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2021-12-12 12:21:53 +00:00
Copyright (c) 2021 Henrik Böving. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Henrik Böving
import Lean
import Std.Data.HashMap
import DocGen4.Process
import DocGen4.ToHtmlFormat
import DocGen4.IncludeStr
namespace DocGen4
open Lean Std
open scoped DocGen4.Jsx
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open IO System
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structure SiteContext where
root : String
result : AnalyzerResult
currentName : Option Name
def setCurrentName (name : Name) (ctx : SiteContext) := {ctx with currentName := some name}
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abbrev HtmlM := Reader SiteContext
def getRoot : HtmlM String := do (←read).root
def getResult : HtmlM AnalyzerResult := do (←read).result
def getCurrentName : HtmlM (Option Name) := do (←read).currentName
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def templateExtends {α β : Type} (base : α → HtmlM β) (new : HtmlM α) : HtmlM β :=
new >>= base
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def nameToUrl (n : Name) : String :=
2021-12-12 12:33:24 +00:00
(parts.intersperse "/").foldl (· ++ ·) "" ++ ".html"
parts := Name.toString
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2021-12-13 12:00:53 +00:00
def nameToDirectory (basePath : FilePath) (n : Name) : FilePath :=
basePath / parts.foldl (λ acc p => acc / p) ( ".")
parts := Name.toString
def moduleListFile (file : Name) : HtmlM Html := do
let attributes := match ←getCurrentName with
| some name =>
if file == name then
#[("class", "nav_link"), ("visible", "")]
#[("class", "nav_link")]
| none => #[("class", "nav_link")]
let nodes := #[<a href={s!"{←getRoot}{nameToUrl file}"}>{file.toString}</a>]
return Html.element "div" attributes nodes
partial def moduleListDir (h : Hierarchy) : HtmlM Html := do
let children := ( Prod.snd)
let dirs := children.filter (λ c => c.getChildren.toList.length != 0)
let files := children.filter Hierarchy.isFile |>.map Hierarchy.getName
let dirNodes ← (dirs.mapM moduleListDir)
let fileNodes ← (files.mapM moduleListFile)
let attributes := match ←getCurrentName with
| some name =>
if h.getName.isPrefixOf name then
#[("class", "nav_sect"), ("data-path", nameToUrl h.getName), ("open", "")]
#[("class", "nav_sect"), ("data-path", nameToUrl h.getName)]
| none =>
#[("class", "nav_sect"), ("data-path", nameToUrl h.getName)]
let nodes := #[<summary>{h.getName.toString}</summary>] ++ dirNodes ++ fileNodes
return Html.element "details" attributes nodes
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def moduleList : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
let hierarchy := (←getResult).hierarchy
let mut list := Array.empty
for (n, cs) in hierarchy.getChildren do
list := list.push <h4>{n.toString}</h4>
list := list.push $ ←moduleListDir cs
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def navbar : HtmlM Html := do
<nav «class»="nav">
<h3>General documentation</h3>
<div «class»="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}"}>index</a></div>
TODO: Add these in later
<div «class»="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}tactics.html"}>tactics</a></div>
<div «class»="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}commands.html"}>commands</a></div>
<div «class»="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}hole_commands.html"}>hole commands</a></div>
<div «class»="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}attributes.html"}>attributes</a></div>
<div «class»="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}notes.html"}>notes</a></div>
<div «class»="nav_link"><a href={s!"{←getRoot}references.html"}>references</a></div>
def baseHtml (title : String) (site : Html) : HtmlM Html := do
<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" href={s!"{←getRoot}style.css"}/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href={s!"{←getRoot}pygments.css"}/>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href={s!"{←getRoot}favicon.ico"}/>
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/>
<input id="nav_toggle" type="checkbox"/>
<h1><label «for»="nav_toggle"></label>Documentation</h1>
<p «class»="header_filename break_within">{title}</p>
-- TODO: Replace this form with our own search
<form action="" method="get" id="search_form">
<input type="hidden" name="sitesearch" value=""/>
<input type="text" name="q" autocomplete="off"/>
<button>Google site search</button>
<nav «class»="internal_nav"></nav>
-- Lean in JS in HTML in Lean...very meta
siteRoot = "{←getRoot}";
-- TODO Add more js stuff
<script src={s!"{←getRoot}nav.js"}></script>
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2021-12-13 12:00:53 +00:00
def notFound : HtmlM Html := do templateExtends (baseHtml "404") $
<h1>404 Not Found</h1>
<p> Unfortunately, the page you were looking for is no longer here. </p>
<div id="howabout"></div>
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def index : HtmlM Html := do templateExtends (baseHtml "Index") $
<a id="top"></a>
<h1> Welcome to the documentation page </h1>
What is up?
def styleCss : String := include_str "./static/style.css"
def navJs : String := include_str "./static/nav.js"
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def moduleToHtml (module : Module) : HtmlM Html := withReader (setCurrentName do
templateExtends (baseHtml $
<h1>This is the page of {}</h1>
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2021-12-12 12:21:53 +00:00
def htmlOutput (result : AnalyzerResult) : IO Unit := do
-- TODO: parameterize this
let config := { root := "/", result := result, currentName := none}
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let basePath := "./build/doc/"
let indexHtml := index config
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let notFoundHtml := notFound config
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FS.createDirAll basePath
FS.writeFile (basePath / "index.html") indexHtml.toString
FS.writeFile (basePath / "style.css") styleCss
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FS.writeFile (basePath / "404.html") notFoundHtml.toString
FS.writeFile (basePath / "nav.js") navJs
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for (module, content) in result.modules.toArray do
let moduleHtml := (moduleToHtml content) config
let path := basePath / (nameToUrl module)
FS.createDirAll $ nameToDirectory basePath module
FS.writeFile path moduleHtml.toString
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end DocGen4