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Proof of concept around copy symantics.

Joshua Potter 2021-12-26 10:14:04 -05:00
parent 6eab07e732
commit 8cf7bcd222
1 changed files with 159 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
@ -15,11 +16,13 @@ module Parser.Final
, SQ(..)
, Symantics(..)
, TQ(..)
, TextSymantics(..)
, Typeable(..)
, fromDyn
, parseSingle
, parseStrict
, toDyn
, runBoth'
) where
import qualified Control.Monad.Combinators.Expr as E
@ -27,12 +30,12 @@ import qualified Data.Eq.Type as EQ
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as M
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..), deepseq)
import Data.Eq.Type ((:=))
import Data.Functor (void)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
import Data.Text (Text, drop, dropEnd, pack, unpack)
import Parser.Utils
import Prelude hiding (drop)
-- ========================================
-- Symantics
@ -46,6 +49,10 @@ class Symantics repr where
eAnd :: repr Bool -> repr Bool -> repr Bool
eOr :: repr Bool -> repr Bool -> repr Bool
class (Symantics repr) => TextSymantics repr where
eText :: Text -> repr Text
eAppend :: repr Text -> repr Text -> repr Text
newtype Eval a = Eval {runEval :: a} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Symantics Eval where
@ -56,6 +63,10 @@ instance Symantics Eval where
eAnd (Eval lhs) (Eval rhs) = Eval (lhs && rhs)
eOr (Eval lhs) (Eval rhs) = Eval (lhs || rhs)
instance TextSymantics Eval where
eText = Eval
eAppend (Eval lhs) (Eval rhs) = Eval $ lhs <> rhs
-- ========================================
-- Typeable
-- ========================================
@ -63,24 +74,35 @@ instance Symantics Eval where
class Typeable repr where
pInt :: repr Integer
pBool :: repr Bool
pText :: repr Text
newtype TQ t = TQ {runTQ :: forall repr. Typeable repr => repr t}
instance Typeable TQ where
pInt = TQ pInt
pBool = TQ pBool
pText = TQ pText
newtype AsInt a = AsInt (Maybe (a := Integer))
instance Typeable AsInt where
pInt = AsInt (Just EQ.refl)
pBool = AsInt Nothing
pText = AsInt Nothing
newtype AsBool a = AsBool (Maybe (a := Bool))
instance Typeable AsBool where
pInt = AsBool Nothing
pBool = AsBool (Just EQ.refl)
pText = AsBool Nothing
newtype AsText a = AsText (Maybe (a := Text))
instance Typeable AsText where
pInt = AsText Nothing
pBool = AsText Nothing
pText = AsText (Just EQ.refl)
-- ========================================
-- Dynamic
@ -90,7 +112,7 @@ data Dynamic repr = forall t. Dynamic (TQ t) (repr t)
class IsDynamic a where
type' :: forall repr. Typeable repr => repr a
lift' :: forall repr. Symantics repr => a -> repr a
lift' :: forall repr. TextSymantics repr => a -> repr a
cast' :: forall repr t. TQ t -> Maybe (t := a)
instance IsDynamic Integer where
@ -103,7 +125,12 @@ instance IsDynamic Bool where
lift' = eBool
cast' (TQ t) = case t of AsBool a -> a
toDyn :: forall repr a. IsDynamic a => Symantics repr => a -> Dynamic repr
instance IsDynamic Text where
type' = pText
lift' = eText
cast' (TQ t) = case t of AsText a -> a
toDyn :: forall repr a. IsDynamic a => TextSymantics repr => a -> Dynamic repr
toDyn = Dynamic type' . lift'
fromDyn :: forall repr a. IsDynamic a => Dynamic repr -> Maybe (repr a)
@ -112,28 +139,28 @@ fromDyn (Dynamic t e) = case t of
r' <- r
pure $ EQ.coerce (EQ.lift r') e
-- ========================================
-- Single pass
-- ========================================
:: forall repr a
. Symantics repr
. TextSymantics repr
=> IsDynamic a
=> (repr a -> repr a -> repr a)
-> Dynamic repr
-> Dynamic repr
-> Maybe (Dynamic repr)
binDyn bin lhs rhs = do
asDyn bin lhs rhs = do
lhs' <- fromDyn lhs
rhs' <- fromDyn rhs
pure . Dynamic type' $ bin lhs' rhs'
parseSingle :: forall repr. Symantics repr => Parser (Dynamic repr)
parseSingle =
let ferr (offset, msg) = M.setOffset offset >> fail msg
in expr >>= either ferr pure
-- ========================================
-- Single pass
-- ========================================
parseSingle :: forall repr. TextSymantics repr => Parser (Dynamic repr)
parseSingle = expr >>= either offsetFail pure
offsetFail (offset, msg) = M.setOffset offset >> fail msg
expr = E.makeExprParser term
[ [binary "+" eAdd, binary "-" eSub]
, [binary "&&" eAnd, binary "||" eOr]
@ -145,29 +172,17 @@ parseSingle =
pure $ \lhs rhs -> do
lhs' <- lhs
rhs' <- rhs
case binDyn bin lhs' rhs' of
case asDyn bin lhs' rhs' of
Nothing -> Left (offset, "Invalid operands for `" <> unpack name <> "`")
Just a -> pure a
term = parens expr <|>
Right . toDyn <$> integer <|>
Right . toDyn <$> boolean
term = parens expr <|> Right . toDyn <$> integer <|> Right . toDyn <$> boolean
-- ========================================
-- Strict
-- ========================================
instance (NFData t) => NFData (Eval t) where
rnf (Eval t) = t `seq` ()
instance NFData (Dynamic Eval) where
rnf (Dynamic t e) = e `seq` ()
:: forall repr
. Symantics repr
=> NFData (Dynamic repr)
=> Parser (Dynamic repr)
parseStrict :: forall repr. TextSymantics repr => Parser (Dynamic repr)
parseStrict = term >>= expr
expr :: Dynamic repr -> Parser (Dynamic repr)
@ -189,9 +204,9 @@ parseStrict = term >>= expr
-> Parser (Dynamic repr)
nest t bin op = do
t' <- term
case binDyn bin t t' of
case asDyn bin t t' of
Nothing -> fail $ "Invalid operands for `" <> show op <> "`"
Just a -> a `deepseq` expr a
Just a -> a `seq` expr a
term :: Parser (Dynamic repr)
term = do
@ -200,18 +215,36 @@ parseStrict = term >>= expr
toDyn <$> integer <|> toDyn <$> boolean
-- ========================================
-- Printer
-- Pretty print
-- ========================================
newtype Print a = Print {runPrint :: Text} deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype PPrint a = PPrint {runPPrint :: Text} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Symantics Print where
eInt = Print . pack . show
eBool = Print . pack . show
eAdd (Print lhs) (Print rhs) = Print ("(" <> lhs <> " + " <> rhs <> ")")
eSub (Print lhs) (Print rhs) = Print ("(" <> lhs <> " - " <> rhs <> ")")
eAnd (Print lhs) (Print rhs) = Print ("(" <> lhs <> " && " <> rhs <> ")")
eOr (Print lhs) (Print rhs) = Print ("(" <> lhs <> " || " <> rhs <> ")")
instance Symantics PPrint where
eInt = PPrint . pack . show
eBool = PPrint . pack . show
eAdd (PPrint lhs) (PPrint rhs) = PPrint $ "(" <> lhs <> " + " <> rhs <> ")"
eSub (PPrint lhs) (PPrint rhs) = PPrint $ "(" <> lhs <> " - " <> rhs <> ")"
eAnd (PPrint lhs) (PPrint rhs) = PPrint $ "(" <> lhs <> " && " <> rhs <> ")"
eOr (PPrint lhs) (PPrint rhs) = PPrint $ "(" <> lhs <> " || " <> rhs <> ")"
instance TextSymantics PPrint where
eText = PPrint
eAppend (PPrint lhs) (PPrint rhs) =
PPrint $ "(" <> lhs <> " <> " <> rhs <> ")"
-- ========================================
-- Multiplication
-- ========================================
class (Symantics repr) => MulSymantics repr where
eMul :: repr Integer -> repr Integer -> repr Integer
instance MulSymantics Eval where
eMul (Eval lhs) (Eval rhs) = Eval (lhs * rhs)
instance MulSymantics PPrint where
eMul (PPrint lhs) (PPrint rhs) = PPrint $ "(" <> lhs <> " * " <> rhs <> ")"
-- ========================================
-- Closed
@ -226,3 +259,88 @@ instance Symantics SQ where
eSub (SQ lhs) (SQ rhs) = SQ (eSub lhs rhs)
eAnd (SQ lhs) (SQ rhs) = SQ (eAnd lhs rhs)
eOr (SQ lhs) (SQ rhs) = SQ (eOr lhs rhs)
newtype MSQ a = MSQ {runMSQ :: forall repr. MulSymantics repr => repr a}
instance Symantics MSQ where
eInt e = MSQ (eInt e)
eBool e = MSQ (eBool e)
eAdd (MSQ lhs) (MSQ rhs) = MSQ (eAdd lhs rhs)
eSub (MSQ lhs) (MSQ rhs) = MSQ (eSub lhs rhs)
eAnd (MSQ lhs) (MSQ rhs) = MSQ (eAnd lhs rhs)
eOr (MSQ lhs) (MSQ rhs) = MSQ (eOr lhs rhs)
instance MulSymantics MSQ where
eMul (MSQ lhs) (MSQ rhs) = MSQ (eMul lhs rhs)
data Result = RInt Integer | RBool Bool
runBoth :: Dynamic SQ -> Maybe (Result, Text)
runBoth d = case fromDyn @SQ @Integer d of
Just (SQ q) -> pure (case q of Eval a -> RInt a, case q of PPrint a -> a)
Nothing -> case fromDyn @SQ @Bool d of
Just (SQ q) -> pure (case q of Eval a -> RBool a, case q of PPrint a -> a)
Nothing -> Nothing
pPrint :: Dynamic SQ -> Maybe Text
pPrint d = case fromDyn @SQ @Integer d of
Just (SQ q) -> pure case q of PPrint a -> a
Nothing -> case fromDyn @SQ @Bool d of
Just (SQ q) -> pure case q of PPrint a -> a
Nothing -> Nothing
-- Have to define a new function to work on `MulSymantics`.
pPrint' :: Dynamic MSQ -> Maybe Text
pPrint' d = case fromDyn @MSQ @Integer d of
Just (MSQ q) -> pure case q of PPrint a -> a
Nothing -> case fromDyn @MSQ @Bool d of
Just (MSQ q) -> pure case q of PPrint a -> a
Nothing -> case fromDyn @MSQ @Text d of
Just (MSQ q) -> pure case q of PPrint a -> a
Nothing -> Nothing
-- ========================================
-- Open
-- ========================================
data SCopy repr1 repr2 a = SCopy (repr1 a) (repr2 a)
instance (Symantics repr1, Symantics repr2)
=> Symantics (SCopy repr1 repr2) where
eInt e = SCopy (eInt e) (eInt e)
eBool e = SCopy (eBool e) (eBool e)
eAdd (SCopy a1 a2) (SCopy b1 b2) = SCopy (eAdd a1 b1) (eAdd a2 b2)
eSub (SCopy a1 a2) (SCopy b1 b2) = SCopy (eSub a1 b1) (eSub a2 b2)
eAnd (SCopy a1 a2) (SCopy b1 b2) = SCopy (eAnd a1 b1) (eAnd a2 b2)
eOr (SCopy a1 a2) (SCopy b1 b2) = SCopy (eOr a1 b1) (eOr a2 b2)
instance (MulSymantics repr1, MulSymantics repr2)
=> MulSymantics (SCopy repr1 repr2) where
eMul (SCopy a1 a2) (SCopy b1 b2) = SCopy (eMul a1 b1) (eMul a2 b2)
:: forall repr
. Dynamic (SCopy Eval repr)
-> Maybe (Result, Dynamic repr)
runEval' d = case fromDyn d :: Maybe (SCopy Eval repr Integer) of
Just (SCopy (Eval a) r) -> pure (RInt a, Dynamic pInt r)
Nothing -> case fromDyn d :: Maybe (SCopy Eval repr Bool) of
Just (SCopy (Eval a) r) -> pure (RBool a, Dynamic pBool r)
Nothing -> Nothing
:: forall repr
. Dynamic (SCopy PPrint repr)
-> Maybe (Text, Dynamic repr)
runPPrint' d = case fromDyn d :: Maybe (SCopy PPrint repr Text) of
Just (SCopy (PPrint a) r) -> pure (a, Dynamic pText r)
Nothing -> Nothing
:: forall repr
. Dynamic (SCopy Eval (SCopy PPrint repr))
-> Maybe (Result, Text, Dynamic repr)
runBoth' d = do
(r, d') <- runEval' d
(p, d'') <- runPPrint' d'
pure (r, p, d'')