import sys from datetime import datetime from typing_extensions import TypedDict SCHEMA_NAME = "coach_scraper" TABLE_NAME = "export" class Row(TypedDict, total=False): """Representation of a row of the export table. The (site, username) make up a unique key for each coach. """ # Website the given coach was sourced from. site: str # Username used on the source site. username: str # Real name. name: str # Profile image used on the source site. image_url: str # Rapid rating relative to the site they were sourced from. rapid: int # Blitz rating relative to the site they were sourced from. blitz: int # Bullet rating relative to the site they were sourced from. bullet: int def backup_database(conn): """Creates a backup of the export table. Simply copies the table at time of invocation into another table with a `_%t` suffix, where %t denotes the number of seconds since the Unix epoch. """ cursor = None try: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( f""" SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = '{SCHEMA_NAME}' AND table_name = '{TABLE_NAME}'; """ ) result = cursor.fetchone() if result is None: print(f"Missing `{SCHEMA_NAME}.{TABLE_NAME}` table.", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) timestamp = int(( - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()) cursor.execute( f""" CREATE TABLE {SCHEMA_NAME}.{TABLE_NAME}_{timestamp} AS TABLE {SCHEMA_NAME}.{TABLE_NAME} """ ) finally: if cursor: cursor.close() def upsert_row(conn, row: Row): """Upsert the specified `Row` into the database table.""" cursor = None try: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( f""" INSERT INTO {SCHEMA_NAME}.{TABLE_NAME} ( site , username , name , image_url , rapid , blitz , bullet ) VALUES ( %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s ) ON CONFLICT (site, username) DO UPDATE SET name =, image_url = EXCLUDED.image_url, rapid = EXCLUDED.rapid, blitz = EXCLUDED.blitz, bullet = EXCLUDED.bullet; """, [ row["site"].value, row["username"], row.get("name"), row.get("image_url"), row.get("rapid"), row.get("blitz"), row.get("bullet"), ], ) conn.commit() finally: cursor.close()