module with
| none => #[]
| some ds => ds
|>.map (λ doc => ModuleMember.modDoc doc)
res := res.insert module ( module modDocs)
for cinfo in env.constants.toList do
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let config := {
maxHeartbeats := 5000000,
options := ←getOptions,
fileName := ←getFileName,
fileMap := ←getFileMap
let analysis := Prod.fst <$> Meta.MetaM.toIO (DocInfo.ofConstant cinfo) config { env := env} {} {}
if let some dinfo ← analysis then
let some modidx := env.getModuleIdxFor? dinfo.getName | unreachable!
let moduleName := env.allImportedModuleNames.get! modidx
let module := res.find! moduleName
res := res.insert moduleName {module with members := module.members.push (ModuleMember.docInfo dinfo)}
catch e =>
IO.println s!"WARNING: Failed to obtain information for: {cinfo.fst}: {←e.toMessageData.toString}"
-- TODO: This is definitely not the most efficient way to store this data
let mut adj := Array.mkArray res.size (Array.mkArray res.size false)
-- TODO: This could probably be faster if we did an insertion sort above instead
for (moduleName, module) in res.toArray do
res := res.insert moduleName {module with members := module.members.qsort ModuleMember.order}
let some modIdx := env.getModuleIdx? moduleName | unreachable!
let moduleData := env.header.moduleData.get! modIdx
for imp in moduleData.imports do
let some importIdx := env.getModuleIdx? imp.module | unreachable!
adj := adj.set! modIdx (adj.get! modIdx |>.set! importIdx true)
pure {
name2ModIdx := env.const2ModIdx,
moduleNames := env.header.moduleNames,
moduleInfo := res,
hierarchy := Hierarchy.fromArray env.header.moduleNames,
importAdj := adj
def filterMapDocInfo (ms : Array ModuleMember) : Array DocInfo :=
ms.filterMap filter
filter : ModuleMember → Option DocInfo
| ModuleMember.docInfo i => some i
| _ => none
end DocGen4.Process